How did she go from a down to earth breath of fresh air, a female comedian men might actually buy tickets for to irritating, pretentious, self-unaware commie?
What the fuck happened?
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The female audience is fucking stupid. Pandering to them is cancer.
She’s Jewish. Read the Talmud.
I unironically find her sexy
Getting into politics is typical for a celebrity or comedian in decline. Notice how most actual A-listers are low-key or even apolitical.
>pretentious, self-unaware commie
She's jewish newfag
She was never any of those first things.
>polshit calling other newfags
That's rich
>was good
hello sarah
plz dont post her nudes...
tfw ywn be balls deep in her as she uses her vanellope von schweetz voice to beg for your goy cum
the subversives won the culture war and now their edgy comedy that degrades white christian america is no longer really edgy, so they stopped getting the same self-important rush as they used to, and they needed to start ramping it up to keep getting attention.
literally this, once she's married her duty as a jewess is to promote feminism and destroy as many goy families as possible
I would just massage/clean her feet while she lectures me on white privilege and tells me how much we need communism
post her pusi
we need to figure out away to let mexico and the drug cartels take back california.
Sarah has always been a liberal what the fuck are you talking about? Is everyone on Yas Forums a zoomer now?
i have a fantasy where i'm stuck on an island with her and i rape her whenever i want and she can't do anything about it
>we need to remove 20% of our economy and 13% of our food supply
California is singlehandedly supporting the broke failed state that is america. Without Cali taxes Jebidiahs welfare wouldnt be funded
But California makes all these movies and tv shows you claim to hate yet cant stop discussing, watching and jerking off to
It's called judaism.
Sooner or later, they reveal their true lizardy forms.
fuck you now i'm sad
Thanks for completely misinterpreting the post just so you could sperg about MUH Yas Forums BOOGEYMAN
cool lithgow pic, though.
Swn wet the bed next to you, lads. Feels bad man.
>hitler wanted to eliminate this
what a fucking faggot
Same way literally every other celebrity did
>a female comedian men might actually buy tickets for to irritating, pretentious, self-unaware commie?
The truth is every girl should turn into a commie after years of beta males gatekeeping.
What interpretation was there to make from your post other than you being a mentally impaired p*ltard?
Nothing worse than a whiny persecuted religitard
>Nothing worse than a whiny persecuted religitard
damn i bet you changed his mind with that tired meme used by whiny persecuted religious "people"
That's a really old fridge from a shit brand that wears out sooner than later.
What the fuck does that even mean? That's just bot-speak.
She increases bloodflow into my penis, causing it to go erect, if you comprehend the meaning of my words.
Judaism is Communism.
>damn i bet you changed his mind with that tired meme used by whiny persecuted religious "people"
She's definitely changed. You can tell because she's actively apologized for jokes she told years ago. That's always a red flag.
I'll never forget my personal favorite joke of hers
>I asked my rabbi who killed Jesus and he said the Romans did it. I went and asked a Roman Catholic priest and he blamed the Jews. Me? I suspect the blacks.
uhmm in english doc?
why cant pol seem to wrap their mind around the fact that most people are liberals? You're culturally irrelevant for a reason
i'd smoke farts out her asshole all day long, idc what you faggots say
disappointing nude scene
and it’s a Yas Forums creature on type of everything else. yikes. what’s it like being such a low form of life?
>Read the Talmud
It's in my backlog, but can I get a quick rundown?
No he didn't
Sarah Silverman was never those things. She was always a shit jewess.
>comedian is a person of Russian jewish descent
>OP still wonders what the fuck happened
>being this aware in Anno Domini 2024-4
OP, you were fooled by the distraction tits. Don't ever be fooled by distraction tits.
I bet she is a fun slam pig tho.
>and it’s a Yas Forums creature on type of everything else. yikes. what’s it like being such a low form of life?
>most people are liberals
Conservatism isn't female-friendly. Being a female and being against leftism is being against their interests.
>everyone who disagrees with me politically is a communist
Grow up.
Seething kike
Why dont conservatives just make their own tv shows and movies instead of whining about ours all day?
>Comedian Sarah Silverman has said she was once fired from a movie after producers found a sketch from 2007 in which she wore blackface make-up.
>In an episode of her former Comedy Central show "The Sarah Silverman Program" that she has said she no longer stands by, Silverman's character dons dark face paint to see whether it is more difficult to be black or Jewish.
>The episode, which was intended to examine racism from the point of view of Silverman's eponymous character, features the comedian saying: "I look like the beautiful Queen Latifah," and telling the congregation at an African-American church: "I'm black today."
wrong website, sweaty
>Conservatism isn't female-friendly. Being a female and being against leftism is being against their interests.
