did you ever boycott a director/actor
Did you ever boycott a director/actor
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How many children did she murder?
the jidf that she supports? millions
uh... yikes!
>hating on Palestine
I still don't know what palestine even means LMAO
but it's ok if kikes do it
Joseph campbell was called anti semetic because he said the idea of a chosen people is obviously archaic for the modern world.
Not enough
is that nose shopped
Does that kid's mom know she's letting a tranny be alone with her kid? Why does "Gal" stay in the closet? He'd have more fans as an openly hideous tranny.
I hate Kikes, but fuck Palestinian's too, best result would be them genociding eachother
It is. There are no chosen people or chosen one on Earth.
The idea that it's completely acceptable to kick out an ethnic group of their homeland just because "God said we can have it" in the 21st century is despicable.
I don't know why so many are ok with that
You guys really think Wonder Woman would just kill children like that?
That's her daughter, retard
I want to drop her off in the middle of the Gaza Strip naked.
>Judaism is the only religion where ethnicity and religious belief are blended into one
Literally makes no sense whatsoever.
Being Jewish should only count for religion not ethnicity
>Gal Gadot kills the last remaining Palestinian child
Next you'll say that nata lee portman or micheal obama is a mother.
amazingly not
although it does some off when she removes her glasses
I want to drop her off in the middle of my bed naked.
Yea, i'm thinking based
>try to sell "push up jeans" that accentuate your ass
>choose woman with an ass as flat as a pool table
>swn bash you in the face with her rifle, make you her POW, and then gas you
>I don't know why so many are ok with that
because anti-semitism laws
she's hiding behind a child
Ron Paul Israel Created Hamas
>733 BC
>Peoples courts with juries
Pretty dumb post
Every middle eastern person can lick my crusty Mutt asshole.
I boycotted a whole country.
Death to Israel
even jesus?
The most blatant display of false advertising. Might as well put the jeans on a surf board and say how great an ass it has.
Who gives a fuck about muzzy children, they're used as shields anyways by their own parents
Steven Spielberg for claiming "Shindlers List" was a historical event.
YAAAAS! I love Israel! Especially how they broke every UN Resolution and Geneva Convention Agreement they signed in order to illegally expand onto land that isnt theres. And then when you point it out they cry antisemitism and mention the 6 billion...So based!
"lol I'm an uneducated dumb cunt lol"
literally ALL of them. except james woods, hes kinda based. and this dude, of course.
Israel created ISIS
6 million
There are secular arguments for Israel, however. Look at the history of diaspora, destruction of the Temple, displacement of the Jewish people. Consider the sparsely populated nature of the region in the 1800s. "A land without a people for a people without a land". Alan Dershowitz, a secular Jew, wrote a book called The Case for Israel without appealing to chosen people or the Bible.
literally this lel
this is how little self awareness these people have
they're aware. it's called pilpul
You can come up with any number of reasons to get something if you really want it.
who the fuck do you think push up jeans ads are targeting?
Except there were people in that land
And historical arguments from the Roman empire period shouldn't hold weight in the 21st century
Brow ridge
What a weak rebuttal.
never saw the appeal
>Quadruple facepalm
It's like they read this thread.
Those are really arguments for kicking people out their home
I'm pretty sure the media backlash she suffered over that cringe ass 'imagine' video is precisely because of the danger of the general public's ire turning towards her flagrant zionism.
I boycott Spike Lee because he hates whites
40 acres and a mule productions? Fuck you, you pompous nigger
>we slept toge-
Yes, PolanĚski (although I did see him in A Generation) and Allen. I've never seen any of their faggy movies and I don't need to either.
Is it? Are you implying that the number one reason they want the land is for non secular reasons?
cringe and bluepilled
erev tov ya yahudi kalb
>Tfw you just find out the "jewish question" is fat welfare queens crying about smarter/more successful people
this. the elite banking cabal just made a bunch of crazy excuses to seize the land. now they have a middle eastern outpost
I'm saying they're not wrong to want some land somewhere. They've been kicked out of so many places, and it is where they're from originally.
lmao get fucked ahmed
Jews should know this better than anyone else. Look at the nazis.
