Simp thread

simp thread

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ugly eyes gross teeth fuck off

is this gonna be the new word i fucking filter ti instantly improve board quality

i love her so much

>it's a 4channer posts a thot they have a crush on episode

it already is

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ay hol up muh fellow S to the I to the M to the P to the S

I'm not a simp I'm a coomer

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Why do people simp for her again?
>annoying personality
>stupid ass aesthetic
>braces and makeup make her look 12

I seriously don't get it senpai

what's the difference tbqh?

there's people in this world that pay for porn
you just cannot make this shit up

I don't pay for porn

>>braces and makeup make her look 12
congrats you have found the reason

I refuse to believe this is real.

>braces and makeup make her look 12
>Why do people simp for her again?

Beating women shouldn't be a crime, it should be an obligation.

couldn't the same be said of any nigger word?

cat = alice
alice = Yas Forums

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What the fuck is a simp? Simpleton?

I take a break from Yas Forums for a few weeks and it's found another faggot word to meme. What the fuck was wrong with oribiter you dumb cunts?

paying for porn is fine imo if you have a niche fetish and paying is the only way to get it in high quality. Like I personally wouldn't do that, but I understand the thought process of
>I really like watching women get sodomized with fish while laying on blue floor tiles and the only way I can get that is to buy porn from some Indian woman
What I will never understand is people who pay for basic T&A from unattractive people who have no life outside of making porn

Simp is simpler

Check this: /simp/i


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my soul has been beaten flat

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Post the one of her fucking her ex plz

>I take a break from Yas Forums for a few weeks and it's found another faggot word to meme. What the fuck was wrong with oribiter you dumb cunts?

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for one thing, orbiter is harder to spell. take another look at your post

Not to be autistic but it's actually less so.

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yes, it stand for simpleton. It's popular with the retard teens because pewdiepie said it and isn't he so based and cool? WE LOVE PEWDIEPIE AND FORNITE, HAHA BASED KEK SIMP ONIONS ZOOMER DOOMER COOMER PEEPEEPOOPOOMER
You can generally disregard and filter any post that uses the word, as you would with any of the other underage filter words of the past.
orbiter is too easy to understand and well-defined already, plus it's three syllables which is hard on the brain.

>take me back bros...

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Dont fucking lie, OP. If she presented her pussy right in front of your face, you'd rail the living hell out of her. I hate people who pretend to be holier than thou.

you have to go back

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How incredibly zoomed must you be to be nostalgic for 2013

While constantly spamming the sluttiest images of said whore they can find

Oh so you're a simp, gotcha.

Look at what's become of you. Get up Contentcop! Get up! I won't let a twitter shitposter steal my glory!

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That is the actual definition. It's an acronym and a word just like thot. Not sure if your post was bait but on the off chance its not then there you are fren

is this not just an orbiter?

Why do heroes always turn to be the real villains?

Only if you're typing fast on a phone one handed. Orbiter actually makes sense; simp is just retarded reaching, it has not metaphorical or etymological basis to mean what it is supposed to mean.
Glad to see some things haven't changed. Still weak though.

Max was always hard into Pokemon, though.



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im a proud simp, ama

what are people paying for though? is everyone masturbating during her streams? i am pretty addicted to porn but i do not understand this.

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>all my childhood heroes have fallen

what the fuck happened bros?

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Go back to twitter, shitskin zoomer

Who are the two guys on the right

good evening gentlemen
i hate women

god you are fucking loser dude.


She was legit shook.

kek you weren't actually fans of any of these e-celebs were you anons?

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It's been a literal year and anons still fall for this bait

leafy got the last laugh bros

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