Behind the scenes images

Behind the scenes images.

Attached: faun.jpg (450x600, 250.27K)

Attached: D8Ls47cWkAArDZ3.jpg (1058x763, 98.09K)

Attached: faun2.jpg (450x600, 52.19K)

Attached: twtstv.webm (640x800, 2.87M)

Attached: spielberg-jaws-e1434686107808.jpg (807x615, 87.3K)

Attached: bruce.jpg (1200x800, 93.11K)

Attached: Nice.webm (540x396, 380.15K)

Attached: 77742c393458c3bc98eac08f7bc6cd9b.jpg (2535x1572, 524.86K)

Attached: Alien Dog.webm (500x400, 2.95M)

Attached: 1551066908000.jpg (634x892, 106.77K)

Attached: 10A45CE4-9DBF-455E-A046-89D0A1774E33.jpg (1024x768, 443.02K)

I got one from Deep Blue Sea

Attached: deep blu sea.jpg (524x585, 35.93K)

Attached: 1551644290834.jpg (1800x1274, 251.39K)

This one is from Eight Below. Some Disney movie from mid 2000's I think. The leopard seal scene is pretty much the only part I remember. Turns out they use animatronic to make it.

Attached: eight below.jpg (554x554, 30.06K)

Attached: 1551645032147.jpg (600x296, 39.23K)

Attached: $.jpg (616x467, 32.8K)

Attached: isabellegrill - BzlXqd6iFX6_BzlXqWZC-lz.jpg (1080x1350, 194.2K)

Attached: sunt.jpg (798x800, 87.21K)

Attached: set-maschera-alien-design1.jpg (1588x1083, 140.95K)


Attached: spino.jpg (575x395, 50.19K)

Attached: 6ad3327d46e33df02cd9aff89f5332cc.png (1283x853, 688.23K)

Attached: stunts.jpg (768x960, 266.57K)

Attached: 1577468756605.png (540x405, 372.38K)

>if its got a neck, it can be snapped!

and.... coom

Attached: 14F65E1A-4DBF-4022-844B-22D6DEFDABF6.jpg (768x1024, 256.03K)

Attached: inceptionhallway2.jpg (692x368, 91.39K)

Me on the left

Attached: sigourney.jpg (496x619, 29.11K)

lmao what the fuck. there wasnt an easier way to do that?

Attached: gothamonfox - Bho_zHFBD41.jpg (1080x810, 168.16K)

He looks so sad bros...


The webm that saved Yas Forums

>built a fucking freeway for the film

Attached: 1648910-m2reloaded-freeway32-1528489029-728-21d7fc0d73-1528982350.jpg (728x495, 160.63K)

Attached: rare cia.jpg (850x566, 96K)


Attached: 2ecaa107907063f5272590fde34fdf67-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 120.26K)

That animatronic looks like cgi

Lemme try that again

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 198.07K)

Attached: blade-runner-behind-the-scenes-dust_0.jpg (1000x410, 65.62K)

Attached: aliens-pod-GC.jpg (610x398, 165.41K)

Please dont tell me this was the top in Inception.

Jim Carrey really does have a good frame he would have been an amazing bodybuilder

Attached: 1528314518462.webm (1920x1080, 1.24M)

>its real
wtf bros

White girl ass, she needs a bbc

woah, who is that.

Mutt's law proven again.

>it was actually Ana

Attached: C64_cYOU8AEs_25.jpg (1200x875, 302.6K)


Attached: 03a62a33c0844c6b06471985e9822045.jpg (435x330, 25.71K)

Attached: MV5BMjA2NDk2MDcxMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODc1NTIyMw@@._V1_SX1500_CR0,0,1500,999_AL_.jpg (1500x999, 259.59K)

Why is she so perfect, Yas Forums?

Attached: 80ce52accf20914a33ccbc48b15a7b872795ce81a6413a63dc1fd913840dcaa6.jpg (3105x2033, 1.02M)

Attached: 1551665309405.jpg (2048x1020, 353.84K)

I refuse to believe.

Attached: Quasar Tarantella Directs His Actress.jpg (1400x700, 149.61K)

cgi ruined hollywood

Attached: ghost-busters_06cf74.jpg (1143x768, 94.58K)

>you will never be one of gerard butlers special man friends

Attached: kinski herzog.jpg (1200x843, 140.12K)

How in the fuck does he see to eat

Attached: 166af44eae502f40b1a2e0ea26a79782.jpg (940x494, 298.64K)

Attached: 1437523197110.jpg (3277x2195, 1.75M)

Attached: 1468913245174.jpg (1280x981, 454.82K)

He fucked it

Wtf fauns is a real? I thought it was just an actor in a mask?

Attached: blade runner production.jpg (743x1204, 124.94K)

are you the keymaster?

Maya Hawke

Attached: heard you were talkin shit.jpg (450x600, 216.32K)

holy kek