I refuse to watch a movie with a bunch os skeletons
eat less food & lose less wars. 2 ways to not get btfo
Why do amerigoyim care so much about Israel? Can anyone explain it? Why do they care about some shithole in the middle of nowhere full of kikes?
exactly user thank you on behalf of jidf for posting
Shouldnt they be fighting for land in africa then? Its very clear that they want the land solely for talmudic reasons. Theres a certain point where you just need to let go.
get a job welfare queen
I really got to have faith in her that she was going to be in shape but she doesn't seem to mind the jobs gets
Tranny body
it's only right-wingers that like Israel. lefties and minorities hate it. When the white race dies in the US so will support for Israel.
This is true everywhere in the world. Find a right-wing nationalist leader and he'll be pro-Israel. Find a left-wing globalist leader and he'll hate Israel
I haven't paid for a tv show or movie since 2009
shouldn't have lost those wars
>They've been kicked out of so many places
There are Semites and there are those who are not Semites. There is no such thing as a Jewish race. If you want to select for specific genes and call people with those genes 'Jews' you can, and that's certainly what these geneticists are doing. I suppose you could do the same for Germans by selecting certain traits, such as blonde hair and blue-eyes and declare everyone with these markers as 'German', but does that make it so? Is German then a race if you do this?
These very same people claim race is a social construct. They denounce intermarriage within their own group, while at the same time promoting it for others, even going as far as calling anyone who does not take part in intermarriage a racist.The real Jews are Africans, Europeans, Asians, and people of all walks of life who follow Jewish traditions and religion. They are not a very select group of people who have to take a DNA test to determine if they are carries of specific genes.
If Germans were to select for specific genes in the same way, and call those genes 'German' I'm sure they would have an outstanding I.Q. as well. What geniuses they are! True Germans are only 0.2% of the world population and look at all they have accomplish compared to you Semites.
I boycott anti-Zionists because I vote Trump
cuz it's what happens. Look how many places whites have been expelled from
based anti-open borders nationalist
>rule world
>not actually exist
based incel logic
or just Tranny
>it's only right-wingers that like Israel.
I'm considered generally Right-Wing and dislike Israel -- or, rather, the billions of taxpayer dollars guaranteed to it every year.
Fuck Israel and fuck Palestine and fuck that whole area. Couldn't care less what they're bickering about. Let them solve it.
wars/conquest is how all borders are formed. Arabs lost and need to accept this.
>I'm considered generally Right-Wing and dislike Israel
small outlier
>-- or, rather, the billions of taxpayer dollars guaranteed to it every year.
0.01% of US GDP. US spends more on bases in Japan each year
There are only khazar milkers and goy flat chesters
you can use anecdotal evidence all you want but just look at a list of modern conservative vs. left wing parties in the west and see where they stand on Israel
>when the antagonist learns from the protagonist
>US spends more on bases in Japan each year
BASEd japan
why are they so fat?
It's a copy/pasta from a deleted thread I was too late in answering. You're welcome.
Here's a thought: Prove what I said was wrong. Good luck!
>this means every country needs to lick my ass
ok shithead
Why do Jewish women make the best men?
they don't NEED to, they do because you are weak and they are strong. Reality sux and life is unfair.
Looks like one of those eye-tal-yens to me.
If you hate zionism, only support the bottom row
>you are weak
>they are strong
Oh shit you're serious
>rule world
>not strong
>Sinn Fein
Explain yourself.
I mean according to Yas Forums jews are indeed the most OP race.
>he pilpuls for free
Sinn Fein and all IRA affiliates are FANATICALLY anti-Israel
That explains why lefties and minorities never get bad press in the Jewish media, but "right wingers" do.
I'm starting to doubt the validity of your argument. Unless you're saying the Jewish owned media is anti-Israel too. Although I'd have to question why Israel doesn't get bad press in the Jewish media if that were the case.
I have to hand it to you, you Jews really are the slimiest bastards imaginable.
>rule world
they wish
why couldnt shidler argue properly? didnt he watch a molyneux youtube video?
>lose argument to jew
>invent magic word so it doesn't matter
sore loser tranny
wtf the ZOG isn't real? why are you incels always crying about it then