The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote
The avalanche has already started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote
Dude just tell me what you want, im ordering take out.
Any Babylon 5 fans out there, I highly recommend reading "The Dilgar War" fanfic
Is the Mars thing any good? Crusade?
Mars thing?
Crusade was very comfy. It's a shame it was cut short.
I should really finish watching Babylon 5 at some point but the main story of the show was seemingly wrapped up so what the hell is the last season about.
The aftermath, and the set up for Crusade with the Drakh
The Telepath Crisis is the weakest part but still worth seeing
Babylon 5 was under threat of cancellation after every season basically from the beginning; one of the pitfalls of not being aired on an actual network
It really was looking like Season 4 was going to be the last one, since PTEN (the pseudo-network the show aired on) was getting the axe, so JMS crammed as much main story as he could into that season, so a 4th season finale wouldn't leave a thousand plot threads hanging; that's why the Shadow War and the Earth Civil War both seemed to resolve at breakneck speed
(Fun fact: had JMS proceeded with his original 5 season plan, the season break between 4 and 5 was slated to occur immediately after "Intersections In Real Time")
But once he'd finished the season, the execs at TNT saw it and they were like "This is amazing stuff! We'd like to air your show's fifth season!"
To which JMS was surely like "Uhhhhhhhh......sure?"
So Season 5 devotes most of the screen time to the two big remaining questions: what to do with the telepaths post-Shadow War, and paving the road towards Centauri Prime's eventual downfall
The first of those two arcs is thoroughly crap, since they decided to base it around a brand new and thoroughly unsympathetic character; the other one is pretty okay....Peter Jurasik does the best he can with what he's given
I would recommend watching it for completionism, but 5 is easily the weakest season
I want to live long enough to see them cut your head off and put it on a pike as a warning to future generations that some places aren't worth the price. Then, when I look up into your cold, dead eyes I'll take out my dick and wave it.
>Just like this.
Also, the last episode of Season 5 "Sleeping in Light" was originally meant to be the finale of the 4th season, had it not been unexpectedly renewed for a final season
So it got pushed back to the very end and they had to rather hurriedly film a new season finale, which is how we ended up with the very strange "The Deconstruction of Falling Stars" instead
>both seemed to resolve at breakneck speed
Which, looking back, does suck.
But when I watched that for the first time as a kid, season 4 blew my fucking mind. I was addicted to B5.
B5 did have great human ship design.
they did really good sfx work in general, despite having to do it all on comparatively underpowered hardware
There is something extremely sexy about the ugliness of human ships.
More importantly
B5 remembered space is 3 dimensional and always had ships using it.
No other sci fi show has ever done this.
It had cool ship design in general.
Keegan Macintosh who played Prince Vintari is relentlessly handsome.
It's hard to pick between Narn and Centauri ships for aesthetic
Did Babylon 5 invent the idea of mass drivers propelling asteroids at a planet as a form of weapons of mass destruction or did they borrow the idea from another scifi book/series?
We need more B5 memes in this world.
Heinlein had mass drivers in "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"
the concept of "kinetic bombardment" didn't really take hold until the Space Race kicked off
Wikipedia cites The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Heinlein (1966) as an early example
Man Vorlons are such dicks.
Cool thanks
I love this.
Centauri being assholes and blockading the station, so the Narn try to either play the hero or take advantage of a lone Centauri ship to destroy. Classic Centauri and Narn.
"Some ice cream, that's what I want. Can your associates arrange for that, Mr. Morden?"
She was hotter in season 1.
Sheridan was my childhood hero.
I admire people who nuke their problems away.
The Shadow War ends way too quickly, there was clearly meant to be more build-up. The Shadow War was clearly meant to span about 12 episodes, but got cut to 6 episodes so JMS could end B5 at season 4.
Why is Kosh such a great character?
VorChan ships have such a great design.
Jokes aside I'm related to a crew member of the Enola Gay
Sheridan was my childhood fap.
accidentally predicted modern Star Wars and Star Trek
t. delenn
With other subplots going on in season 4 - the Minbari civil war and the Telepaths and the Agents of the Shadows - the season would have ended on the cliffhanger of Sheridan in custody
The first four episodes of season 5 would have then concluded the earth war story in the way it ended in season 4
And then it would have had the Interstellar Alliance, Drakh, etc
He is an enigma wrapped in a mystery within a riddle.
And yet he is somehow honest and noble.
The Omega design had a lot of clearly visible features that were never used:
* missile ports along the sides are the most obvious
* the rotating segment was supposed to be used for launching fighters, creating a sphere of them around it just like what the B5 station did
* the big guns under the docking bay, they were supposed to be similar to what the Narn ships had
So without this the ship ended up looking kinda underpowered
Were humans the only race that didn't get along with their telepaths?
No, the Shadow War played out exactly as intended
The Human civil war was sped up to conclude by the end by jettisoning the other subplots developing in season 4 - you'll notice the Minbari internal conflict just sort of fizzled out for example
I don't remember this battle.
It's from one of the movies.
Specifically that direct to video one they did in the 2007 to try to revive the franchise, it had two mini-stories in it
One of an exorcism on B5, and the other of Sheridan meeting some Centauri kid who will someday be the Emperor, and that battle is of a possible future that Galen shows him
It's a shame we didn't get the Garibaldi story.
the strieb were apparently named after the author Whitley Streiber
I liked Crusade. I wish it had lasted longer.
The Centauri kid was relentlessly handsome.
TNT recycled the idea into their low-budget Michael Bay series The Last Ship
Its cancellation has to be the weirdest thing I have ever heard about in a tv series
Apparently the network were deliberately fucking around with all sorts of ridiculous demands being made to change the show to try and force JMS to quit or give them an excuse to shut it down, and they must have succeeded because it was cancelled before it ever even went to air
The acting actually got worse.
I can still hear the sound effects of the weapons