Any good Documentaries about a lone animal Survivor?
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>5 tiger can'd defeat 1 lion
>11 secs video
Tigers are ambush predators. They can't line up a proper attack in that small enclosure.
>wait a minute, you guys aren't my gf's
What about a Bear vs a Lion (male)?
1 tiger can fuck up a lion
>early 2000's rock starts playing
but how would it fare against a liger?
Why the fuck are all these animals in a tiny cage
Tigers weigh twice as much as lions. Also, nice display of autism in the comments.
>P-please dont h-hurt us Chad Lion!
Wow he sure showed them in that entire 11 seconds
>tigers are the niggers of cats
>tiglet cope
Oh no no no no no bros
Hope the people behind this shit get skinned alive
Aren't tigers actually bigger than lions?
tiger chad
Ever heard a lion roar irl? A god damn 50ft tiger would run from that.
That lion looks pretty fuckin badass ngl
the avearge grizzly bear is about 600 pounds, the average lion is about 400.
Bear is going to have a pretty blatant strength advantage when they start swipign at each other. Even if you had an average sized female which is about 350 pounds against a male lion, the bear is still going to be a threat.
A grizzly bears bite is also roughly twice as powerful as a lions, so even if a male lion was striking harder than a bear, if it got bit its going to lose a lot of flesh and maybe break bones. A lion is far less likely to do that kind of damage to a bear, given its weaker bite force versus a bears much thicker and heavier coat of fur. There are very few if any predators that can contend with bears.
yes, but that's not the issue. Tigers very rarely fight amongst themselves, they are solitary hunters who find breeding partners by scent. Meanwhile Lions live in prides and the way a lion establishes itself in the hierarchy is by fighting other lions. Putting a lion in a tiger cage is like putting the 18 year old 5'8 Mexican boxer who just turned pro into a cage with a 6'1 french wine maker. Is the Frenchman bigger and stronger? Sure, but he's never been in a fist fight.
Ancient Rome used to have duels between tigers and lions in the Coliseum with the tiger usually winning
>King of the foooorest
yeah, Lions are real """macho"""""
The pitbull/tiger video was better
based tiger. kill those chinks
Tigers kills more humans than lions kill humans. I'd rather face a lion.
Depends on the species of tiger. A siberian tiger could most definently fuck up a lion.
Lions literally eat grown up brown bears sometimes. So a lion could probably do it too, 50/50.
Kys, mentally retarded bear autist and fatass. Tired of you freaks.
>There are very few if any predators that can contend with bears.
If by few you mean Zero. The Romans asked these questions long before us, and it turned out there was literally nothing that could fuck up a full sized bear except an extremely angry bull Elephant in Musth, and even then it could go either way.
>the avearge grizzly bear is about 600 pounds
And 90% fat, yeah.
>the average lion is about 400.
And 90% muscles, yeah.
brown bears are tiny fucking pussies. grizzlies are fucking huge crazy killing machines. one swipe from a grizzly could kill a faggot lion.
the jackel
because Lions don't live near people.
Brown bears are the biggest bears, you retard.
Do tigers? I thought they lived deep in the jungles of India or forests of Russia.
id like to see hippo vs grizzly
she really should have thought that through
>Brown bears are the biggest bears, you retard.
what are polar bears
Dumbass. Polar bears are bigger.
You're right though grizzlies are well known to be the most ferocious and powerful.
looks like they're playing
>omg 10 brock lesnar's vs. a bear vs. a tiger vs. a lion vs. a silverback
kys Joe Rogan you dirty pothead autist
that's a shop, bears are way smaller than humans
fucking subhumans putting these animals in tiny enclosures. jesus christ you just know it chinks
what kind of subhuman is doing this shit
what happens when he got his courage though?
He still continued being a lisping faggot.
polar bears are the biggest, and cross bred polar/grizzly bears
I could take on the black bear desu
Is it true that bears are just huge beefed up dogs?
>lions literally eat brown bears
fucking where? Imagine being this absolutley fucking retarded while pretending to be smarter than someone else.
There is no single place on earth where lions and bears cohabitate, making your pants on head retarded claim literally impossible.
>but the sloth bear and lions lived in india 1000 years ago
not the same kind of bear.
You people are just like the Gorilla chest thumping brain damaged neckbeards. You never have any actual facts or data to back up any claim you make about the relative strength of other animals relative to bears, just fucking retarded fan fiction.
>believing propaganda
They are distantly related.
