Any kinos about old friends?

Any kinos about old friends?

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steve carell looks like an old man.

>haha le good friend why would he say that durrr
>yeah he should have told Luke his dad was a violent evil man that killed children

>should I invite Jenna to this call?
>Who? J- ... oh, no no we're fine I think haha, just us two, don't invite her...

He is old

John will win an oscar before Steve

Are you fucking telling me that people get old as they get older?

You look like shit, Steve

damn steve looks fucking old

You look old

Cope, Steve

John looks fat

Looking good there John

Well done, well done First Post, HOWEVER

I cant I'm so old

I fucking hope that I can look like pic related when I'm 57. This dude could go to any bar and pull any 20 year old.

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Why do people rush to defend celebrities so much? lol Steve isn't gonna see this, bro

>this (((Hollywood))) tool can go into any consoomerist venue and elicit meaningless, hedonistic sex with any 20 year old vapid THOT
man, I'm super jealous

Honestly it’s just the grey hair if he dyed it he’d look almost the same

No dude no
A normal looking dude like him with a job and non-awkward social actions would EASILY continuously pull in like 20-24 year old ass every time
Inna place like NYC or LA OR Miami or one if those fucking normalshit shitholes


I guess

did he smugly look at the camera while disrespecting the boss again?

"John, you remember that girl, what was her n–"
*nervous* "Heh we don't have to do this Steve"
"Janet, I think it was?"
"No really Steve stop"
>Jenna appears in the window behind Steve
"What is it John, you look like you've seen a ghost"
>Jenna holds up cardboard sign reading YOUR WHORE IS DEAD JOHN
>flips it over: I'M YOUR WHORE NOW JOHN

You should have understood to not reply him at
>man, I'm super jealous
Anyway, why does he look so tired?

I know right! I should just shit on anybody for the sake of doing it even if I don't genuinely believe what I end up saying! Hell yeah brother!!!


I mean, John! Why didn't you tell me you were doing this new show? :) It looks awesome, haha, got any room for another person on the show haha?

Just kidding! lol unless you are looking for someone

From Pa- I mean Jenna

>and elicit meaningless, hedonistic sex with any 20 year old vapid THOT

First of all, have sex.
Second, get a real degree
Third, seethe more incel

Lmao imagine how many times they've both politely made their excuses for that office ladies podcast but immediately did this for each other.

good one I totally just visualized this and it was great

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Based beyond all means

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>man, I'm super jealous
actually you're envious

this guy is like one incel joke away from pulling the trigger

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>This dude could go to any bar and pull any 20 year old.
Do a 57 yo man can fuck like his 20something yo self ?

have sex


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My nigger to english translator's in the shop

>people get older in 40 years
fuck off ipadtoddler

Are still in shape to really enjoy a young pussy or you’ll just lie on your back while she do the work then sleep

>or you’ll just lie on your back while she do the work
that's called being a king you homo, some day you'll have sex and understand

can't wait to see how ugly you incels get to be when you age

Even funnier. The office ladies podcast hijacked this video and posted it to their channel. It has nothing to do with the podcast whatsoever.

Jenna... seriously.

You're joking right?

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I'm 29 and people constantly think I'm a freshman even though I'm a grad student
My secret is to smoke weed all the time and drink like a fish


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they both have more hair than I do despite being them being at least 16+ years older than me

Fuck I didnt even know he was sick what happened


what the fuck happened

Carrell obviously got implants between seasons 1 and 2

Imagine thinking Steve doesn't look fucking amazing for his age.

why would a 20 year old be at a bar? They wouldn't be allowed in.

take your meds schizo

yeah its insanely obvious he went form balding to normal. Can't wait to get my own.


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Imagine being a fucking zoomer who hasn't come to terms with the passage of time yet.

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What would they be allowed in?