>post a film
>write a short review of it in the style of a Trump speech or tweet
Post a film
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fuck trump
>Schindler's list
Fuck films
>Just saw the rise of skywalker, very shameful end of such a GREAT trilogy. JJ has no class and can’t handle a film properly, George Lucas should have handled it. Many such cases
first post best post
DeeDee MegaDooDoo
You wish.
The chinese started the coronavirus by eating bats.
>Oh Despicable Me, what a tremendous film. Tremendous. I love the little yellow minions! Yes we love the minions, don't we folks?
These robots, let me tell you they're big. VERY big, maybe the biggest robots you've ever seen and i like them. Gypsy Danger was the best one, it was the american robot and it was amazing it really was. I'm not to fond of the name you see, Gypsy? Not very american but ok. Ok.
They defended earth from outside forces. Vicious, nasty forces. Maybe the nastiest you have ever seen, believe me.
In the end, the kaijus are defeated and believe me i know about defeats, Hillary, I'm looking at you. Truly great.
>many such cases
Fucking cracks me up every time. Started using it at work with my normie colleagues
So ridiculous. Hulk must work on his Anger Management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie with a friend! Chill Bruce, Chill!
What do you think prez?
I was watching this film called a nightmare on elm street. Many folks have heard of this, many great folks watching a great film it’s a beautiful film. Now this film has this guy okay and he’s evil, like real nasty, so nasty he could be a democrats nominee believe me folks. But he loses in the end, it’s a great, beautiful happy ending. Tremendous movie very good.
thank you user very nice
>Just saw Good Time, what a picture! Israel is our oldest and greatest ally. Amazing!
Independence Day, what a wonderful, wonderful movie about the dying American spirit in the face of adversity. No matter what those alien bastards threw at us, America never gave up and went on to save the world. WINNING!
>Just finished watching End of Evangelion, very sad, but the robot fights were cool!
4 more years
>Batman looked disgusting--nipples protruding--in his rubber batsuit before Gotham. Very very disrespectful.
I saw Joker not too long ago. Terrible film. Terrible what the industry is doing. Terrible. I saw, I saw what they were doing and what I saw was awful. A movie about a loser attacking big corporations. Big city built by those corporations he lives. Big city. Huge! And he's complaining. A loser complaining. I've helped built big cities. I know all about big cities. But I don't know about losers. Terrible movie. No argument there.
Wrong pic, lol.
Sniper. Sniper was great. Truly great. Steven Seagal, let me tell you, truly believable as Liutenant, err, i can't remember right now. It'll get back to me, anyway, very good movie. I never served, si can' tell for sure, but this movie help us understand what our great armed forces go through every day. I really appreciate it. Steven Seagal. What a true american. Did you know he's a sheriff? He can legally arrest people! Very nice.
>daaa guhhhhh joker huge moobie dduuuhh uuughhh verr big durrrrre
>imagine still pretending to shill for this guy
googoo gaga big hands bloobloo poopoo ratings spllurttttttspluttr shawshank redemption
who are you quoting buddy
Just watched the lord of the rings trilogy Let me tell you, beautiful movie. The orcs are NOT NICE and sauron was VERY DISRESPECTFUL to those wonderful hobbits. The end was very very nice!
Imagine still hating him for no reason after all these years. He really did a number on your mind.
>So I just saw American History X. Let me tell you folks, it was really something. First of all, I like the title of the movie, AMERICAN. Also I love our history, people who know me know this, I am a great fan of American history, probably the best history out there, certainly top 3 but possibly... possibly top 1, anyway... I don't support curbstomping black people but there are two sides to every story and I think if you look into my past I have hired a lot of blacks, blacks love me, I see them all the time, they can't get enough of me. I played golf with Charles Barkley recently, certainly one of our best blacks, very good guy, very intelligent, I was actually surprised... So this movie is about prison, I think, and certainly this is a place where Crooked Hillary should be right now
>Rent Free
He really is the King of Real Estate, isn't he?
