even with the china virus we still cant get rid of them
What will it take for these fucks to go away?
but how else will remember that orange man is bad and is the cause of the pandemic??? thats the important thing that matters during these trying times!
COVID-19 needs to mutate into a virus that specifically kills only Jews. When every Jew on the planet has expired, and the playing field is filled with entertainers who earned their spot at the top with merit instead of nepotism, only THEN will you be rid of those hosts.
You know I'm right.
surprisingly nobody in late night is a jew
how did Hollywood pull that one off?
Maybe we should try making another thread about them
Did Conan finally cave into political pressure and jump on the hysteria train
oh yeah hes long since joined the darkside. not as preachy as the others but you can definitely see the tonal shift and half the based shit they used to do they'd never do now. i blame richter, with a raging SJW fag like him around he'll always be the voice in the writers room to chine in about a sketch idea being problematic or the king of comedy that punches down or whatever
does anyone actually watch this garbage besides boomers who fall asleep with their tv on all night
The way Conan dresses reminds me how much I despise Americans who think they are Irish/Italian/Polish/whatever. When you gonna learn we don't want you?
David Spade's Lights Outs from home (on his instagram) are the only ones that are actually funny
>china virus
Stop being racist
but it comes..... from CHIA-NUH!
Surely there is one LA user who's infected?
>it's hysteria!
>but also China is responsible for this shit and should pay!
>but also I just want to reiterate it's a minor flu, not a big deal
>please ignore the bodies piling up everywhere
>except in China, fuck them for covering up all those people they cremated
>China isnt a race
>people whom jobs it is to entertain and produce content can’t go to work so they’re making content at home
If you don’t like it don’t watch.
It takes silver bullets to kill werewolves.
Why are you so desiring for them to go away, exactly?
>Americans who think they are Irish/Italian/Polish/whatever
we are
being born in america doesn't change your blood
Conan did a 23 and me and it turned out that he was
>100% Irish
He literally is Irish and is one of the few people in American who can definitely claim that they ARE irish
He's just so absolutely terrible.
how much you wanna bet Conan will appear this week wearing a CHINESE ARE GOOD PEOPLE AND CHINA IS STILL GREAT AND HUG CHINESE PEOPLE AND EAT ALL THE BAT EGGROLLS YOU WANT! shirt tonight
>He literally is Irish
Cool, what part of Ireland did he grow up in?
how much you wanna bet that your mother will die in her sleep tonight regardless of whether you reply to this post or not?
because they suck and arent funny
his show has literally become "Trump says bad thing about some country" CONAN GOES TO COUNTRY TO PROVE ORANGE DRUMPFY MAN WRONG!
That's where you're wrong
What the fuck are you even talking about? I assume modern "politics," that I barely follow
Trump is controlled opposition. It's his job to be a big buffoon and piss people off while making whites and conservatives look like idiots. He doesn't work for any segment of the American public. Obama doesn't. The Bush's and Clinton's don't. The last president who tried to go against the elite got shot in the head
I better see a bat soup episode when this is hopefully over.
Why is this guy so infuriating, but abject child rapists like Larry King don't fill me with the desire to strangle them as much?
Except Europeans don't give a fuck about DNA tests because there have been huge migrations of people all around Europe for thousands of years, only culture matters. Nobody considers you anything other than American, no matter how desperately you cling to a culture that isn't yours.
it looks like you have been barely following anything. so much information you dont know, but its cool. its not like you not knowing things is going to change anything since all you do is use Yas Forums
Ireland is governed by a literal pajeet, is he irish? Blood matters more than dirt.
Yet here you are as well, oh wise and knowledgeable, knee jerk reflexively infuriated consumer. All the things I must be missing from network media, forsooth!
So african migrants are really the new europeans?
>gets mad from not knowing things
>surprisingly nobody in late night is a jew
A shortage of ventilators
This virus is the fire that is cleansing the old growth from the forests.
Shitty restaurants will be purged.
Shitty media will fold under.
Stupid leeches on society will be thrown to the side (by proxy media, mostly at-home bloggers taking about inane shit and 1st world 'issues').
Boomers will finally kick it and stop leeching their free Medicaid/Social Security (SS is a ponzi scheme now, and has been for the last 30 years, and I can explain more or you can Google)
and Boomers will stop consuming most of the healthcare attention once this blows over.
This will also make society re-evaluate what really is a way to make money; aka trade jobs, etc.
