Best film ever made. Go

Best film ever made. Go

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Howard the Duck

Attached: 4.jpg (960x1440, 335.29K)

Bambi vs Godzilla


Jive Chicken

Attached: jivechicken.jpg (351x500, 34.11K)


it’s the ultimate anthropomorphic animal movie.

Lawrence of Arabia
Anyone who said otherwise are either women, trolling, or people who haven't seen it

Attached: lawrence_of_arabia_ver6_xlg.jpg (1078x1500, 430.1K)

is coffee good for you?

Barry Lyndon

They should charge 4channel and hold Hiro for aiding cunnyposting.

Seven Samurai


The Third Man


what do boobs feel like bros i wanna know so bad

All porn should be illegal and socially shamed.

Shame is half the reason its such an epidemic right now. You can't talk about it to people in your life who could help you quit

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Why is it never a webm

Citizen Jive Chicken.
Its got two votes now.
Feels good to win for a change.

>My government is not providing me with a wife to this day. They are murderers.

fuck this you commie/fascist faggots

the one where she shows her footgame.

Based. Just signed it.

Lack of shame is the reason you can find porn in two clicks. Imagine how many less people would be addicted if it was hard to find.

It's like mushrooms. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who did mushrooms. But no one knows where to get it or how.

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>All porn should be illegal
>All porn should be socially shamed


>people dont know how to get psy mushrooms
Are you fucking retarded? You can even grow them yourself, its fucking easy as shit.

Natural Born Killers.

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>Lack of shame is the reason you can find porn in two clicks. Imagine how many less people would be addicted if it was hard to find.
No, lack of laws and regulation are the reason for that.

Let the porn companies try and make a final stand for their vice on the grounds of representing freedom of speech for the common man

Why Citizen Kane of course.


is she underage? link to vids?


>no one knows where to get mushrooms

>more dumb internet outrage that will ultimately accomplish nothing even if pornhub closes(it wont).

Dumb faggot lmao

bitch looks like a busted 35yo roastie

Yes yes all very relevant, as long as you recognize the cinematic importance of Jive Chicken.

All people like you should be killed and publicly displayed

Underrated post

His outrage is really understandable. Porn sucks

Your outrage though, is not quite so sympathetic

I'm against government intervention. We need to return to a social order where women are effectively privatized and can be bought and sold and married off. The matchmaker would, for a feee, give a wife to me through a contract with my parents. No government or taxes needed.
I agree with this for most things including drugs, prostitution etc. I would love it if weed were legal but no one did it and it was considered shameful and stupid. The only real caveat is children. You can't sell them drugs or porn by law. Otherwise I'm unwilling to have the government get involved with mutually consenting adults.

>sex traffickers exposed and arrested
so...What exactly is the issue you fucking mongs?

>pedo uses iphone to film pedophilic porn
>how come apple has not done a thing to make sure people cant do that?



luckily nobody cares what morons like you think

Porn is the worst thing humanity has ever created. Prove me wrong.

Let me know how that limp wristed attitude feels when they have you submitting personal info just to jerk off. You know because it's "shameful".

>out of tens of millions of films on the website, a few were of sex trafficking
>exposed and arrested.

I dont see a problem.

>but think of the kids!!
fuck off

>I cant control myself and im also a loser and all i do is jerk off in my room

Porn is not what made you a loser, its simply a consequence of you being one.
go solve your problems instead of creating more for normal people.

People like you exist.



>Porn sucks
Pornography is what is lowering violent sexual crime worldwide.
But beyond that just recognize Jive Chicken as the greatest cinima event in history and be on your way.

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>replying to bait

Dunston checks em


>Fucking retards like this post on this website
Please go back to wherever you came from, you complete dunce


>Pornography is what is lowering violent sexual crime worldwide.

It's creating alot more dangerous mental illness than it is quarantining that which is already extant. Especially considering that there's FUCKING ZERO efforts in the US to keep it away from young children.


Decades of inveterate porn addiction have my wrists in fine shape. (My dick, however...)

>600k petitionairs

>I'm angry and unable to articulate it
Sorry bout that nigga

Unfortunately, like heaven on earth.

>Especially considering that there's FUCKING ZERO efforts in the US to keep it away from young children.
So the problem is actually legislative in nature, not pornography itself.
If you want to lower access to pornography for children then pass laws that punish retarded parents who do not monitor their children. You also don't just let parents twist in the wind.
The government should provide the following: 1. Legislation that forces cellular providers to issue special sim cards for minors. This is so that web access can be restricted based on SIM card identification.
2. Free open net-nanny software for PCs so that parents can secure their home PCs/laptops at no cost.
3. Laws that fuck parents in the ass if they do not complete due diligence.

See not so hard.