I could fuck up a bear, no problem.
give me a knife and I kill literally any animal that lives on this planet
A brown bear is a grizzly though, what is this?
siberian tiger maybe. not him just saying
IIRC grizzlies are North American brown bears and when someone says brown bear they are usually talking about the Eurasian brown bear which are bigger than grizzlies
brown and grizzly bears are the same
I mean I wouldnt say zero. A siberian tiger certainly would have a good shot, if not an advantage outright.
Crocodiles, given the first bite, are gonna be able to fuck up basically anything up to a certain size.
There are plenty of non predators that could so some damage too. Elephants like you mentioned, as well as Hippos.
Bears at MOST are 20% body fat. Lions generally hover around 10-15%. Its beyond retarded to think Bears arent freakishly strong.
or it could also mean the Kodiak Bear which is the largest brown bear subspecies
I agree about the Siberian tiger, but thats a far cry from your average Lion.
Yeah? What about... A HAWK? Or what about... A BLUE WHALE? Yeah, btfo poser.
>Bear bodies are equipped to maintain 30-40 percent body fat rates, which for humans, is considered medically obese.
what about tardigrades?
Good analogy. I always assumed Tigers were the alpha esp. with the Gladiator stories. Then I a saw a bunch of lions beating on tiger vids.
He'll never recover from that.
>he thinks weight will win the fight
I bet you also are fat and just win by laying on people huh
I never knew this. I was always told Grizzlies were the biggest.
They feast on Indians that live in rural places.
oh fuck read that as tiger lmao. Idk are cougars lions?
Why are people getting angry about the big cats being in a cage? Its literally just one lion and a few tigers, why all the moral fagging?
>A siberian tiger certainly would have a good shot, if not an advantage outright.
No they can't. The simple reality is a Tiger's teeth and claws simply aren't long enough. Big cats kill the vast majority of their prey by suffocation or strangulation, they get a grip on the neck and clamp off the blood flow. That simply isn't possible with a large Bear because they have thick fur, thick and loose skin, and then a thick layer of fat. These are all evolutionary adaptations to prevent other, bigger bears doing the exact same thing to them.
Likewise when you see breeds of dog with lots of saggy skin around their head and neck, those breeds are bear baiting dogs.
Tigers live near chinks and shitskins who cares
ask me how I know you are an american
I bet you think Bruce Lee could beat Mike Tyson.
what about a tyranossaurus rex?? yeah thats what i thought...
Dude what the fuck, is he still fighting to this very day?
the point was that he was always brave
why would chinks put a bunch of big cats in such a small cage together
do you really need an answer to that
To bet money on
Loose skin isnt that great of protection desu. Big cats have loose skin in places too and they still fuck each other up. Tigers teeth are absolutley long enough to do damage to the place they always target, the head.
Thats not a huge advantage but when you consider how Tigers actually fight and hunt its not hard to imagine a Tiger getting a good solid bite on a bears had and going into its skull.
In an outright fight I think its very close but the bear will usually win, but there are realistic scenarios where a tiger takes it.
Waiting for a new virus to form so they can eat it and unleash it on the world, since their last attempt failed. Gotta go bigger
when you don't care, you don't care
I'm reminded of a documentary about old timey zoos, before they realized animals aren't pure instinct and need stimulation to be healthy and happy. they'd just put them in sterile cement cages and let them chill out there, turning the animals insane and brain damaged.
but I guess if you don't know any better then dumb shit like that doesn't look like dumb shit to you. and if you don't care to know any better, like chinks don't, then all your dumb shit's gonna look like normal shit
Black bears are cowards
>american enducation
Canadian education
>has all the worlds top colleges
Extend your non knife-bearing arm slightly to your side. As the hawk flies at you swiftly move slightly to whichever side you prefer. The animal will bite your hand as it like most animals lack battle tactics. As the creature bites down on your hand quickly stab in the top of the head, killing it instantly.
Extend your non knife-bearing arm slightly to your side. As the great beast charges you swiftly move slightly to whichever side you prefer. The animal will bite your hand as it like most animals lack battle tactics. As the creature bites down on your hand quickly stab in the top of the head, killing it instantly.
You severely underestimate how stupid animals are. They do not think. They just act on their heuristics. A tiger's gonna try to kill a bear the same way it tries to kill everything else. Well. It'd just run away. And if it couldn't run away it'd just stand there acting defensively. You'd have to trap it to get it to fight a bear, and then it'd be panicking and doing the same stuff it tries to do against everything else and failing as a result.
>human is shown as less than 6'