Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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couldn't be made today

Definitely captured a moment in the teenage zeitgeist. The perfect cap on my teenage years.

In my opinion, no it fucking sucked but a lot of people liked it

The first 75% of the movie is hilarious to me but it becomes a snoozefest towards the end when everything is wrapping up

don't do it kid

never had a choice

I like the movie just because it reminds me of simpler times.

post the frog

>fat man falls and yells
Yeah it was kino at the time but cringe now. Watch it with your middle school nephews

you fuckin killed 'er

No it was gay as fuck and incredibly jewish. only low IQ retards liked it

this is what I feel on rewatches

>those fat legs
why is it that most fat people, who are often fat in their teens and before, seem to develop these backward legs, they give me anxiety in that they look like they'll buckle at any point, gross

>well jules funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock
one of my favorite comedy movie lines

>These eyes...

Absolutely essential teenagecore, and captured a moment in the waning 2000s really well, like said. Watched it all the time with my buds when I was in high school

>Wa waa

First half was literally perfect, but it kinda goes downfall from there. Of course it's still worth watching

>We should be guiding his cock, not blocking it.


It was too realistic. Very kino.

>too realistic
Yeah, those cops taking McLovin on a ride and doing reckless shit is super realistic. It could happen to anybody.

I believe he talks about the feeling of being on the end of your teenage years. A group of buddies who didn't fit in just trying to drink and fuck and feel cool for once. The movie is absolutely golden and in my opinion the best thing Jew apatow has ever made. It's what put Seth rogen on the map. It started Johan hills career. There has not been a "teenage movie" since that has even come close, and some have tried to copy it's template (booksmart and goodboys) and nothing came close.

These trips speak truth

Whatever happened to teenage comedies ?

Yeah, it’s true that it resonated with a lot of people, myself included. Just wouldn’t call it a “realistic” movie.

nobody has gotten a hand job in cargo shorts since nam

It's a shame in my country it was marketed as just another low budget dumb comedy like Stan Helsing or Meet the Spartans, it's a good movie.

Why do fat people do this?

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Jonah’s legs are twigs and have bowed from his weight, not every fatty is like this.

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with hindsight no

That’s the best-dressed bum I’ve ever seen.

love the 70s vibe this movie has, any other kinos that are off decade but still feels like like that?

Aside from the wacky cop subplot, it feels the most "realistic" movie about the highschool experience. How they hype up this big party that's gonna be the big change in your life forever when it just ends up being a bunch of teens with no idea how to drink, then when you get to the sex it turns out to be just an awkward experience because you have no idea what you're doing. I really liked the ending because it actually shows the both characters growing up and maturing, they have this whole plan to get their crushes drunk to get a chance with them when all they had to do was just talk to them.

It's indeed, kino

Napoleon Dynamite

>when you get to the sex

>when all they had to do was just talk to them.
That’s the most unrealistic thing about this movie, but it is a proper “movie ending” and I still love it.

kek, well, to be fair, only one of them gets laid

>enjoy fucking jules!

Not really man.

I always felt like I was on the cusp of a wacky teenage adventure but before I knew it high school was over and nothing ever happened. One of the reasons I haven't rewatched Superbad since Ive left highschool. There were so many hot girls around and chances but everything always fizzled out.

It wasn't that great but it did a good job of capturing that late 2000s high school feel.

>couldn't be made today

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Christopher Mintz-Plasse was relentlessly handsome.

So it's American Pie for zoomers.

this garbage isnt even comparable to superbad

These kids seem too young. When I was that age I was still playing with toys and riding my bike around.

Exact same humor tho


Zoomers were too young at the time. It's completely for millenials.

Nobody said it was good, but suggesting gross out adolescent boy humor still exists
It's not really sex humor except them like finding a dildo

There were still 19 year old gen X'ers when American Pie came out.

Would say knocked up starred rogans career, but agree otherwise. Last of the classic teen films. Has that old school timeless feel to it as well. Genuinely think the sound track has a big role in that

makes me laugh so I guess so

It's actually better than that man... on rewatch u realise Jules is just talking to Jonah hill to give cera and his girl space

I really liked those teenage comedies when I was 16-19
Enjoyed watching the american pie films as well but I think its just for this cliche american highschool feel
I live in germany so I liked those silly things
The big cafeteria, lockers, football and cheerleader activities, the prom and all those other tropes.
Always had the fear of missing those really memorable moments and feel like I actually did.

Its probably normal to look back at those moments in yourj own life or even in movie form with some sort of nostalgia or melancholy

Those netflix original girl drama highschool 80's throwback shits seem fucking terrible tho

Netflix can’t make good shit.

Vitamin D deficiency leading to knock knees.

more like its american pie except actually good and funny. american pie is a movie for little kids who think its a movie for adults whereas superbad is just for older teens/ adults and hits that mark perfectly

which is weird because every single main actor in it is an insufferable clown outside of bill hader and yet the movie somehow rises above them. its the only time jonah hill, cera or seth rogen were good in anything. mintz plasse was decent in kick ass


American Vandal was pretty great and captures the kind of teenage comedy mindset. Krautanon, check it out. It's probably a more accurate recreation of today's american highschool.

Actually, I completed forgot about American Vandal. The first season was golden, but I haven’t seen the second season yet. Is it worth it?

Also a lack of exercise. As in no movement at all for long periods.

it's ok but not on the first season's level