Why won’t Hollywood give Lake Bell better roles?
Why won’t Hollywood give Lake Bell better roles?
because of that ugly jaw ?
too sexy
the guy who mix her with dumbario is right,they look alike
should have played sisters in a movie, before she went all skelly
Bless This Mess is based though
is that show any good? I tend to avoid anything with Dax in it
I like it a lot. Being from a town in Nebraska with less than 300 people I was expecting to get annoyed, but they play it well.
That dude gets a lot of understandable hate. He's very tolerable in this - and for me even likable.
What's ugly about it? Also, Lake has great Jewish tits.
I'm a fan.
I think her problem is her nose
not an effective enough chameleon?
big jaw is a masculine trait
I don't know, if she doesn't show her body, she looks common
That's not a big jaw, lawlet
feel like her leaks flew under the radar
You have shit taste, schlomo.
Leaks? She got nude in that HBO show "How to make it in America" years ago
i didn't say it was an ENORMOUS jaw, it's just a big jaw
learn to read
Looks like a literal tranny, kys.
fappening leaks. better than her nude scenes.
she's actually gotten a little bigger
at least i think she has
she has a weird face
also her body is too attractive.
its too bad because i think she's fairly talented
someone say me too?
I rather enjoyed it
she didnt suck much enough cocks
he cute
There's something refreshing about the show having no actual antagonists. I can't recall the last time I saw something with no legitimately bad people in it.
It's also surprisingly "flyover friendly," the Nebraska people are generally treated as surprisingly competent and supportive to the New Yorkers
Also I can't say I've ever been an Ed Begley fan before but godamn he carries hard here
Does she show off her tits in this show or do they put her talents to waste?
>Why won’t Hollywood give Lake Bell better roles?
The jew genes caught up to her and slammed her face first into the wall.
Kek try again, faggot. Her jaw isn't even that strong. I'm guessing if you're a soft chin manlet, then maybe it's a little intimidating.
She married an Irish, southern Baptist. Stick to your folder of trannies and catboys.
Dax shows more skin
She looks frumpy for most of the show which makes the one episode where she dances in her underwear really redirect the old blood flow
>Dax shows more skin
Prudish bitch.
fuckin queen bitch
holy actually based
pretty eyes and her sons will have strong jaws
what's not to like?
Hate this ugly bad actress cunt
I liked her in that one thing she did that time
sorry for the spam, bros, the janicuck and trannymods keep banning it for no reason
what is this?
it's an old site waifuists from Yas Forums made back in 2012 when everyone started getting banned, and actresses threads starting getting deleted here for no reason
the old site went down last year, and we brought it back a few months ago
Don't do it. I tried the link last week and now I have an ankle bracelet.
Wiki eat?
yeah, the first site was just a very rudimentary IB with pictures of waifus eating, and then it became a more chan-style site
more like bake lel
nice name, Lake
>that throat
She can take it deep.
>daddario posts pic on instagram
>comment : beautiful (hearts in eyes emoticon)
>she never "likes" my comment
why is she such a huge bitch?
Imagine sliding your pulsating johnson into her warm mouth while you push down that top and bust those titties out.
what the fuck is a lake bell?
Celebrities think they're above everyone
whenever I see faggots complaining about women having strong jaws I cant help but to think that they are just projecting their own insecurities of having a weak jaw
Boston Legal was filled with god tier women.
You must like cock.