Is this the worst bootlicker in the history of TV?
Is this the worst bootlicker in the history of TV?
He's right.
why do you think mexicans are getting all the jobs in america?
whites are too entitled.
>one of the most overworked 1st world countries
>awful benefits
>below average pay
>heavy hours
you get the employee you pay for ya dumb bug
Two things can be true at the same time.
Western workers in many industries are hugely inefficient and lazy.
I used to be a manager in a department store, and getting women or retards to work efficiently is just impossible.
The worst is by far the women. To them there is no distinction between work and social life. They have no urgency or desire to do well. Everything is a laugh and chance to have a chat with other Karens.
The work still needs to be done, but it now is shouldered by good workers who have to work harder, or paid for with more over time.
I came out of that job understanding the logic of fascism, or gulags. Some people are just stupid animals that need to be whipped.
because they're just sending the money back to mexico so they're fine working some shit entry level job for decades until they can leech benefits
so you agree that whites are too lazy and entitled.
paid better and work half as much as japan
i blame the boomers who let it happen
Plenty of americans would work these jobs if they didn't keep wages down, and in some cases depressing wages, by flooding the country with immigrants.
If you watch the whole documentary the Chinese company gets BTFO
well yeah, I did say they were too entitled.
too be honest, most whites think they're too good to work the fields.
> thinking this dumbass operation was anything other than to get ccp boots near wpafb
>asians are human
Yeah how dare people expect to be paid fairly for their work. Good point, bootlicker.
>most whites think they're too good to work the fields
They'd do it if it was possible to make a real living out of it, like it was for their grandparents
Normally I'd make fun of amerimutts, but seeing that they can't even do class solidarity even half assedly is very sad.
whats going on in this webm?
The first white woman who visited India
No they won't, they look down on mcdonald jobs and even think they're too good to settle for skilled trade jobs let alone manual labor jobs. They all want to do STEM jobs even though it's over-saturated.
see pic related
>it's "too entitled" to expect a living wage in exchange for your work
Fuck capitalists
Fuck globalism
Shut up you shrimp-dicked chink
Entitled bernouts detected
they just work for less. their work is ALWAYS worse quality. i work with a bunch of mexicans.
But those profit margins, you seething bernout commie. Maybe if you worked twice as good as them for just as much pay then you’d have a job, instead of being a whiny entitled libshart. If you don’t like capitalism then go live in a socialist country, zoomer :^)
the chinese are very frank with the way they speak.
What they say about whites is as true as what they said about blacks in the webm attached.
he's right. most of my co workers are fucking lazy and watch netflix all day. and they wonder why they are getting replaced by foreigners who actually do the job for less
He's right. Watching this makes me realize that manufacturing is definitely never coming back.
because mexicans dont know how to negotiate and literally do Task worth hundreds of dollars for sandwiches
Mexicans work for poverty-tier wages because they're idiots, in turn fucking up the market.
Nerve gas
that's because mexicans aren't as self-entitled as whites
I’m having a schizophrenic breakdown my fellow humans, join me as we feast on the manna
Link to video?
Many illegals work for far less than a livable wage.
Why pay a citizen $30/hr when you can pay an illegal $9-$12/hr.
When ICE, or some federal agency does something they only deport the workers and don't punish the people who employed them.
Just watch the whole thing on Netflix.
>whites are too entitled.
I agree that whites shouldn't demean certain classes of labor and invent ethnic underclasses (domestic or abroad) to do them for us. No, I don't care for gooks or spic but outsourcing shit to them because TV calls the work icky is tantamount to slavery.
And don't act like we're not entitled to a minimum wage with purchasing power enough to live alone on, freedom for employees to bargain collectively, or reasonable occupational health and safety regulations. We built a society able to accommodate such things, and the doors opened to circumvent them need to be closed no matter what the cost.
>dude you need to die working like a slave so a yellow dude 10000 miles way can earn a few extra BatBux
Anti-americans are so autistic in their hysterical manbaby rages that they are unironically siding with the chinese. Unbelievably.
Because employers can pay them less than minimum wage
I guarantee you that white people, even college grads, would work in a factory or scrub toilets for 25 bux/hr (scaling up with inflation rate).
Who do you think benefits most from flooding labor markets with cheap workers? It's not the lower or lower-middle classes.
How the fuck can you not live with 25k a year if you don't live in a big city? You can eat Mcdonalds for a dollar. Gas is cheap as fuck, cars are cheap as fuck, electronics are cheap as fuck, you only need to pay rent and you can at least live better than me. I make fucking 3600 USD a year and live just fine, I can afford new pc parts/cellphones every few months.
Americans are too entitled
Cesar Chavez was anti-illegal immigration for this very reason. Why fight to unionize when wetbacks will only undermine your efforts?
Nah. Work in construction. No lack of white dudes that want to work there. Contractors who want to save money hire illegal spics. Just because you coastal faggots donf want to work construction or pick fruit doesnt mean a bunch of higher test white males arent interested as well.
Bernie Sanders used to be the same, then he cucked out for the big bucks.
He's 100% right. Chinese workers are still treated like garbage though and no one should have to go through that.
Gee I wonder why a factory farm that proccesses chickens under the worst conditions humanity has ever seen would rather hire 100 illegal immigrants who don't speak english and are too afraid to unionize or ask for a raise and live 10 per apartment instead of 100 white people who have mortgage payments and kids to put through school and want vacation and sick leave and will complain to the FDA about your treatment of animals
I guess its because of their "work ethic" lmao
Every job I have had was a light workload. There was always opportunity to take on more responsibility for the same pay, but if you want an actual pay you have to go back to school for a little piece of paper. Then you can do the same shit you were already doing and get paid more for it. This is at least why I don't do more than what I'm paid. I use to work my ass off for...nothing. Maybe that's why Americans are so lazy? The opportunity for pay increase for those who work hard work is stunted by over-educated men and women who haven't a clue what they are doing.
If they think americans are lazy they should see the poos.
Chinks and all nonwhites lack empathy. This is why they're referred to as insects and why I wouldn't blink if 1 million out of their billion dropped dead this second. Chinks arent human.
Work is torture
I've hated every goddamn job I've ever had, retail, white collar, blue collar. It's all trash, there is nothing more horrible than working full-time, 5 days a week, coming home exhausted, not doing anything on the weekend because doing something just causes the time to go faster so you end up back at work quicker
I will be a NEET till I die
>america lazy piggu don't work 80 hours a week
I agree, americans complain too much. They think they're worth more than what they do, they don't know what it's like to struggle.
what is the point of this documentary? what is ultimate message of this thing?
having a job is soul crushing
when I used to have a job I used to got into full npc robot mode, I don't even remember what the fuck did I do those 2 years I had a job
The irony of this post is off the charts.
Holy based
>Chinese company is extremely anti-union
I get why, i just find it extremely ironic
It's meant to demoralize you like a lot of Netflix programming