This will force more companies to bring more jobs back to America (like Trump wanted, and we wouldn't be short supplies if CEOs/rich shitlefties didn't outsource everything to China)
Either which way, temporarily, this will be a great rebirth.
No I'm not a Berniebro lmao. But it definitely will echo some of Bernie's ramblings.
Also Yas Forums related, totally, OP.
Post it coward faggot
is he jewish? he does have a kikey nose but couldve sworn it was debunked and hes irish or something
Europoors have copied and consumed American culture so hard in the last 75 years you retards aren't even aware of it anymore because it just seems normal. inb4 meme quotations reply
>Either which way, temporarily, this will be a great rebirth.
I mean, either way, after this temporary setback, the long term looks to be a great rebirth.
Sorta fucked up there.
Is Kimmel crying again?
>I'm so far down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories that I get all my news from a man wearing a tinfoil hat and I'm not paying attention to the most important event of the last 100 years
>also none of it matters because I'm a schizo and everything is controlled by a secret shadowgovernment anyway
ok schizo
Protection dog has ended you.
You act like a faggot and a nigger suck my dick.
Remember when Richter sperged out about the Swedish German jokes?
lol yeah i was just thinking he does look like hes trying not to cry in that pic, did a lion die of corona or something?
>Damage control
Who says "forsooth" when they're angry, dearest friend of mine? I'm merely poking fun at you for your unwarranted, reflexive, programed political outburst earlier.
There's more things to "know" in the world than any single brain can remember, I'd imagine. And then, how much of that knowledge as well is garbage that has no value? Or that only/mainly serves to incite conflict between strangers? I do wonder
is jimmy fuckin crying AGAIN?!
>lets ruins the global economy because of a flu
God I fucking hate boomers. Before they die they had to finish the job and leave us in abject poverty. It's time to band together and kill these billionaire jews.
Literally can't put a name to any of their faces
Listen up, zoomer cunt. You only own things, because we allow you to. We own YOU. Every part of your existence is made possible because of us, and we can take it away whenever we like. It's going to be a very, very long time before you'll ever be your "own self", because we have many decades left before we die out like you wish we would.
In the meanwhile, enjoy paying us rent. This so-called "boomer remover" virus isn't going to wipe us out. Not in the SLIGHTEST.
Yours Sincerely,
P.S. You're a fucking faggot and you'd better smarten up and start listening to your elders. Your BETTERS.
I like how they all wear cheap clothes and go to normal looking places in their houses to hide the fact that they're multi-millionaires living in multi-million dollar homes in gated communities.
Jimmy Fallon's show the other day was nuclear levels of cringe.
Yes, I think government and media are owned by banks and corporations, and these organizations work together to advance their private interests over the rest of society subversively and by proxy.
Basically, the super rich own the media and use it to get everybody else fighting.
I wonder if it's more schizophrenic to believe that, or to be impulsively outraged and aggressive to anyone who does.
Fallon looks to live in some kind of log cabin or something lol its obvious they bolted new york city like see ya suckers enjoy the coronies we'll be safe in our secluded summer homes
>Yours Sincerely, Boomers
I would believe this if it was written by a chinaman. The US is fucked. We're going to be brazil 2.0 only instead of a small white ruling class it's going to be psychopathic chinamen writing our draconian laws
Hope like hell that LA breaks down into ethnic chaos and they start raiding those Hollywood hills where these fags all live.
The pages running Ireland was born inDublin, Ireland, grew up in Dublin, Ireland, he is an Irish citizen, he lives on the island of Ireland, he gets up in the morning, reads the Irish paper, eats the Irish food, has Irish qualifications, is surrounded by Irish people and works for the Irish government.
Conan has Irish heritage, but he is not Irish. He was not born there, not raised there, does not live there, does not have citizenship there. He is not a part of Irish culture, has no influence on Irish society, does not contribute to Irish anything. The man has Irish ancestry, but that is different from Irish nationality. So no, Conan is not Irish.
They hated him because he spoke the truth.
Literally the second coming of Christ.
>Corona Virus
>Bigger than WWII
Take matters into your own hands
^This^ and somehow trump is to blame? Fuck whinnie the pooh and anyone who defends the actions of the Chinese Government.
thats, like, just your opinion tho or something
>The pages running Ireland was born inDublin, Ireland, grew up in Dublin, Ireland, he is an Irish citizen, he lives on the island of Ireland, he gets up in the morning, reads the Irish paper, eats the Irish food, has Irish qualifications, is surrounded by Irish people and works for the Irish government.
And Conan is infinitely more Irish than him.
Probably more Irish than you too.