>I am totally unappreciated in my time! We can run the whole park from this room, with minimal staff, for up to three days. You think that kind of automation is easy? Or cheap? You know anybody who can network eight Connection Machines and de-bug two million lines of code for what I bid this job? Because I'd sure as hell like to see them try!
Was he right? Was Hammond really unappreciating his work?
Whenever I first saw this movie and he sarcastically said "Thanks, Dad.", I thought that was supposed to be a reveal that Nedry was his son.
I was a dumb kid.
Nolan Morgan
He was right. Hammond was a retarded boomer.
Joseph Perry
If he can do all that then it's enough leverage to negotiate for a good salary, people that accept contracts then cry about the terms after the fact are retards.
In the book Hammond lied about the job. Nedry accepted thinking he would work at a small zoo
Hunter Wood
That's not really that impressive.
John Martinez
What kind of a idiot programmer set his password as "please"?
Isaiah Gray
Yes and yes.
Juan Jones
Not when your client changes the terms of the contract, changes all the work at the last minute, refuses to pay more for them, and then blackmails you into doing it by threatening to talk to your other clients. Which is what happened in the book. Hammond brought it all upon himself. If Nedry hadn't been fucking Hammond in the ass, they would have survived the storm.
Evan Green
One who knew nobody around appreciated him.
Joshua Evans
Jolt was unironically a great cola
Elijah Sullivan
I remember being 12 and buying a bottle from the convenience store with my friend and we were worried the whole walk there that they wouldn't sell it to us because it had twice the caffeine as a coke, my friend kept telling me you had to be 18 to buy one.
Nicholas Lee
>Never had a job to begin with Ya your boss never lies....that's practically their fucking job you fuckin moron
Jaxson Ward
t.never had a job
Carter Bailey
In elementary school I learned that -ped meant foot, and -phil meant to love. Later I heard about pedophiles going to jail for life on the news. I was scared of looking at feet for at least 6 months.
Alexander Fisher
well if i created the fucking dinosaur park i would have make sure my senior programmer of park automatization was satisfied with the fucking payment.
Hammond was shit tier CEO.
Landon Myers
Nigger YOU have never had a job.
Bentley Rivera
You make it sound like a bad thing
Gabriel Moore
You must have been in awful workplaces if your bosses needed to lie to you in order to get you to do your job or sign a contract.
Brandon Walker
Why did the film totally whitewash Hammond and turn a legit piece of shit into a friendly grandpa?
Hudson Phillips
what would it add to the film, it's just fat and well trimmed fat at that
Camden Brown
Yes. In the book, Hammond constantly inflated the job, adding more and more features while refusing to increase the original budget. A lot of the tech was barely tested because Nedry was seriously over-worked.
Isaac Adams
He didn't. He's yelling it sarcastically at the screen because he's frustrated that it's been saying that for half an hour. They never figure out the password; they need to fully shut down the power.
Jack Brooks
Because Spielberg. He has no finesse, and always scrapes down the stories and characters down into easy to consume like popcorn cliches.
Not that Crichton was that great a writer, but he at least tried to have characters with SOME depth to them.
Robert Wright
You might have ADHD Do some testing and see
Owen Price
Lol. Not everybody works in the military or a shit public service, retard
Brody Murphy
>a friendly grandpa So I'm guessing the film went over your head?
Levi Campbell
Lol holy shit you're a moron
Asher Powell
nice retort
Luke Brooks
Yeah because the film was really deep.
Sebastian Watson
Is it even possible to be a software engineer AND a network engineer, fully competent at both at the same time?
Evan Moore
>can't even spell retard correctly AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
Evan Diaz
>that silicon graphics CRT. >that fake interface >Jolt Cola HNNG
>software engineer Please, software engineer is like 20 different subtypes of code monkeys now, all calling themselves “engineer”. >full stack engineer >back end engineer >front end engineer >QA engineer >.NET engineer >mobile engineer
The list goes on.
Hunter Torres
>Using obvious photoshop as damage control HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAH Holy shit
Back then? Maybe. He wasn't a network engineer, though, and he had a whole team working under him. They don't bother to explain that in the movie, he was only on-site to do a round of debugging while his team worked back wherever he was from. He didn't build the whole park himself.
>Samuel L Jackson is a computer whizz and spent his entire life computer whizzing >Hates this hacker crap because hackers dab on him >9 year old girl fixes the problem with ease
>this I like how people can't see the difference between a true Chad fullstack dev and the virgin AngularJS developer who put fullstack on his resume
Nolan Brown
Someone read mad magazine.
Nathan Howard
I worked for one of the sleaziest Jew businessmen in NYC, possibly the world. He sold the company and the new owners wanted to retain a bunch of essential employees, myself included, so we got official offers/contracts from the buyers. Before we received them though my boss says >bro just sign the contract, don’t even look at it >seriously, just trust me on this
Lincoln Ortiz
>I was a dumb kid. How? Children have trouble grasping sarcasm and they don't develop true logical processing until the later stages of childhood.
Oliver Murphy
Nice shop, dude
Hudson Howard
Spielberg identified with Hammond; its why Hammond survived too.
Gavin Williams
White children are more intelligent than black adults, incel.
Chase Thomas
Am I the only one that as a kid thought Nedry got raped by the dilophosaurus in the car?
Joshua Davis
Boris could do it, also he is invincible!
Austin Watson
Lucas Stewart
angular is fucking aids
Brayden Jenkins
Fucking newfags Don't feed the trolls
Cameron Allen
He had to deal with a program that locked down the entire system until you put in the password, akin to those ransomware viruses that encrypt your shit until you pay up. She only had to deal with navigating the directories until she found the program to lock the doors, and that was after the system was rebooted and Nedry's virus was gone.
Leo Brown
I thought the exact thing. Thought he was Hammond's son for the longest time.
Andrew Ross
He didn’t change the terms, Nedry just underbid the contract.
Jace Cox
So are the two of you autistic then? Genuine question
Joseph Harris
>replying to funposters and midwits user...
Leo Adams
Yeah I have diagnosed Aspergers
Jackson Murphy
Hammond was a retard cheaping out on critical systems personal but still shelling out for the expensive 'Chilean' sea bass