Gets jacked off by a beta incel without her consent and despises him

>Gets jacked off by a beta incel without her consent and despises him
>She liked it

What the hell, are women like that?

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no, just Asuka
that is why Asuka is perfect

When she hates you she wants you.

>he doesn't understand how tsunderes work


She’s tsunade for Shinji

No, just damaged whores like Asuka
Rei is pure and based

She wants affection from Shinji but she's afraid to just admit that so of course she liked it having that affection given without asking.

Asuka and Shinji's relationship is pretty much that one couple you know from your life who're always fighting it seems and you have no clue why they're together.

The sad thing about it is they're literally the only ones who, not including Rei understand the sheer amount of psychological damage piloting the Evangelions does.


Yes, women are the worst. Sad thing is though, tsunderes in anime are super cute, but IRL, we call them cunts and they are not cute.

Asuka is an obnoxious cunt though

Attached: asuka shit.png (1117x275, 131.94K)

>Fight because you are too much alike
>Have great sex due to intense emotions (hatred)

Anime sucks

absolutely based, incoming seething Asuka fags

Got a sauce for that friend?

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Seconding request

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I love Japan

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Tsunderes come in a variety though, you've got the kinds like Rin Tohsaka who eventually mellow out to an extent.

Then you got tsunderes like pic related who're just cunts.

This is why Yandere is better.

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At the end of the day tomboys reign supreme

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What's the English word for it? Post examples of non anime

A cunt, Emma Roberts

this, tsunderes are fucking garbage irl. My friend married one and he's completely miserable and she dominates every aspect of his life aside from his sex life, where she's conveniently submissive.

Helga Pataki


This, Helga is basically the westerners very look into the concept of tsunderes.

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> learning about women from japanese animus made by and for mentally disturbed manchildren

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back t󠛡o reddit normie

To think, there are people who unironically believe this shit was good.

Third Impact

Asuka didn't actually approve of the fact Shinji was jerking off to her, or at the very least, she didn't approve of the bedside fantasy that happened while she was in a coma. What she was trying to say was that Shinji has this thing where anyone who gives him any sort of affection (and therefore validation) will do, and it disgusts her.

She would prefer to be Shinji's one and only essentially, but if she gets too difficult to deal with, then he'll just go somewhere else to get help with his problems. That's what she's getting at.

NGE teaches a lot about women.

Here's your Misato bros.

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Rin's personality + Asuka's looks = perfection

If there's a tsundere even shittier than Asuka, its pic related.

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Briefly put, Asuka wants the dick but Shinji is too much of a pussy to have sex.

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dangerously based

asuka is the best girl 20 years running. reifags are kidding themselves

Good films/shows with yanderes?

I almost said basically this, but it's more like Shinji is unfaithful, so even if they did have sex, he'd probably fuck someone else if he could. Not unlike with Gendo and Ritsuko/her mother.

seethe tranny

How wild do you think Asuka gets in bed?

Gone Girl

Asuka is German so she's the white girl who talks big game but is vanilla as all hell.

Broken girls are great in bed. They have sex to forget their miserable life, for a moment.

Usually ball breakers like that are the most submissive and begging to be choked and spit on.

>Usually ball breakers like that are the most submissive and begging to be choked and spit on.

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She'd talk big but instantly lose to a mating press.
Howcome over 20 years there are no good fics/doujins about someone emotionally manipulating her or grooming her.
It fucking writes itself and is hot as shit but I can't find it anywhere.

It's a crime I know, you see older animes don't have good porn either. Like sailor moon doesn't have much if you really look into it.

Move it along folks, best Evangelion couple coming through.

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>that image
asukafags are THIS delusional

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it's not like she's bearing Shinji's children because she w-wants to, idiot!

>Are women really like my cartoons

Sure it does pal

>retard doesn't understand Asuka
Stick to the netflix originals.

Asuka is a mind broken retard who's just glad someone physically expressed a desire for her

Sounds like every woman lol

You aren't tsun in the tang. You're honest. Asuka HATED shinji in the end and genuinely didn't want anything to do with him. There was no love there and every time she said disgusting, in the tang, she meant it. She is the one girl in the world who hates him and she's the only one who comes back.

This. A woman's problems always stem from their mother or their father

And women have sex to forget their miserable existence.

Asuka is obviously trash, but her interactions with Shinji are essentially the core of the show. It doesn't work without their relationship, confused, destructive, hate-filled abortion that it is.

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Can't wait for 4.0 to see her destroy Shinji into pieces
And probably fuck him or something at the end, I don't know this girl crazy but hey it's still better than Rei

This. Asuka is part of the reason Shinji starts to really lose it because he tries to connect with people more and then Asuka totally fucks him over ever time