All Hail The King.
All Hail The King
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carole > joe “faggot” exotic
He literally did nothing wrong. Fuck Carole
Fuck you Carole!
punished Joe needs our help
Looks like the CIDF (Carole internet defense force) is out in full force today
You think her workers get paid well at least?
Did you even watch the the series?
Joe at least paid his guys a couple and gave them room and board. Carol "Fuckin'" Baskin uses "volunteers" at her "sanctuary" and even admitted that you could volunteer there for 10 years and shestill wouldn't recognize you. That's how much she cares about her "volunteers."
He could spend a few years in jail but I doubt anyone believes he should lose the rest of his life for fucking euthanizing a few old tigers(that he bred). The only people who dislike him are feminists who are afraid of his masculinity and the simps who worship pussy. God I fucking hate women
fuckin a
I love when Joe pretends to sing his country songs he obviously doesn't sing
>netflix is already hugely popular
>implying they need to shill on a niche Cambodian yak breeding forum because they're that desperate
sure thing schizo
Everything the Alt-Right said about the downfall of society is correct. America is just Weimar 2.0, and it needs to transition into something better.
So you're saying that they work for free? Who would do such a thing?
confirmed for selling his ass for meth to a lunatic fag
Life of a simp
>implying you can't pirate Tiger Kino
>We all find vaginas icky, right my fellow straight men?
Okay Yas Forums so I saw the threads about this shit and decided to watch it. I have spent 10 plus years in the exotic animal trade specifically with venomous snakes. I tuned in and saw my good friend Tom Crutchfield and am scared to continue. Do they go into Birds and Reptiles more cause those are my life.
look at the hookers that work for that Bhagavad Gita guy. Bitches will do anything for BIG PUSSY.
no, there is some crocodile shit, but its pretty minimal.
Joe was just a showman that shitposted in real life too much. If he didn't bother trying that retarded Big Cat Entertainment mockery, he would have never been sued by Carole.
He just rants and rants and rants
Even Doc did more for his workers than Carole Baskin. His cultists were paid $100 a week and given food and board.
How did this guy get so much pussy? He looks like the biggest try hard of all time.
As long as you are not dumping King Cobras into the neighbor's cow pasture or snatching sea turtles off the beach, no one could give a shit about reptile trading. Personally, I love reptiles. If I had the space and the time I would dig up a pond for gators and alligator snapping turtles. Those fuckers are beautiful, terrifying and apparently delicious if the Cajuns are to be believed
I live in the area where BCR is located. Up until this documentary they’ve had an extremely positive public perception here so while I haven’t finished it yet I’m curious as to what makes people think they’re such a bad organization. All it takes is some research to see what people say prior to this documentary and you’d see it’s almost all overwhelmingly positive
He paid them. Did you even watch the show, nigger
Fuck off Carole, you're going to prison
His wingman has red pussy hair and tiger cubs
Did you go to Chamberlain or Gaither?
I’ve literally never heard of any specific person in this organization til this show, just the organization as a whole. She may or may not have idk I haven’t seen enough of the documentary to have an opinion. All I’m arguing is the organization has done a lot of good and prior to this is very well regarded here
Nah I’m not that close, but still in the bay area
>Carole probably murdered her husband for his money.
>She attacks other places with big cats, despite the fact that living conditions for the animals on her ranch are as bad if not worse.
>Personally attacking people like Joe, causing him to lose money just means that he has less money to look after his animals and must breed more cubs so he can stay afloat financially.
How’d he get a hot wife though?
>who are afraid of his masculinity
alt right blowhards actually hate the hilarious shit and situations that this country produces, wow. stop hating on your own country and laugh at its quirks
But what about people that will tirelessly work online to maintain someone else's reputation, free of charge? Surely those people don't exist?
>me? Killed my husband and out him in the mat grinder? Ahahah that's just ridiculous!
I don't care if she killed him or not, she is a legit psycho just by her behavior
Hhuu hello, based department?
ummm... i might be wrong here but... i THINK some women are attracted to money
Carole murdered her husband then fed him to her Tigers and buried his clothes, head and bones under the septic tank.
Almost nothing in that grid is correct, faggot
Fixed it
that is better, saved
Travis was completely chaotic neutral. All he cared about was having fun and smoking meth. Being incredibly good looking doesn't change that.
Joe did at least at one point care for his animals and therefore better suits chaotic good.
Was Joe's husband trying to kill himself or did he accidentally blow his head off because he thought the Ruger wouldn't go off?
both probably
i think it was just an "accidental" spur-of-the-moment kind of thing. they said he was always pointing guns at people, and he was always high. he was also obviously stressed as hell being a straight dude forced to be gay in this weird zoo prison
He had clearly made some bad decisions in his life. Firing a gun at his head because he thinks it isn't loaded doesn't seem out of character for him from what I saw.
Travis was definitely cute
Shame he was a crazy meth head
Doc isn't evil. Neither of the obese shitbags on the left are lawful.
>doc isn't evil
he runs a tiger-based sex cult where he is this kind of god-king figure. dude also fuckin kills and grinds up tigers and other animals when they stop being useful tools for makin money.
>All it takes is some research to see what people say prior to this documentary and you’d see it’s almost all overwhelmingly positive
Because they don't allow any criticism. They delete any mention of it from their webpages and videos so they can gaslight wine aunts like you.