I just crunched the numbers

There are only twelve (12) people who browse Yas Forums

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based baker's dozen

All me.

Are you one of the lucky twelve, bros?

Makes sense, I only have 10 threads up right now and I'm talking to at least one other person in 7 of them. (The other 3 threads are all me talking to myself.)

Make that eleven (11).

not counting bots and paid shills

So which one of us is the pedophile?

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Yeah, I'm convinced that 50% of the posting activity on this board are just bots. And yet I can't leave.

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I'm the guy that's been making all the Baneposts

I think theres a little more

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I’m the 30+ incel surgeon

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>tfw I'm the 11th

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>one of us

seriously though, how many roughly are on Yas Forums?

So I'm the based one?

well gentlemen, a toast to the 12 of us

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I've made two other posts ITT and reset my router twice.

8 after I kill my selves.

Around 30 males and 5 females

yes, I call us the Dirty Dozen

im the 7th

>5 females

that's 13 tho

Nope. Only 12. I applied the theory of combanitronics with Methus’s summation, then integrated using the Croyang approximation. The I input the data into a Poisson distribution, and after carrying the 1, I got 12 (proof attached)

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Seriously though I doubt there’s more than 100 on at any one time. Anyone else get up and spend 12+ hours a day here?

I feel like a disciple or perhaps an apostle.
Did the other posters dieded from the coronas?

You sure like to crunch, fatass.

Dubs and 11 persons on this board die tonight.

dubs and just this guy dies

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>12 people on Yas Forums
>27 posters in the thread

12 highly committed autists could post 17280 posts in 24 hours

>he doesn’t use multiple IPs
Also this is me btw

In English doc

>empty internet is real

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They're multiplying

...but OP crunched the numbers

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there's thousands of lurkers and hundreds of posters

it's bot obviously

I'll reproduce myself by fucking this user's ass.

? that's ridiculous


1 + 11 = 12

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There are only two posters and I'm pretty sure you're a bot. Sooooooo its only...... me.

Right. If this is true then let's count to 12 right now.
I'll start:

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hi I’m a samefag of someone else itt.
since were already at 33 posters, no one would believe me anyway.

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Dubs and I stop pretending to be 12 different people and take my meds


All of us



All me


they should make a movie when an user spends weeks arguing with people all over Yas Forums about race and politics and stuff but it ends with user being a schizo and him resetting his router manually to reply to himself

There are many lurkers, multiple times the amount of actual posters. And among posters an even smaller group who actually makes (good) threads.
Imagine how small the circle of those is, who contributed to Yas Forums something original and noteworthy...
(This could be applied to the whole internet and the world too desu)

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Anyone else start a thread, then switch to another IP and make an argument, then switch back and refute that argument and so on? Sometimes i get carried away and the thread gets up to 100-200 replies. Usually about capeshit and Star Wars.

>five fe(males)

Do you think Jodelle posts here? Some anons do, but I don't know.

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>trips of truth
oh fug the math checks out...

my isp stopped releasing my ip on demand. it's like they were onto me

11 of them are sneedposters, 1 of them is a cringeposter, makes sense

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If I had a chance since she's turned normie I'd fuck her so hard that her ancestors would feel the shit I was doing to her.

Impregnate my ass user~
(both these posts are by me btw)

not only on Yas Forums, but yes most days

run it again

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damn he's got a nice ass...HEY WAIT A MINUTE

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wait, how can you crunch something not physical like numbers?

Goddamit this can't be right.
Like this user shouted Check your numbers man!

Guys, i've just crunched up the numbers: There are two farmers in this thread.

what’s your game, lad?
what exactly are you up to?

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I make about 100-200 posts on here a day so I must be one of the quieter of the dozen.

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uh oh
math BTFO