
Mekka Lekka Hi Mekka Hiney Ho Edition


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Tasha is my cute tomboy gf (formerly alive)

STD & SPIC aren't canon.

this thread will be weird

first for porthos

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I actually agree, but despite that, for me, it's still Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective

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What difference does it make if something is canon or not? Does Picard being canon actually change anything, or are you just mad at the show because it's bad?

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What are some Star Trek Secrets you'd like revealed?

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who gives a sneed fuck if something is or isn't canon? it's all fiction

>its not canon

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How will she and the cuck react to golem picard?

>who cares? its just a show
reeee normies get out of my franchises!

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Share your pain, /trek/

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What are you talking about?

Anton Yelchin and John Cho and Q's son and Wesley Crusher and Icheb are relentlessly handsome.

me as the girl

Been hatefapping to tripfags and binging STD again.

with an extended info dump while being really cute (and maybe kicking some bad guy ass or solving a mystery!)

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This is a cis white Male debate, gtfo

Somebody last thread said calling it Star Trek is disingenuous. Care to elaborate?

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canon is a stupid thing people who cant distinguish fiction from reality complain about.
>your show is less real than my show!

What a blessed thread!
Didn't Yelchin die because he forgot to put the fucking handbrake on?

I don't even understand canon.

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How comfy were those uniforms the original cast wore in 2-6

And honestly should I just start wearing turtlenecks?

I don't know what I would call it, but it feels like they're using the parts and pieces of the IP to do something with it that's completely absurd. You have all of space to find some assholes and somehow you're figuring out how to make it the Federation. The most compelling thing about the federation in these shows is how insane, incompetent and unreasonable it is.

Why was the Betazoid gift box in Sisko's dream?

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It's really not everything you think it will be. It's like a scarf that you can't remove.

Whether or not Nolan ripped off Don Rosa and DS9 when he made Inception.

Star Trek is an exceedingly bland story universe. The compelling aspect was originally the ship with the crew visiting a planet/setting of the week. When boomers started wanting to set the stories elsewhere, they dun goofed. DS9 is sort of like the mirror universe or the Yesterday's Enterprise universe. It's a setting you think you want to see more of, but you actually dont and before long you're subverting your own premise by trying to put your stories on a ship, visiting a cool planet of the week.

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Where will Discovery and Picard be in 30 years? Like at cons people still love and dress up from TNG. I don't see STD being memorable.

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>should I just start wearing turtlenecks?
It's not for everyone but it's a simple choice that's both elegant and iconic and always makes a powerful impression. It's confident and sexy but not gaudy or flashy, definitely a "strength" piece that draws attention to your face so there needs to be a personality there or a turtleneck can look as awkward as a Christmas sweater but if you can master it you will own the attention of everyone who sees you.


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There will be newer series people actually like and they'll wear those costumes.

Brendan the JUST

How many people do you see in ENT cosplays?

People in your generation remember The Mummy w/Brendan Fraser fondly even though it was a soulless, low quality remake which replaced all atmosphere of creepy occultism of the much better original with McCinema tier 1990s action-adventure movie cliches and bad acting.

Mummy was great tho

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Very few, which is sad. I like ENT better than VOY. The jumpsuits don't bother me. They look practical.

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Like I said.

Yelchin died because his car had a known recall on it because the handbrake was known to come off on its own, and it did, and it slid and pinned him to like one of the pillars on his fence or some shit

I actually think the turtleneck is the quasi-official Star Trek uniform. All the best ones through the years incorporate some type of turtleneck undershirt, including the original TOS uniform shirt, which was a turtleneck.

If I were tasked with creating new trek uniforms, I'd absolutely start with a turtleneck and some sort of belted jacket.

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How often do you see anything besides Kirk, Spook, Woof, or Georgie's viser?

Why are you suddenly saying sensible things?

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At Star Trek specific cons, or "Pop Culture" basedcons?

I want to go to a Trek con but don't know anyone who would go with me

Well heckfire friend, we can go together!

I just stopped in on one that was near me for like half an hour before I was a big trek fan. Data gave me a signed picture

Where do you live?

If I went alone I would just wander the shop stalls and people watch then go home

Florida, like most of /trek/

Initialize Planetary Steralization Plan 5.

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>how do we show that theyre the bad guys
>well give them multiple sterilization plans
>but sir the romulans have never done anything like that before
>shut it racist

>What difference does it make if something is canon or not?
It makes a difference so that someone can't write some garbage novel on their own publishing press and call it "All Romulans Descend From L. Ron Hubbard" and then we have to deal with that.

Someone who saw Picard, please tell me Geordi La Forge is safe. They didn't fuck his character over right?

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What kind of plan did they need to blow up a small settlement with an armada of starships?
Just fucking fire one torpedo.

Shes alive is that what you mean. He doesn't show up and nothing is mentioned about him besides that he is still alive.

I honestly feel like the only valid Trek is The Original Series.

>Florida, like most of /trek/
while the rest of civilization slips into bedlam, resteraunts go out of business, and modern comforts disappear, it feels good knowing i'll still have my chicken tendies sub with dirty chips from publix

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Did Sisko need a plan to genocide the Marquis?

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>he cares about copyright law

He isn't mentioned once.

How you holding up Floridabros? Publix is the only place I go nowadays but we have to stand in commie lines to get into the store. The streets are empty. The liveliest thing that happened lately was a funeral down the street. They really had a blast for a few hours that day.

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>Florida fags
This is what you deserve

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Thank God. He was not corrupted.

my last halloween costume was just me in a hawaiian shirt and khakis telling everyone I was Vacation Tripp

"Ah captain the warp drive is moving smoother than a catfish on a hot day in a cool swam... ahh dang it I'm pregnant again"