Is it good?
Is it good?
for me its that cake in the center
2deep4you shit
it's not amazing kino of the century, but it's worth the time it takes to watch it
>Be on level 1
>Eat the whole chicken and shit on the cake everyday
my wife's boyfriend despised its message but i quite liked it
>it's a terrible netflix production suspiciously gets back to back low quality threads episode
I would ride the death platter all the way down murdering every single person and eating them until I found my waifu
netflix distributed it. that's it.
I liked it. Though I'm a sucker for Cube/Circle/Exam kinda deals
Why don't they just climb up?
How about Cube Circle Exam instead of Eat Pray Love and it's about a team building group who has to do all three although if they do it in that order, I guess only one guy is taking the exam at the end
>Supposed message of the movie is "If we all just cooperate and only take our fair share we all succeed"
>Proves this is actually impossible due to human nature, and there will always be a ruling elite who take whatever they can
Gave me some pretty big thinks.
amazing film
funny, gory, scary - fuck yes i rate it lads
borderline buddy comedy
Would be times better if they left out the metaphors and symbolism shit and just made it a dysotopian sci-fi
How does it work? magnets?
How do you have dystopian scifi without it being a metaphor? It's what the entire genre hinges on.
One guy tried. It went ... shitty
Based snail poster
WHY are there so many fucking threads about this movie
How the duck should I know? I haven't seen it
I think he meant keeping the setting/tropes but instead of implying a political statement, making a straightforward jailbreak plot
People burning through anything at all new due to the quarentine
Within a few weeks people on here will be down to level 300 and watching Paw Patrol
>cooperation is actually impossible due to human nature
well shit we might as well all just die. our existence is impossible due to human nature.
Majority are under quarantine so people are getting bored
after that long, i might actually watch Blue is the Warmest Color and Room in Rome in their entirety
Not what was said at all. Not everyone can cooperate with everyone. People will draw lines, form alliances, work against other people. You need a motivation to cooperate; if the other person has nothing to offer you then it doesn't happen.
Based retard.
The movie is not a documentary. It's a satirical critique of capitalism.
154 is not a good level user.... i'm sorry i have to eat you.....
And it fails miserably at that.
>movie goes for "capitalism bad" type message
>instead perfectly illustrates socialist regimes in which the means of production as well as the distribution of wealth is in the hands of the government and nobody can leave and thus everyone has to resort to crime to survive.
No, it is actually very successful.
How does it critique capitalism? It quite literally makes a case as to exactly why communism will never work.
Imagine being this ideologically confused.
Are you literally retarded?
>be on top floor
>jizz on all the food
>establish sexual dominance over everyone below you by forcing them to eat your jizz
Trash. The shiposting threads about it are the only amusing part of its existence.
State capitalism is still capitalism, asshat.
Not as retarded as you apparently
She poop on his face
Are you incapable of making an argument?
Argument against what? You haven't made an argument.
>Trickle-down economics is a form of socialism
Except they weren't advocating trickle down economics. They were saying that every single person, regardless of level, should get the same amount.
That’s not trickle down economics you blithering retard.
Did you even watch the film?
Why wont peopleon first floor just scope everything off the table and then it becomes to hot/cold they just cope everything down the hole ruin it for everyone below
Not sure if you’re a troll or legitimately retarded.
What do you gain from doing so?