What films would you want to watch on your deathbed?
What films would you want to watch on your deathbed?
2001 A Space Odyssey
Gimme the code before the thread gets nuked
She just inherited all his disease. She's next in the deathbed.
home movies of my kids hahahaha
Death Bed: The Bed That Eats
Shrek 2
left > right ngl
asahi mizuno has the face of a baby chicken but that ass game is too strong
>it's an actual woman having sex
>spic in hs already having a kid
name a better duo
rich white chick in hs already having an abortion
some dead bug kinos
post more
How are jav actresses so prolific when Japan has such a share-based culture? Are all their dads committing sepuku?
What the fuck..how did no one hear her screaming?
yeah, hence they sped up reversing
lol i love it when they do the fish dance
the fast and the furious
for anybody browsing this thread. AJ Applegate made a scene like this that's 10 times better.
Seems like a pretty good way to die really. Just gone without ever knowing what hit you.
What a fucking shitty driver. Even if the truck blocked the view, those people weren't on the actual lane. Must have been a woman.
single. strike.
The weak should fear the strong
Goodbye my friend. You will be missed.
>mfw when those qt japanese tourists you see around your city travel for foreign cock, you just have to talk to them and get their number or line (jap app for messaging)
they're literally just waiting for anyone to talk to them and hooking up to them seems like a normal thing to do. they're shy as fuck obviously but just get across to them that you wanna fuck and they'll be bouncing on your cock raw. i literally got addicted to sex (which also ruined some aspects of my life like any other addiction) by doing this over the span of 5 years. only reason I stopped was because I got a gf
Blessings, thank you
Okay, what the fuck?
I'm not complaining, just curious. How come rekt threads in blue boars have a lot more variety than those in /gif/? Why don't you guys go post there since they're always just posting the same shit over and over again?
anyone has the source?
>missed out on teenage love
Really fucking sick and tired of this shit.
Code for this one as well.
this thread just got based
stupid bitch deserved it
It really pisses me off that Natural High hasn't made any videos in this series with Mom/son incest. Why do they always make it the aunt? Please just once make it the mom like come on man.
What city user? I'm thinking about doing something similar.
>What films would you want to watch on your deathbed?
gay porn
shut the fuck up coomer
Childhood home movies my family filmed
do you have the one where its just a forklift doing donuts on a guy and smearing his guts in a circle?
why are they allowed to operate motor vehicles?
god i fucking hate chinks so much
nah, i prefer to die like pic related
is this a zuko one? what happened to that brand?
do you have the one where the big scaffold hits a wire and cooks them?
What goes through these people's minds?
Calm your racism or I will stop posting.
i live in los angeles so i'm just assuming it works in most cities. also chinese women are not like this, they're actually there to be annoying bad mannered tourists, plus they're ugly. you can try though
She survived with minor injuries.
wew based manlet
looks like a pitbull. this is okay, i'm okay with this.
The driver must have had a heart attack or blacked out
It happens very often
How can you tell they're Japanese tourists?
The Chinese view is that if you save someone, you're responsible for them for life. So it's better to kill them or let them die.
The legal system in China holds the same view.
Oh come on now. This is just a cartoon at this point.
wtf is wrong with these faggot japs?
Source of your current webm?
i miss her
Was he ok?
i am monitoring this thread
Imagine her burying her face like that on your crotch. Or even better, in between your buttcheeks
i've been very misinformed by all the kung-fu movies i've watched. the people in those movies would have easily backflipped away as soon as the sensed a car coming.
wtf i was led to believe that chinks and asians in general where passive?
>calma ur racreesrm preese
they're related
why is this such a common occurence there?
What exploded and what was cause?
>watch documentary on rats
>that scene where they're pulling out half a dozen various parasites from a single rat, not to mention all the other pathogens it hosts
>this fuck is eating it raw
Shutting down wet markets wont be enough. They need hard laws that make it illegal to consume anything that would be out of place from a western convenience store.
Well, the way the driver tried to move as soon as the truck switched lanes, kind of implies the driver wanted to overtake the truck.
The second guy on bike got lucky as fuck.
they literally look japanese and are really short, almost child sized height. plus you can hear them talk japanese. they also dress like japanese which is pretty noticable fashion wise, they wear those wide ass pants or long pleated dresses often with sneakers. it's not hard to distinguish them from other asians if you've been browsing this site for a while or anime in general.
It's not a Chinese view, stop spreading this meme. It started with a case where a good Samaritan helped an old lady who fell off a bus, took her to the hospital. When the old cunt got well, she sued him assuming he's the one who tripped her and that's why he brought her to the hospital. He lost everything and that news spread. Because of that, no one helps anyone in China anymore. Blame social media and the news and the old cunt.
>The legal system in China holds the same view
You'll get publicly executed if you're caught murdering someone deliberately
holy shit that lucky woman
wtf just happened?
Its like they're absolutely mindless zombies
This is some final destination shit, almost like death was like "not today, guy in white".
what? did she just go to a car parking building like that because looking at a phone? this has gotta be fake
fucking hell imagine stumbling across that afterwards. Imagine the smell
kino thread. that's what we need. porn and gore. yes.
1. its not
2. chinks do that to any/every dog
These posts actually make me feel something. I wish I had a wife and children.
nerve gas
Nerve gas.
>hey wear those wide ass pants or long pleated dresses often with sneakers
I always thought it was chinks wearings those pants, since they seemed popular among chinks at my university. I did notice that Japs love their skirts/dresses, though.
>He lost everything
retards walked their metal scaffolding into an overhead wire cos they're too lazy to take it apart
Is it possible to learn this power?
Except it literally was and one of the many purposes of the social credit system was to stop it
Nope, aunt unfortunately. Idk why natural high doesn't make a video from that series with the mom instead but it really pisses me off that they don't.
how do you approach them and what do you say? i have zero experience with cold approaching people.
Yeah well I do, and I wish I didn't.
Whatever you got, no matter how high you've climbed, you can never be satisfied.
this thread was pretty shit until the one based person who posted bug people dying. good work
nerve gas
Yeah and the first thing you would do is have sex with your child you fucking pedo.
she's very flexible
lmao what the fuck? No gore if you're squeemish btw guys. the dude just explodes in a fireball
So this is what happens to the few good people in china
that was the most fucked up thing ive seen this week. fuck chinks.