did someone say kino
Did someone say kino
I adore short haired tomboys, cant wait to make a porn cut of this and charlies angels
post it here when you do
She should join the Women's Marches to prove her Feminisms, and hopefully die from the act in a case of natural selection just like all Feminists deserve to.
OK incel
pornhub "underwater angels booby edit"
At the end of the day you don't know whether i am an incel or not, while we all now know to point towards Spanish Feminists when asking general society who they wish to lead and govern them between anyone else and inconsiderate mentally incapacitated Feminists.
Yas Forums latches onto the most random movies.
More movies like this that aren't the Abyss or Sphere or Leviathan (this one was total shit btw)?
Didn't read because nobody cares; the thread is about a deep sea horror movie, you fag.
Yo is that the stupid cracker bitch who tried to blame men for her shitty movie failing and wanted to coerce them into watching her dogshit?
You're thinking of the director of Charlies Angels.
I watched this today, surprisingly good for what it is.
Just watch alien desu.
Yeah, I already did, four times even
i wanna make kinos starring kristen and the goose lads, do you think she charges too much per movie?
Nah, she does quite a few indie movies which don't pay shite.
you gotta play the long game. first go to film school. then start making indie movies till you meet a faggot indie producer you can seduce. then fuck him and fuck all his friends till you meet someone who matters. eventually youll have enough connections to start funding bullshit arthouse canne festival films that start getting you recognition in the world of faggots after a couple decades you may be able to manipulate her into doing one of your movies for free by selling her with the 'my movie has a deep meaning' bullshit
not in this thread
watch camp xray famalazoid, the ending made me tear up
Her cuteness is Lovecraftian
Coom time bros
neat. What about the goose? he might be more expensive but afaict he does low budget movies with good scripts
this is your brain on Yas Forums
I find this guy to be relentlessly likable, even when he was playing a home invader.
Why does she look like Gollum?
i don’t usually like kstews attitude but as long as she’s willing to flash this booty, she’s totally redeemed herself in my eyes.
based redditor
I just got the part where they find the little alien slug thing. I can already tell by the way the discovery and quick cut back to the pod was edited this thing is going to be even more of a shit show. I'm just hoping it's relatively passable like Virus. I'm a sucker for small group trapped underwater/in space/whatever has to survive an evil entity.
Ah yes, the irish ass. Delightful
>that cringy monologue at the end
>Light this shit up
no, is shit. Not KS fault to be fair.
Nah it's gino (kino+vagina)
>tfw nothing comes up
i like gifs better they remind me of a simpler time where everything auto loaded and looped
>it's afraid
>kstew and henwick in their pantsu at the end
yeah i'm thinking i might not delete this one, lads
it's too bad the QT asian wore a shirt.
>the two weebs in the crew were the first two to die after the Kepler bulkhead was closed
Absolutely and positively based
Please make a supercut of all the panty scenes including all the henwick shots so I can delete this piece of shit.
i bet you larp as the things in the gifs you post.
No they did not
It's not that good, man. Personal Shopper might be the kristen stewart film that comes closest to kino. Of course, we remember this timeline is the one without The Big Shoe.
It was okay. I personally like Charlie's Angels better.
Someone make a webm of the decompression death already
you got me
god this movie sucked.
I'm usually down for this chic but she just awkwardly ran around and delivered some horrible acting.
Surprisingly Kino. A cult classic in a decade.
so what happens in this movie is it just some sea monsters fucking stuff up or is there more to it
Pretty much undersea base collapsing, nobody knows what's going on so they have to walk across the ocean to get to some escape pods and some monsters turn up. It's decent
Its literally just that, they don't even have the standard preamble where a bunch of boring characters sit around and pretend to talk about stuff for like 20 minutes before the first attack, and I actually respect that. It starts when the shit hits the fan and then its just an escalation of that until the movie ends. Only things that hold it back are Kristen's acting being kind of off and the small cast means we don't get a lot of kills in the movie, when this would be perfect to have people picked off in bigger numbers. Overall, it was nicely done, the suits were great, effects were great, monsters were good to meh, and the atmosphere was perfect.
How often, if at all does she show pits?