this is by far the most significant event of the 21st century so far, eclipsing even 9/11
numerous kinos will be made about these times we're living in, you realize that right?
This is by far the most significant event of the 21st century so far, eclipsing even 9/11
not le coofy spike boy
Ohhh nooo people had to stay indoors for a month truly lovecraftian
After the bankruptcy of many organizations and the death of many many people (not from the virus but the economic fallout), then sure kinos will be made.
Think Grapes of wrath.
>eclipsing even 9/11
in terms of geopolitics that remains to be seen. i hope it'll kick off some greater drama though.
what joy do you extract from being edgy contrarians 24/7? genuinely just have sex, incel monsters
was I being edgy, i thought i was just shitposting
bs, it's nothing but a flu that only occasionally kills very old people, only scared nations are the cucked european ones and some others meanwhile we are completely open and guess what? We have very few deaths.
Total bs
>i hope it'll kick off some greater drama though.
you sound psychotic
easy there edgehog, you almost cut me with that edge
i'd like to bash your skull in kid
youre lucky i cant leave the house right now
It'll be fun seeing Hollywood try to tiptoe around the subject trying not to piss China off.
>... that remains to be seen
You have now seen
it literally disgusts me that i'm interacting with your macaques here on Yas Forums without even knowing
if the board had flags i'd just filter every third world flag
i can come over
Not OP, would you wear your sexy flowery dress?
If so, i'd like to come over too.
>9/11 (+ subsequent invasions)
>global financial crisis
>(to be determined)
>literally zero events of historic importance occurred
no, brexit and trump happening aren't even close to being on the same caliber
a fox got into my basement and stole the dress
Do you think it's nice that it has shown that people's lives are valuable to governments over and above businesses and the economy? If a robot was in charge they would have just told us to carry on as normal. I for one am proud of the meatbags in charge.
fuck this.
Crimean annexation and Ukraine civil war was a pretty big deal
why did trump create it? to make everyone hate the chinese?
You sound sheltered
based rambler
>eclipsing even 9/11
This shit will be forgotten by next year.
Cast this glorious coofer.
Based Americans thinking one terrorist attack is comparable to a disease that has effectively crippled the GLOBAL economy and will continue to do so for at least 6 months
Sometimes I wish I was American purely to experience how insulated and self absorbed they are
just like 9/11 outside of america
People will look back at those shots of the deserted streets and be awed.
>crimean annexation
lol, russia annexes regions every fucking decade bro, aint nothing
>ukrainian civil war
not even the most important civil war in that decade
pick one
I know the one
If it were the case, it's only fair that the Chinese allowed it to spread across the world.
>there will be romcoms about finding love in this time
>they wont apply to you
also no one cares about that shit
>numerous kinos will be made about these times we're living in, you realize that right?
You mean the endlesa dramas about some faggy cosmopolitan jew getting stuck with his gf in quarantine
Idris Elba (If he survives)
nah when the day comes and blackedraw closes ill spam this board with my discord bretherens to death
free fall baby! were going back to the stone age!
it's good to see uncle ted's dream finally come true
I don't understand why it's "racist" to call it a Chinese virus, when it's quite clearly a viral bioweapon created by the Chinese. Is it because it might lead to people being critical of Communism?
>Last Tango in Wuhan
>Ryan Gosling and Chloe Bennet trapped inside the city in full quarantine
>They will endure in full sex acts for 1hr and 30 minutes straight
>to show how progressive the movie is Chloe will use yak's butter to lube Ryan's ass and then peg him
>Ryan will die of Corona and in the last scene Chloe will walk completely naked in a desert Wuhan
I like that it cleared out the local chinese restaurant so I had it all to myself. It later had to shut down like all restaurants though so I only had one blissfully peaceful experience.
No, Chinese implies Chinese people. It's a "China Virus" or a "Wuhan Virus", but "Chinese Virus" sends a different message.
>durr pretty gurl
>omg corona
>audience knows its gonna get serious but not the characters
>omg she gets sick
>omg in hospital
>will she make it?!?!
that's not even how words work. If I say 'a chinese river' that has nothing to do with the people. This whole debate is just autism
> show how progressive the movie is Chloe will use yak's butter to lube Ryan's ass and then peg him
Hopefully shot in anamorphic
it's trash, literally trash and retarded
you are retarded
kill yourself
No, it's because China is a huge market and they'll threaten to blacklist you if you shit on them.
Chinese means from China you illiterate brainlet.
is there even a single notable kino made about 9/11? with a-listers in it?
What the fuck would a corona movie be about? Dramatic cuts of people not washing their hands intercut with news reports?
It's just too general. Imagine saying African Virus or German Virus. It's not specific enough to sound professional in any way.
The 10s were all about that ISIS scare
>"Chinese Virus"
It is a Chinese Virus. It was manufactured in the Republic of China by the good people at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
They extended the viral range and viral function.
Spared no expense actually.
China's best product in ages.
It's pretty fantastic, being American is never having to think about another country as anything more than a quaint, nebulous gimmick.
>It's not specific enough to sound professional in any way.
literally who cares everyone knows what it's referring to
>all the screenwriters portraying Blumpf as a bumbling fat clod
Gonna be cringe.
but that is gonna be insignificant on a historic timescale
pretty much every country in the world has dealt with terrorism in the past century, yet most people nowadays dont even know what the IRA, ETA and NAR are
It's not like that's being pushed as it's official name. But it's a virus and it originated in China so it's a Chinese virus
>"you sound like a deranged person who wants despair"
>"well you sound like a little baby teeheehee"
The movies they make of this will be super-exaggerated: 28 Days Later/I Am Legend with millions coughing their intestines out.
Coronavirus and 9/11 both prove NYC is the most important place in the history of the Earth.
and of course.
RACISM BAD is the theme
>more important than atlantis
If anything good will come out of this event then hopefully people will start being (more) racist towards chinese people again. Instead of having token russian bad guys in action movies maybe chinese bad guys with funny chinese accents haha
And I'll keep posting
probly rome desu
It's only because this is a rare instance where it affects them as well and they can't run away easily or rely on expensive things like security and barriers to solve the problem.
Dr. No or Fu Manchu.
Please Chinese people don't be insulted if you get to be cool villains.
For reference: See Darth Vader and Nazi's.