Only people with high test will understand this

Only people with high test will understand this

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Dangerously based.

Lol Freestyler is a horrible song. Besides kid freezes those hunnies and doesn't cop a feel? Unrealistic

Wow Finns look like that?

low test

wtf was their problem

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low test

Why is he carrying around a ps1 controller with the cord cut off?

You wanna know how I know your test levels?

>when a busta tries to style on me in front of my crew

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It was the 90's

>Why is he carrying around a ps1 controller with the cord cut off?

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it was a different time


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Holy fucking kino

i know someone who masturbated to those fly girls

It's a juxtaposition to the time control remote the kid has

best girl

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Cute girl (male)

sorry but tumblr is that way

G-ieeeeee str8 from the top of my dome, I'mma rock rock rock r-r-r-rocka rocka a makafone

I know myself too

They look very Finno-Asian

White people who spin their hair into dreadlocks are WITHOUT EXCEPTION low IQ degenerates and should be SHOT ON SIGHT.

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low test

low test


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Reminds me of that sliding bear

Fut fut fut freestylo

Now that the dust has settled, who was low T in this scene?

Attached: Bomfunk_MCs_-_Freestyler_Video_Original_Version.webm (800x600, 2.86M)

Why are there niggers in Finland?

how does this nigga look now?

The kid was high test. He's got places to be don't got time for the haters

I think they live there

>tfw you are waiting for the train and some nigga comes up to you and starts dancing
Hate it when that happens.

Obviously both. The kid was behaving in an obvious omega manner pretending to don't care instead of staring the insecure showoff faggot down and showing his ability to confront him if needed.

take me down

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nacamadam dati duriduridam
based user

I refuse to believe a human actually directed this

What was the meaning of the video? Was it all in his head?

what did he mean by this?

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A mixed-race finn directed it.


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Are kids today so weak because they aren't carrying around so much fabric?

high test facial expression

it's not an expression it's just how his face is


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what's his endgame?

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high test haircut

To keep pretending to be a finn.

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The kid is an alpha chad.

Everyone who has posted ITT before me is retarded or gay or both

>Jew spotted

Attached: my fellow white.jpg (1024x683, 94.34K)

>Everyone who has posted ITT before me
That would be me

this guy looks strong, am I wrong?

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