Better Call Saul 507 waiting room

Better Call Saul 507 waiting room
Can it actually be better than Wexler v. Goodman?

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47 minutes of Mike disassembling electronics and 36 seconds of abuelita handing him a phone charger.

I'm waiting for it to come out on netflix ._ .

Just wait here for the stream

Is it in twenty minutes or one hour?

9:00 est

damn you burgers

Anyone got a stream?

Full retard. There's literally no reason to wait for Netflix.

>cba sitting at pc like a mong
>stream sites dont work on ps4

Posting pretty major spoiler for the rest of the season below, regarding Lalo and Gus. I'm serious, don't fucking hover over it if you don't want to know. It's not about Lalo dying but still pretty big.

Lalo BTFO Los Pollos Hermanos AND Gus's house, either arson or bombs

Attached: Oh fucking boy.png (597x263, 56.27K)

>being this much of a lazy retard
Even ps4 can stream both live and after the show ends, zoomed trash.

whats that in gmt jolly good lad



thanks old chap

1am you lazy fuck.

She's actually pretty based, she was a producer for both shows, idc that shes jewish.

What's with the language my fine lad

May I ask where one might watch bcs live? i don't want to wait 8 hours for netflix

AMC. That's American Movie Channel, so I don't know if you can get it outside the states, but that's where it airs.

Finally something happens. This show needs more explosions.


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is some benefactor going to provide a stream link?

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God bless Rhea Seehorn

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Did Odenkirk get a hair transplant?

holy based on a popo

I forgot to watch it last week, was it a really good episode or just more build up?

It was very good, but it was build up

>written and directed by women
Confirmed worst episode in the entire season. Theres a reason this is the episode right before the massively hyped Bagman episode, they hope people will forget about it


This is idiotic. How the fuck would Gus avoid detection after having his house and restaurant fucking bombed out? How would anybody in town not know about Gus by the time BB starts when hes a pillar of the community and the target of assassination attempts? Gus is the fucking worst part of this entire universe, turns everything into a goddamn cartoon

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E04.4.webm (1422x800, 3M)

This is the setup for Bagman, it literally can't be bad because then the following episode will not have a proper foundation to build off of.

Directed by Vince, written by the dude who wrote 5-0. Vince said it was really grueling to film or some shit, it's the episode with the most hype surrounding it

Do office ladies really get horny because they traded their love life for their career life?

Yes, Kim is super cute too because you can tell she's had very little relationship experience besides what she's had with Jimmy.

Next week, episode 8 "Bagman," will be Vince Gilligan's "opus."

>too stupid to find streams in the year 2020
You dumb fuck.
Nobody wants the stream to be taken down, nobody will post it unless they are as retarded as you are.

Why the shit is this allowed goddamnit, wasn't last week at 2am?


Attached: kim butt.webm (620x980, 918.21K)

Even the title is kino

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>What’s been hinted as potentially the highlight of the season will come with Episode 8, “Bagman,” an opus directed by Gilligan. Gould calls it “physically, a very difficult episode for us to do.”
>“Vince said several times to me that it was the hardest directing [he has] ever done. When you see it, you’ll understand why. As this season goes on, ‘Better Call Saul’ as a show, for better or for worse, changes a bit. And we go to some new places,” he explains.

There have been some very kino episodes of this show (and Breaking Bad) written and directed by women. Normally I would agree with you, but these shows seem to be the exception.

I assume you live in Europe and daylight saving's just hit you

>Kim will never reluctantly go along with your nursing blowjob fetish because she wants to be supportive but then eventually start to realizes that she likes it too

>tfw she's more into it than you are

Ozymandias was written by a woman and directed by Rian Johnson. It's wildly considered one of the best episodes in tv history.

>‘Better Call Saul’ as a show, for better or for worse, changes a bit
Bros, I trust the writers but idk how to feel about this.

You are the same person 100%

>hardest directing he has ever done
Vince is known to be a perfectionist about his directing. He asked Giancarlo (Gus) to walk out of that bombed nursing home room dozens of times until he was satisified in the s4 finale of BrBa

>she'll never go from weirded out by you calling her mommy to "want mommy to help you?" after a few short months

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>nursing home

shit you're right I forgot about that
FUCK, yet another night without sleep
the things I do for /myboy/

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I predict Theodore Bagwell, aka T-Bag from Prison Break, will be introduced in a crossover episode.

Hello, Jimmy.

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Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E04.3.webm (1920x1080, 2.63M)

>tfw jimmy bodytype

Will the squirrel sisters show up tonight?

middle aged skinnyfat?

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E02.1.webm (1208x680, 3M)

Did anything ever happen on this gay show

anything with better quality than this?

Jimmy is just fatfat

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E05.1.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

All this old fuck is good for is scaring away cunny.

Attached: Better.Call.Saul.S05E01.1.webm (1280x720, 3M)

why are you faggots so obsessed with this 7/10 bland bitch

What if Howard is an escaped Replicant from Los Alamos base that Jimmy was hired to track and destroy and Saul is just a Replicant of Jimmy?

Go away, you're not welcome here.

>Kim is 47
How does she look so good?


>ywn never use her ponytail as a handlebar and make her passout from pleasure and satisfaction
>ywn wake up because she's sucking your morning wood off while you proceed to use her ponytail to turn her mouth into a fleshlight.

Attached: ponytail.webm (480x480, 2.57M)

Only 20 minutes!!!

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lots and lots of makeup

What are some streams

Anyone else burned out by this series? Like none of it really matters, we all know how it ends.

Nacho dies
Lalo dies
Kim escapes to Alaska
Howard goes to jail

Lalo and nacho fuck Gus

>nacho dies
fuck you, not happening

Who here /fappingbeforetheshow/?

First off your predictions kind of suck. Secondly, are you familiar with the term its about the journey, not the destination?

Can I see?

This is the best season yet my dude

Oh come on. He'll live longer than that.

Nacho definitely doesn't die. Jimmy owes him money when Saul is introduced on BrBa.

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Try brettygood yet?

They're watching Coyote Peterson videos.

Is this show as good as Westworld? Like I know it isn't sci-fi. I mean in terms of character development and storytelling.

give me a fucking stream and stop being cocksuckers

This episode opens with some sort of Jimmy and Kim flashback considering they're tying the knot?