This show just keeps getting better. You're still watching, right?

This show just keeps getting better. You're still watching, right?

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Who the fuck are all these characters, did all the original one's die ?

All characters are in the comics. Although some left without getting killed because they'll appear in a walking dead movie soon

have they announced an end date to the show yet? They are never going to recover those viewer numbers

I stopped watching when I saw the cgi tiger, whatd I miss?

She's the one from that page that gets posted where she's saying the world is better for minorities now, right?

I read yesterday that producers came out and said the rumours of only 2 more seasons are untrue.

Hope this scene makes it onto the show

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Still, does any other show have this production budget? Still very inmersive, only watching it for this.

It makes me want them all to die.

This what written by a white person

>le quirky and charming fuck up
i want to kill her and anyone who this kind of character appeals to.

Judging from their expressions it doesn't seem to be a particularly well-taken sentiment, is she a villain?

No, and she later gets a tragic backstory

>those fucking zombies
Fuck me, what happened? When was the switchover to making them with PS2 cutscene tier CGI?

Attached: first zombie.jpg (630x406, 48.34K)

We called them tokens and that was racist.

No, she becomes a part of the group and survives all the way to the end

kill yourself shill
fuck off

I think she's cute

That's what 10 years of progress looks like, sweetie.

bloody yanks with this cringe worthy racial obsession

They have a new spinoff that deals with teenagers and that secret group who fly around in helicopters

The creatura de las americas
Which one is pic of op?

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That's a shame, guess I was giving Kirkman too much credit

Jesus Christ they actually fucking did it

I've been trying to think of a way to make her work for a few minutes now and absolutely nothing works. What an obnoxious piece of shit character.

Yeah but are well talking white or (((white)))?

There's actually an end?

Pretty sure Robert Kirkman's white

Well the new show runner has been doing the comic arc

I liked early Walking Dead, so that spinoff show sounded super promising. A fresh start with new characters, and we get to see the most interesting part of this whole genre, the thing the original show skipped entirely -- the outbreak!

But oh no, instead we get next to none of that, and then the characters hunker down and hide and we miss all of the main chaos.
Then the unfathomably unlikable characters go off to do dumb shit just like the other show. Only watched the first season though, that was enough.

But if this is in the show, will the characters have the same response?

>to the end
Did it finally end? Or do you just mean to the current point

Fear The Walking Dead proved that the writers simply do not know how to make the show remotely interesting. The Walking Dead was only decent in the beginning because it heavily followed the comics. The more they deterred from the comics, the worse it got.
Fear the walking dead is horribly fucking boring to watch, and to force drama they constantly race bait and preach white guilt

I think it ended. An user in a previous thread posted a screen from what was suppose to be the end. I don't know though, I dropped this shit on the panel that the little twat showed up

That was darabounts earlier idea to make each season about different characters and setting but AMC didn't want it

the real zombie is this fucking show, it just won't die

Kirkman abruptly ended the comic book after the whisperer war and them finding a bigger working society run by Hillary Clinton and Rick getting killed and fast forward to a future where Carl is an adult

>they constantly race bait and preach white guilt
Post examples

Well shit, that's a shame. The exact thing I wanted was pitched but thrown out. Boo.

>But oh no, instead we get next to none of that, and then the characters hunker down and hide and we miss all of the main chaos.
This isn’t a movie, they didn’t have the budget to do anything else but that

I hope this isn't Stephanie

Yeah. Last issue has Carl as an adult in the future.

I'm rewatching it
Not sure why people praise s1-3 at all
Episode 1 was great, everything after in s1 was shit. S2 had it's moments. Too much Andrea in S3 but the early prison moments were great. The series didn't really get good until S4 imo.
This whole series is just a few golden episodes sprinkled into a bunch of shit/mediocre episodes. I will admit the recent two seasons have been much better though.
I'll stick around and watch how it plays out.

That walks a fine line between sounding so retarded it must be fake, and so stupid it must be real.

That was literally the entire premise of the show I recall though, finding out what went down and watching it all unfold
Instead they hid in a hairdressers with the blinds down for a while, and then the show became a dumb clone of the other one. I expected more somehow

>Episode 1 was great, everything after in s1 was shit.
The lab still cracks me up, the only thing it was missing was a Tyrant and a rocket launcher to blow it up with

It's princess

When would she have time to dye her hair? And with what?

>that one fucking zombie never moving forward in every shot

identity politics are the perfect trap for low IQ minorities

they literally spend all their time fighting imagined slights and oppression and voting for who the black people on TV tell them to, the perfect useful idiots

Black Summer did a much better job of showing that, barring the last episode which I disliked.

They had an arc where a farm was built on indian land, and the owners of the farm were eventually forced to give control of the farm to the indian group. They "tried" coexisting together, but a single white guy had some incident and pulled a gun and the indians demanded that all whiteys hand over their guns, and they actually did it, and then acted shocked when they were kicked off the farm when they couldn't defend themselves.
I'd give more details, but it's been forever since I watched that dogshit

>im greek i swear im special im not like the other white people in fact im not white at all im a powerful independent oppressed poc just like you guys

I can't believe they added a borderlands character to the walking dead

Whenever a PoC tries to call me white and privileged I just say I'm Latino. Works exactly like in the comic.

it was good because of frank darabont

>Black Summer
ugh i remember watching that, shit was so lame. i was only half watching it but it seemed like the zombies and guns were so poorly done. MCs would just one shot zombies while all the other characters magdumped into a single zombie that woudl tear them up after.

it had a livid fuckton of plotholes and writing issues but under that was still somewhat entertaining/interesting and had potential
if they clean up their writing for the second season it could be pretty good overall

i found this Princess a lot better than the comic one, same holds true for Alpha and Beta

non-whites aren't and can never be yankees

how so?

Season 3 of FTWD is the best season of any Walking Dead show....Escaping to Tijuana? Drug cartels fighting for control over drinking water? Nick cutting out the pineal glands of zombies for the adrenochrome he could sell to drug addicts? That shit was so cool.

Identity Politics is a uniquely White Elitist trait though......There is not a single nigga on this planet who ever said "you know man, I'd watch the walking dead but there arent enough transgender black women, and/or interracial couples.".....shit blacks are extremely homophobic and hate that cringe shit to....All this shit is concocted by white onions boys on college campuses