What kinda movies do girls watch?

what kinda movies do girls watch?

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ask your gf

They like horror movies for some weird fucking reason

i like horror movies a lot. my favorite one is The Thing. I also like Kurosawa, and all of the stuff by Carpenter, and Robocop
i have autism though.

Before trilogy on repeat

be my gf

Are you female (female) or female (male)?

I think "she" is a female (female (male))

female (female)
fuck trannies

those aren't movies I'd recommend to my gf if I had one

the only movie I like that I feel like a girl would enjoy is suspiria

that's a good one
isk why women wouldn't like those movies
robocop is sad but kinda romantic in its sadness and that appeals to me
the thing is horror and girls love horror
and so on

I don’t know mate. I don’t even know why Emma Watson drives the car she does

Can women be based?

I make double the average income, am 6' foot, live in a first world country, am young, love travelling and am fit. Please be my girlfriend. I'll buy you the ticket and you can stay at my place.

if anything, i'll be the one in the kitchen!

if by based you mean legally retarded
yeah ok sure

I'll fucking tell you why: because she's a cunt

this is their favorite movie

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My wife says her favorite movie is Wristcutters

They loooove hard core gay porn. Tell ya what fella. Why don’t you come over tonight, I’ll buy the alcohol, and we can pop in some movies. Girls will inevitably show up.

if I was a girl I'd probably like movies where females have meaningful roles more

I legit can't think of any movies I like that seem to have a female perspective

maybe carrie and mulholland drive too but that's it


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i dont relate to women at all
mulholland drive is good
also i dont know why people think you need to look like someone to relate to them. or why you need to relate to a character at all

Star Wars!

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They don't watch movies. They look at their phones while the movie plays in the background.
t. watched movies with girls before

The cuckold

I got memed by Yas Forums into watching Buffalo 66 with my gf. She loved it.

sorry for being rude hon but its probably because you are autistic and/or a tranny that you feel this way

Ur alright, guuurl.

im autistic but not a tranny
although you must also be autsitic if you feel like a character has to look like you to relate to them

Women are aroused by situations involving danger or a simulation of such. Very few women would actually admit it, but most have fantasized about being raped.

>Woman who likes John Carpenter movies and Robocop
>Hates trannies
Whoever snags you is the luckiest cunt alive.

probably not im autistic and my dad and grandparents all died before 50 so im gone soon

its not about characters looking like you its about what they experience and how they react

the thing, kurosawa movies and shit have obvious masculine appeal and perspectives

I'm not saying women must be incapable of enjoying those but they'd probably like movies that reflect IRL female experience more

The girl posting ITT is obvious bait you thirsty faggots

Harry Potter
Mean Girls
The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants
Mamma Mia
Magic Mike
Pretty Woman
13 Going on 30
The Devil Wears Prada
Legally Blonde
Miss Congeniality
The Blind Side
The Notebook
Also some random Oscar bait Drama shit
Hallmark romance movies
Hachi: A Dog's Tale

I've got a sister

what is the irl female experience tho? movies about giving birth would be awful

some fucking garbage movie on netflix with 2.3 stars
the office (14th rewatch)
some gay fucking netflix original with a bunch of niggers and trannies

she doesnt want you to choose the movie but she will sit on instagram the entire time anyways

>cute girl shows the boys she is competent in her job
>teen romance drama with some sort of twist, monsters, end of the world, etc
>I would die for you muh lady t. giga chad
>90% of our budget went into wardrobe and makeup - 2 hours of people singing together
>we're women that sleep around and we're badass

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"Whatever movie user, you choose"
*watches her phone*

At least, they don't have an opinion on what they didn't just watch

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be my gf haha

My girlfriend straight up doesn't like watching movies. We can spend all day watching tv (which she doesn't like as much but will still tolerate) but she won't watch almost any movies. Infuriating.

quit asking if you wont post some kinda contact info

Harry Potter

I can't think of any even vaguely mainstream examples for "An idiot saves the President", I know there are some shitty direct-to-video movies about that but no one watches those on purpose. Help?

rom coms

not him but @delwynn_bloodboyle insta

>watching witcher on netflix with cousin
>geralt bath scene comes on
>she starts fidgeting and doing this
>gets up and goes to her room before episode even ends

wtf is wrong with girls

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yeah and?

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dont have instagram

Horror movies and movies about controversial dancing. Men watch movies about being sad and war. Everyone likes comedies and "disney" animated movies.

trunks#4072 discord

anything that resembles pic related

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I’m a girl and my favorite movies are Captain Marvel, Birds of Prey, The Notebook, Human Centipede, and La La Land

Escape from New York?

olympus has fallen

human centipede is based

Based and red pilled. /thread

All my wife watches are shitty fucking musicals and disney tier sitcoms or the occasional reality show bullshit. I literally cannot watch tv with her.