This show is great when you realize it's supposed to be ironic.
This show is great when you realize it's supposed to be ironic
Chloe the only hot one, the rest are ugly arabs
i'm a kylie guy myself i just can't look at pics of her before cosmetic surgery
The second one from the left has a giant fat ass with the legs of an anorexic. Shit looks fucking gross.
i want her to sit on my face
don't mind if I do
they only fuck black guys
Las criaturas ....
she has a double chin lmao
nah shes hot now, she got fit. she used to be the fat one but thats kim now
(Ellen lookin like she wants to fuck Chloes fat ass with a strap-on)
all i see is OJ
what show is this?
kim and kourtney have been my mains
kourtneys the only one who still looks human and hasnt gone ass deep (lol punny) in plastic surgery
And thats a good thing.
Even the mom and tranny are black owned. What a fucked up country we've become where this is what little girls are supposed to look up to.
still had a decent amount but bimbos will be bimbos
I'd love to put these kardashian wenches into the void forever.
wasnt it rumored she was dating Justin Beiber at one time even though shes like 20 years older than him lol based
I want to eat their dhiarreah
I thought Kourtney didn't
Amazing how Yas Forums uses this word completely incorrectly.
Ironic, isn't it?
a simp upset at words.
classic simp
yeah /r/television is much more intellectual about those sort of things
most women only fuck black guys
asian women are the only ones who don't
My aunt lived with one of them at SMU. And my grandfather's second wife (aunt's mom) was somehow related to them by law enough that her family would get their weird-ass Christmas cards.
only nigger penis can get past these cheeks
im gonna cooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!
that's just how it is
women are barricading their holes so that only black men can get in
didn't know about that but it appears she does like her boytoys
that might be true of the older generations, but young girl aren't taking polls
we have video evidence here
Honestly one of the funniest shows on TV
Only Khloe is OJs
What's so funny?
I still want to see Kourtneys high school sex tape
>crazy night if yk yk
These """""""""people""""""""" must be nuked
You know you know
That's how zoomers speak English
holy mother of cope, batman. Those Asian you’ve been orbiting all throughout high school got pumped full black seed from multiple BBCs
Kendal and Kylie’s dad is Bruce, not Robert Kardashian.
Why can't you defend your women? They are destroying your race
Nobody gives a shit about your generic normie opinion
This makes my physically uncomfortable. Please don't post anything like this ever again.
post more ass pictures. why do i find her huge ass hot but find kims huge ass disgusting
How is it ironic? Its just them living their retard lives. Do you think the Kardashians are Kaufman tier performance artists?
Interracial sex makes me nauseous and uncomfortable. To see a black and white in public dating has always upset me on a visceral level I was never able to control going back to as early as I remember. I would rather die a virgin and remain an incel than ever lay down with a colored or any white woman defiled by one. Few things disgust me more.
There's no other race on this planet so quick to betray their woman than black men.
what the fuck
Because your body is trying to rebel against the pozzing.
how about an asian? they don't have colored skin and are 1000x less likely to have fucked a black than any white woman
cmon thats gotta be shopped
Lol...shes the ugliest one....even the mom is better looking than her