Cast him for the biopic

Cast him for the biopic

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DeeDee MegaDooDoo

i caught christian in the Freddy vs. Jason opening

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Ryan Gosling as CWC
Zooey Deschannel as Megan

OMG, that is clearly a woman you piece of shit. How fucking dare you!

how's chris doing with the coronavirus?

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he claims he predicted it and is mad that one of his cons got cancelled

so many weens on this board now

Brendan Fraser as CWC
Clint Eastwood as Bob
Roseanne Barr as Barb
Pauley Perrette as Megan
Steve Buscemi as Sonichu

John Malkovich as Sonichu

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Who is this? Why are you posting pictures of random strangers?

it's my gf

elizabeth moss

Margot Robbie

Poor guy. I know that's shitty to get kids in your 50s with a 40+ yrold woman but he didn't deserve his fate. He lived a pritty cool life and deserved a real son

philip seymour hoffman
would have been the right answer

Goose duh

Bob is the second biggest reason Chris came out the way he did.

t. Cryzel Rosechu


why are white american lads like this nowadays?

dude, hes cherokee indian. show some respect!

t. lives in a mud hut in a country where showering is illegal

He should not only take upon the role of himself, but also direct the movie.

Nearly everyone who follows Chris is a fucking ween these days. He's so boring now anyway so I don't understand why. I'm just gonna keep following fat foodie cows instead.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman's corpse.

Explain? Chris was already an aspie ridden autist wasn't he? Can't really fault the guy for being overprotective. Cept for being 50 plus and getting kids with a 40 yrold woman. That's on him

there's an entire website devoted to that.

damn could actually work

give us an answer, lad! all white americans men under 30 are funk pop collecting onions boys or shemales now!

He refused to have Chris sent to special education which would have probably done him a little good

Fair enough. That's a pritty retarded thing to do

so if you didn't know that already, see this post:

Bob has another son that's a dentist or eye doctor I think

yeah chris has a handful of half siblings, but guess what, none of them talk (talked?) to bob or barb.

you said sonichu twice

Someone really lame and pathetic, not like me who's handsome and cool

At least there's no video of me drinking my own cum on the internet

speak for yourself user :(

he's never going to have a biopic movie. He's only known by bigger losers. The same losers that keep shouting Sam Hyde being the culprit behind every shooting.

CWC is mainstream now because of reddit tourists. He was even in an episode of the Sonic cartoon.

Andy richter could easily smash this role

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No, his brother Donnie would work even better t

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Too gay

Steve Buscemi for Live Action scenes, but his voice will be dubbed by Malkovich

>Too gay

>too gay
umm chris is a flaming lesbian so how is he to gay ?

It'd be really funny if Chris-Chan somehow blows up in the mainstream even more than he's known online and they do write a movie about him, and he plays himself and becomes a huge celebrity.

Jonah Hill or a waxed Jack Black.

holy shit that would be epic, chris deserves it to for all these lolcows harrassing him all these years, imagine chris with a platnium sonicchu medallion around his neck

imagine if SJWs discover him and unironically turn into their icon of powerful and brave

Do you even know what a ween is ?,nobody here is fucking with him rn

we are on it champ

Danny devito.

oh look it's a fucking expert who's going to come in and split hairs about what is and isn't a ween, because he's too insecure to admit to his unhealthy fixation on chris.

>He's only known by bigger losers
>user clearly knows he is

An official documentary film would do very well at this point, not youtube autistic crap but a well written straight to the point documentary with an actual budget, you could probably film him and follow him around for a while as well, or have louis theroux live with him


Like you who came into this thread to obsess over him and ad least know shit about slang relating to him

>no u, ur the bad guy!
okay user, i'll let you think about that one for awhile.

but he is behind every shooting user, he keep getting away with it

already happened and they failed
they managed to castrate him tho

Nobody said shit about anyone being the bad guy but you clearly know enough shit about Chris chan to be one of those "obsessive losers"