Ok newfag
women cant be funny
this post makes me feel dirty but i whole heartedly agree
she got older and 2016 hit her hard. there are better looking jews anyway.
Conservatives have moved online to youtube and elsewhere and you fucking seething authoritarians still try to shut them down everywhere they go.
Nah, the Yas Forumsbots are busy becuase teev is popular and everybody's online.
We do. Anyways there are tons of conservatives in the movie industry. They do things like build sets, rig electrics, work in special effects, etc.
Source: me. I work in Film Construction/SPFX.
Religious people are plebs. They are fools who will rot on earth once we discover how to live on other planets.
Because they get you drunk, send the police , humiliate you and then reject all financial aid/support/invest for your projects. Are you seriously this dense?
I totally forgot she boinked the K-man
>Religious people are plebs. They are fools who will rot on earth once we discover how to live on other planets.
ding ding ding ding ding
How she acted and what she did was unforgivable. Also, fence sitting when Bernie goes bust and all of a sudden you are for Hillary adds nothing to her credibility. Which was 0.
She isn't a Liberal more of a hanger-on. In final Fucker her.
Ah yes, the freedom of wage slaving 40 years of your life to leech 30+ years from the state or until you die. (remember women die older than men).
It must be so great to be a career person and living in a box apartment with your very short hair.
I'm an atheist too but you're honestly embarrassing. This is some cringe 16 year old redditor atheism on display, stop it.
>brainlet incel agreeing with brainlet incel
wow dude, real special. Never seen that before here
Hail odin, we will plant our terran trees on every planet we conquer odin vult.
I'm not either of those two anons but you're clearly seething.
>I’m an atheist too but I was manipulated by religious people spamming hats a few years ago
yikes dude. You stupid or something?
>there are better looking jews anyway.
Last time she was cute I was too young to care.
You'll grow out of that militant atheist phase one day kid.
>How did she go from a down to earth breath of fresh air, a female comedian men might actually buy tickets for to irritating, pretentious, self-unaware commie?
Literally every white women ever
>How did she go from a down to earth breath of fresh air
She was never this. You just have coom brain over her. She's been a neurotic hot mess from day one. Read her book, if it's even half true she's legit mentally ill. She's a liability for being in the world of standup her whole adult life, you have to have something wrong with you in the first place to do that.
>I’m neither of those things
lmao when a p*lturd thinks it’s human
She's an atheist and I doubt has ever even heard of the talmud
Why are jewish women so perfect bro? But i will never ever have them because i'm ugly asian goyim beta
Why is there always a "lets fuck Sarah" thread up?
Fuck California
let it burn
Jewish women are superior to goy hags.
Stay mad bitch
I want her to trample me, spit on me and insult me so much
Some old jew book on rabbi's arguing that incels obsess over but nobody else has read
I-I'm sorry Yas Forums ;_; but this man s-speaks the t-truth
based anons fighting transphobia
You do realize their religion allows them to lie right? She could say anything and it would be a lie. Either war Jews have high in group preference and feel justified in acting to protect their ethnic group. Tikkin olam.
Don't even try
you can see the pube stubble poke through the crotch, i see potential in her body of work
why does this have to be debunked so often anyway? I noticed 99.999% of things p*lyps believe is bullshit, but they never seem to change their minds when debunked. Are they even people?
>tfw grew up in irreligious family and always be a bit atheist since early years but never went that militant phase
I'm kinda felt out of a place sometimes
As it so happens
This is jewess appreciation thread man. Don't spam your autist image here (go to the s*iths/morrissoy
Marx was a kike and so are you
>high in group preference
>marry non-Jews almost 80% of the time
Do you ever get tired of lying? They are far more honest with far less in group bias than Christians
This is something that always happens with women and you need to get ahead of because it's not them, it's your perception of them.
Probably about 5 times I met a girl who was joking around and that i thought was like, edgy or fresh and funny or whatever - and every single time it has turned out they were doing it ironically, itself. And so, they're like no really i care a lot about [the same earnest woman shit]. And they get really upset that what you liked was the fake front they put up because you were supposed to 'see through it' to their soft heart or whatever. And they think it was obvious that they weren't really like that so .. maybe it is to someone who knows about women and knows they are not really funny like men, they don't commit to it. they would never do something just for the sake of it being funny, only to seem like they would do that as a cry for help. They actually give no value to humor at all.
>literal brainlet getting mad because they've been exposed to the truth
She’s a fucking Hillary supporter that doesn’t like Bernie bros, you’d have to be delusional to call that commie
>militant atheist