So I finally marathoned Stranger Things for the first time, S1 is pure kino but the other two drop ball the hard, specially S3, what a fucking shitshow. Thoughts?
So I finally marathoned Stranger Things for the first time, S1 is pure kino but the other two drop ball the hard...
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Even pedophiles find her ugly.
1. Kino
2. Meh
3. Trash
4. Not gonna watchhh
>he thought S3 was worse than S2
this guy was at columbine
They really should have stuck with the idea of Eleven drifting from town to town like the Hulk. You can tell they were caught off-guard by how successful it got from how the second season repeats so much from the first. Also, after three seasons for Hawkins this isn’t stranger things, it’s just normal things.
This entire show was created by Kelloggs as a clever ploy to boost sales of Eggo Waffles.
The truth is they just came up with one season and had to improv the rest, which is why they suck. Also Netflix demanded them to include more kikery and current year humor. Should have ended on S1.
They just had enough story for one season and it shows. On season one everyone has a role to play and is there for a reason.
Season 2 becomes derivative and more of the same but bigger. A gazillion demo dogs and a colosal final boss.
Realizing this season 3 tries to be something different (invasion of the body snatchers) and somewhat succeds in that regard but not "good different". I do apreciate that they divided the show in teams and themes and every squad has it´s own narrative but it´s crystal clear that some characters just don´t have no porpouse anymore and they are not letting them go because some people probably watch the show for the actors/ characters.
Narratively i think the biggest strenght of the first season is that we don´t know exactly what´s going on so everything is new and interesting. Now we know everything so they keep trying to go bigger but by doing so the writters themselves have created a monster so big that can´t possibly be defeated by a group of teenagers.
Not really anything else to add. It should've been a self-contained one season thing. Anything added is just raw derivative with 80s nostalgia wanks. You can "watch it" without paying attention and decompile the basic formula of the show.
This is so stupid. They came up with one season, then they "came up with" a second and third season.
That's how creativity works. You think that anything not planned years in advance is improv?
You are a fucking stupid person.
Interesting, I didn’t know that. It does seem like they like to invent new characters more than they want to flesh out the ones they have and give them proper character arcs. Hopefully they figure that one out.
I assume then that Season 2 was originally meant to focus on the bandits and Eleven assimilating with them over the Season before finally leaving at the end of Season 2 to move on to a new town for the next season, then?
I did think Season 3 was better than Season 2 though.
I think they need to sit down with a whiteboard and remind themselves what role every character played in Season 1 and focus on continuing their individual journies. If they found a way to balance everyone and make it interesting originally they can do it again, they just got caught up in focusing on the most popular characters and inventing new people to support them while everyone else went to the sideline.
they could have planned all 3 as the beginning middle and end of the story
Best thing about Stranger Things, have rewatched these several times.
The first two minutes of the second video alone makes me laugh really hard even though I've heard it many times.
It doesn’t need to have been planned in advance for years but it did need to be more than “Season 1, but with more demigorgons, a big boss and race mixing”
>I assume then that Season 2 was originally meant to focus on the bandits and Eleven assimilating with them over the Season before finally leaving at the end of Season 2 to move on to a new town for the next season, then?
I don’t know about that, just that the original plan was for the series to not just be contained to Hawkins
It was supposed to be an anthology show but when the show was such an unexpected hit they changed it.
Why do people pretend to hate this again? It's the best show in the last five years.
S1: 9/10
S2: 7/10
S3: 8/10
Millie peaked in season 3
That said, even 3 and 1 are mediocre at best . First season had great atmosphere, but too much melodrama. 3 was retarded, but fun. 2 was just annoying.
WTF were they thinking by killing off the best character? Did Netflix get bootyblasted over viewers loving the toxic masculine white Chad?
