Name ONE good comedian that is still alive

name ONE good comedian that is still alive

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You posted the only one.

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Dave Chappelle
Bill Burr
Louis C.K.
Eddie Murphy

Bert Kreischer

Joe Rogan



holy shit

Mel Brooks

Nick Mullen

Norm Macdonald

Who was that one black guy that sperged out about black people going into Black Panther premiers? Him.

>I was in Russia once

What is your gay obsession with this guy? He's a nobody but you keep posting him on this board.

Go to bed Bobby lee

Bill Cosby

Norm Macdonald, that old chunk of coal

Eric Andre

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Dave attell is not only a good comedian but possibly the best comedian ever

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>Doug Stanhope
>Stewart Lee
>Bill Baillie
>Dylan Moran
>Tim minchin
>Jim Jefferies
>Simon Munnery

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Norm MacDonald and Nathan Fielder





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The last Louis CK special I saw in 2017 was awful

Reminder that he PAYS for bl*cked just to see the come.

Donald Trump

who is this?


Brendan Schlaub
beast of a cawmedian
savage in the pawdcast game
killer in the octagon
one of the most talented and influential figures of our time

He looks like he has a rich suburban family and is weirdly close with his siblings

Cover of time magazine when?

not him thats for sure

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nice but I wanted the pasta

can he do anything

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Norm, unless you’re a contrarian or think skinned.

fuck off commie

Jews really can't fight

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joey d or norm macdonald



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Bill Hicks

used to like but he shat on Trump.

fuck him

I’ll be fair to Schaub and say that he actually was pretty good, especially in his earlier fights. He was even in the top 10 of his division, even if it was brief. It was his last few fights where you could tell he went downhill, but that doesn’t change that he was pretty tough.
He’s terrible at comedy though.

you surprised ? his uglier than a motherfucker

I don’t care, because the joke was actually funny. He took “Muh orange man bad” that is exhausted to death and actually found a funny spin by mocking Clinton at the same time.

Why do you like a zionist president that hasn't built a wall and has deported less illegals than Obama?

why are you such a baby?

Tim robinson

Ryan Sickler
Jay Larson

I love Shwaubposting so much

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Demi Lardner

Is that the mom from Onward?

Being fat, retarded, shirtless and traveling to Russia is not funny.

Schaub has negative chin

>bro did you hear a laugh?

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he's boring as fuck and repetetive. He's been around forever though and does well in bar settings so comedians think he's a legend

Doug Stanhope


>"Yep that's me, you're probably wondering how i ended up in this situation."

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Tom segura
Christina P

What is he seeing here?

The funniest Brendan moment is when him and Callen were looking at some fight stats and one boxer threw 56 punches with ~40% landed and other one threw like 18 with 50% landed and he was dead set on the second one having hit more because his percentage was bigger. And Callen looked at him like he was retarded and was holding back really hard not to call him that.

Everything that has ever happened and will ever happen.

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