Most popular characters in the world according to google trends

> Most popular characters in the world according to google trends
Thoughts Yas Forums?

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Where is my wife Rapunzel?

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Dragon Ball, Pokemon and Harley Quinn are shit. I don't know anything about Barbie. The rest are fine.

>more than 1/3 of them are Blue-eyed Aryan Blonde
Prove that pure Whites are the master race

Looks like a green eyed Alexa Bliss.

>only 3 women
Based and patriarchypilled. The he-man marches on.

Capeshit is for low IQ faggot nerds who think they're smarter than they are.

Capeshit > Shonenshit

>no superman
fake list

Hasn't been relevant in 30 years

Shounenshit is just weeb capeshit.
Its exactly the same thing.

>he thinks superman is still the biggest superhero in the world
And I suppose you think all the kids want to drive Mustangs and rock and roll is the cool genre with kids?

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We have good capeshit movies, there's only one good shonen (Soul Eater)

>there's only one good shonen
Yeah and its Detective Conan.

I'm surprised Thor is there. Wonder Woman made a billion and Superman is Superman.

That's because Shonen gets adapted as anime series, not movies. Shonen series like One Piece, Naruto and Dragonball are neverending repetitive stories for 7-12 years olds, just like Marvel Capeshit Universe.

>Elsa and Spider-Man

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Holy shit looks like Goku beat Superman after all.

> No Harry Potter

7 out of 12 owned by Disney Disney got DBZ movie rights in the fox deal

I dream for a 3D animated Dragon Ball trilogy.

there's no way goku is more popular than fucking pikachu

>Attempt to make a new strong female character for girls to look up to, they look exactly like Barbie except SLIGHTLY shorter face.

Who was in the wrong here?

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Kids know more about Thor and Ironman than Superman and Batman, gramps.

but......DC Crisis Rebirth made every superman feat canon.............

Detective Conan isn't like that.
Its a family series. For all ages.

soul eater is absolute fucking garbage

>The one on the right can't smile fully because that would be white privilege to be that happy.

who is googling barbie?

You're forgetting that the entire hispanic world loves Goku more than Jesus.

Me :)

No idea, but it's the most googled thing of all time behind Santa Claus & decisively beating out the top searched people (MJ, Jesus & Britney)

Russians and Koreans

it's been over for a long time now and the grindelwald and sjw fest with rowling isn't helping, it's more of a nostalgia thing now.

Go to a small African village where nobody has a tv and ask them who Thor is

Considering that I don't trust that Google's trends are actually real and not simply bought? Not too many thoughts, to be honest.

You think anyone in a small african village is gonna know Superman either?

>all white and straight
B-but we need to go woke

>Thoughts Yas Forums?
I think Americans are ugly and stupid as a whole, their country and countrymen are an absolute joke and they are easily the laughing stock of the world

McDonald is?

>Harley Quinn

>Kids know more about Thor and Ironman more than Superman and Batman
This is so fucking wrong. Supes and Batman are still the two most popular fictional characters in the world. Thor and Ironman are C-Listers in comparison to them. Hulk and Spiderman are the two most popular Marvel characters anyway.

Nuwars Btfo yet again.

Superman and Batman are no where near as popular as they used to be.

You should check if they use google trends first

he is well known for sure but no one google about him

> Harley Quinn - Straight
She's been canonically been married to Ivy since like 2015, the TV series made it canon as well

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>Supes and Batman are still the two most popular fictional characters in the world.
He talked about kids. Given the number of them that I saw in the theaters during endgame, I wouldn't be surprised if that was true.

Evans and Holland and Simpkins and Hemsworth and Pratt and Rudd and Gylenhaal and Osterfield are relentlessly handsome.

Ok boomer

Demographics user. Kids don’t dress as Superman anymore. They dress as Ironman etc. Superman is a boomer hero.

The protagonist of the film is a redhead, but everyone knows that blondes are just more attractive

Wolverine would have been up here a decade ago.

>Kids look up to a misogynistic arrogant asshole wearing a tin can suit instead of the most iconic superhero of all time
Ok, zoomer.

I see A LOT of men, women and children wearing Superman merch. The only popular thing with normalfags from Marvel is Spiderman. And Spiderman recently lost to a popularity poll to Supes anyway.

Yes, and Joker isn't a movie for 7-12 year olds. The exception doesn't disprove the rule.

Let’s write kino involving them.
>based joker is running down an alley when an interdimensional portal opens before him, and who steps out? None other than_____

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Meant for

Where's Sneed?


I imagine Barbie must have a website that girls visit and play games on + parents buying the toys.

Boris Johnson

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Imagine a REAL superhero crossover. A new team consisting of Superman, Batman, Hulk, Spiderman, Wonder Woman and Wolverine. No filler nobodies like Hawkeye, Black Widow, Cyborg, Flash. THAT would be a real crossover event.

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who's the villain?

Donald Trump

>None other than Jokers dad, Iron Man. He says_____

>Hulk and Spiderman are the two most popular Marvel characters anyway

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The villain would be Darkseid, Galactus, Mad Jim Jaspers, or Dr. Doom with the Infinity Gauntlet.

Just checked right now for Ethopia, here are there favorite things
> 1. MJ
> 2. Britney
> 3. Spider-Man
> 4. Barbie
> 5. The Joker
> 6. Batman
> 7. Cinderella
> 8. Iron-Man
> 9. Goku
> 10. Mickey

Yes, Hulk and Spidey are the most iconic names from Marvel. You are legit insane if you think Ironman and Thor have the legacy, worldwide appeal of those two.

It's late gramps