What are some essential conspiracy theory movies that AREN'T:
>They Live
>The Truman Show
>The Matrix
>Every Kubrick movie
What are some essential conspiracy theory movies that AREN'T:
>They Live
>The Truman Show
>The Matrix
>Every Kubrick movie
Conspiracy Theory.
Just go watch a few episodes of x files. Or star trek Picard
Not a movie, but have you ever watch the prisoner? It’s pretty prophetic.
Not really a "conspiracy" in the grand sense, but Scanners fits in very nicely with this list
Inherent Vice
None because people who believe in conspiracy theories are fucking stupid morons.
gotta add that it has excellent cinematography and writing as well
Under the Silver Lake
what's the theory about truman show?
The Nice Guys
Have you watched it? It's about a guy whose entire life is a conspiracy, he's the subject of a tv show and doesn't even know it
wag the dog
canadian bacon is less conspiracy but similar concept
Cabin in the Woods
A Scanner Darkly
Does Blade Runner 2049 count
Schindler's List
The Pianist
The Boy in Striped Pajamas
The Diary of Ann Frank
There's a ton of movies about the holohoax.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Three Days of the Condor
The Parallax View
Lol I get what you mean but those movies are just Oscar bait glurge for normies, they don't exactly inspire independent thought, unless you ALREADY believe the Holocaust was a myth/exaggerated
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Blow Out
Enemy of the State
100% based classic
Boss Baby
Yep i like that. For some reason it melds in my mind with payback, it's probably mel.
is payback that one movie where mel gibson is a total asshole who orders steaks and then bails on his bill?
>Every Kubrick movie
Whats conspiracy theory about Spartacus?
This was the first film I can remember to subtly redpill the holohoax
Underrated kino.
The Conspiracy
Ok I was exaggerating, but all conspiracy theorists fucking love all Kubrick movies, regardless of actual conspiracy content
>Who are you?
>>The new number 2
>Who is number 1?
>>You....... are number 6.
Except for all the ones that turned out to be true. Then they stop becoming conspiracy theories and become history. But yeah, everyone who believes something before the new york times tells everyone that it is acceptable to believe it is an idiot.
t. CIA
Rear Window isnt really a conspiracy movie but it perfectly conveys that sense of paranoia
The International
True Detective Season 2
I watched 5 minutes of it and it had none of those things.
More of a paranoia movie but I'd say The Conversation.
I mean The Island
Under The Silver Lake
Under the silver lake
Inherent vice
Tinker tailor soldier spy
Slacker (1990)
Should be obvious but Idiocracy
They've already been mentioned but +1 for The Conversation and Under the Silver Lake
Big pharma calling the shots
How to get ahead in advertising... After hours...
shutter island
the moth man prophecies
The cabinet scene is one my my favorite scenes in any movie ever.
Great movie, dated and cheesy at some points, but you can feel the tension in the desert.
If you are looking for a bit more substance with a conspiracy theory aspect to it I would warmly recommend Mr robot.
Moonwalkers (Fake moon landing)
The Mandella Effect Movie (Name says it all)
Also Mel Gibson was in a movie called Conspiracy theory or something like that. That was pretty good.
Btw "They Live" is a film about corporate yuppie-ism and not Jewish control of the world :)
Thank you kinosseur user
The Island
This movie sucked ass and I'd like to say fuck you to anyone who recommended it to me