What's there to shill? He's getting 4 more years. Just putting it out there
>for no reason
>Not a big Tarantino person but this was Amazing!! Brad Pitt was Tremendous and did a great job wiping out those hippie LOSERS. Too bad about Sharon Tate, a GREAT talent gone too soon!! Very Sad!
God bless.
Keep catapulting those Mexicans over the wall Mr President
Aside from hurting your feelings on Twitter.
mye namb bloland blurmpf I wand cheeberger avengerz is mye faborit moving loool xddd
hi I'm brump and I'm dump and were blumprump
vietnamese start following communism
get killed by rambo
many such cases!
This is always the argument, like being the biggest unlikable piece of shit to anyone who uses their head is somehow a win lol
The left is creatively bankrupt.
>It was a good movie; GREAT movie. I was kept thoroughly entertained, but I did have to skip most of the talking bits.
>Great movie.
hey its trump I'm pretty much a functional rerard that doesnt know how to operate an umbrella so I think Joker was a good movie thqhwyf
loooooooooool we did it reddit!
You're projecting again.
he looks like a nice boy
what's your point?
Look faggots, this is about entertainment. WHo gives a fuck is "Lol trump good" or "lol trump bad". This shit is funny as fuck. Stop derailing with pointless bullshit.
>asking for stuff to not be derailed by politics
>on Yas Forums
blue board Yas Forums
I suppose this is more your crowd, right?
what a stupid thread holy shit is all you trump fags do is sit around all day thinking about your master
>biggest unlikable piece of shit
I think leftists that created the world pandemic are winners of that award, cumrade.
>Just saw Jaws. Have to say, the scientist was very stupid and wrong. A nasty guy. They should have kept the beaches open. Believe me folks, I know about business, and closing on the fourth of July weekend was very dumb. The shark was a hoax created by the democrats.
You forgot to mention the wall collapsing, 0/10.
>Little robbie deniro need to retire already. Saw him in the Irishman. Looked like frankenstien when he walked SAD
>Just had a tremendous call with Crimson Typhoon. Beautiful machine, one of the greats, if not the greatest, Mark 4s. Triple arm technique. Let me tell you folks, the Thundercloud Formation is something else - defended Hong Kong 7 times. You have Cherno Alpha, defended the Siberian wall for 10 years, I think a lot less - but Crimson, totally undefeated, kaiju never even got close.
>I talked with Crimson, we talked very important issues. Crimson wants to protect the Hong Kong coastline very badly, and so do we, but we got to it very smartly, very beautifully.
>t. too dumb for humor
How does a virus have a political leaning?
Best one in the thread
It's who created it. Again.
Imagine losing to Trump at every turn then seeing his approval ratings go sky high
Aliens come to earth - destroy White House, New York, other countries. AMERICA says no and fights back. Rest of the world sitting on their hands - sad!
Do cherno and that annoy ausie one
t. literal simp
Aguirr..Aguirray...Aguirrey? Not a fan, I gotta say. Don't get me wrong, i've seen every Werner Herzog movie there is trust me, but this one? Didn't care much for it. Must be the mexican name of the movie. Maybe it's not that. I talked with Herzog once and he said "Donald, you are the best, you have such a great taste" He said that. He said that. So i feel kinda bad to give Aguarray such a bad rating but i'm sorry, that's how i am. It's not the american way to tell lies and i never lie. I never lie. Many such cases of critics lying, just last week, the crooked fake news said i was lying about the number of chinese virus carriers was much higher than what i said but they're wrong, i tell you. Dead wrong.
based and redpilled
>his daughter
>Many people have been asking me to review things, especially movies. So last night I went to the opening of The Dark Knight Rises, which is commonly known as the Batman movie. And I'll tell you, it was really terrific.
>But what was really amazing was the fact that the cinematography, what they did was incredible. You couldn't have done it three years ago. You couldn't have done it two years ago.
>The technology was amazing. The movie is really worthwhile seeing and most importantly Trump Tower. My building plays a role, but it really is worthwhile cinematography.
>but it really is worthwhile cinematography.
He doesn't know what cinematography is does he?