They "could have" except that's not how tv is made. Nobody walks into a pitch-meeting with a 5 year plan, and the showrunners who, in the past, claimed they did, were notably later found out to be lying. (Lindelof / Cuse on LOST)
You have in your mind an expectation that is utterly fantastical, that the Duffer Brothers failed to meet -- because it's not an actual metric of anything. No showrunner meets that standard.
You have to all the way back to Babylon 5 for a show that had an actual detailed multi-year plan in place before shooting, and that blueprint was dramatically altered during production anyway.
You literally do not understand how television gets written.
Most shows have season 1 planned and then leave the story open for future seasons bu ST was supposed to be an anthology so the story was self contained. There was really nowhere to go in the story except repetition.
Pure kino is overselling it, but otherwise you are right.
you mad gentile?
What, are you surprised?
John Francis Daley hasn't aged a day
Loved season one
Season two was alright
Halfway through S3 now.. Does it get any better? The kids just became uninteresting with their petty teenage shit and I can't stand how they flanderized Winona Ryder in this one, I mean she wasn't a genius in the past two seasons but in the third one she looks legit retarded in some moments. I've been yawning a lot in the past couple of episodes and I'm thinking about quitting. Shame.
>specially S3
Season 3 was a huge improvement over 2, which was rushed because they had to change their original plan.
how could anyone watch this garbage after season 2
Astin and Reiser had about 20 minutes of screen time, and Gelmen just exists to try and get members of Wills family to have sex.
I thought the first season was solid, but I also thought the concept ran its course and I didn't care enough to even watch the second season. They should've left it at one season or developed subsequent seasons completely independent of the first as an anthology or something.
S2 was retarded with the whole “justice for barb” plot
>Does it get any better?
Kind of. After episode 4 they stop arguing about breakups and Will's D&D related growing pains. But the only group that has anything interesting to do is Joyce/Hopper and the Ice Cream party. Other than them and El everyone else is just a pointless side character.
S1 was impressive only because it looks like a real movie on television. But if you look at it as a movie it's pretty meh. And too derivative.
S2 was shit but it gave us Sadie and my dick will be forever grateful.
Season 1 feels like a real 80s movie, the rest feel like a modern tv show set in the 80s.
>Finn is made for ____ ____
My thoughts exactly. After the first season it's an escalating kikery and lack of ideas.
top of the day netflix shill. its a garbage show for normans
The show will be circumcised?
My cock
How the fuck does this kid keep getting hotter?
This.....In the season 2 script the ginger girl was not supposed to kiss the negro, then on the day of shooting the directors made her do it....this isn't a rumor it is fact.....And in season 2 Steve was supposed to end up with the cute ice cream girl, but then in production "they decided to make her a lesbian".....which just begs the questions now - who will come out as transgender in Season 4?
>S1 is pure kino but the other two drop ball the hard
Story of every show that is currently being made
He’s been getting a decent dosage of my cum that’s why he’s aging like fine wine
He was one of my favourite characters.
I think s3 was the best. Call me reddit or other names I don't care, my opinion is my own.
even Sam? Holy shit
This show peaked on Season 1 Episode 7, which was pure comfy kino, then fell off in a spectacular swan dive the suddenness of which I've rarely seen elsewhere. Season 2 Episode 1 was so kekworthy, it felt like fucking fanfiction of Season 1.
that's the pattern.
1st season good, or at least watchable.
subsequent seasons get loaded up with sjwmessaging, woke bullshit and other faggotry 'til it gets canceled.
>waiting to see if Mandalorian Season 2 bucks that trend, but not overly optimistic.
Honestly, this can't be a coincidence. Do you guys really think they demand to include more progressive shit when a show is successful? Even Narcos S3 had gayshit, a show about fucking drug trafficking and cartels.
that's not an appropriate thing to say about a teenage boy and i think you know that, you're just trying to be edgy
2 is vastly superior to 3, it's the plebfilter season.
>but then in production "they decided to make her a lesbian"
In the writers defense, that wasn't their idea, it was Maya Hawke's and she pushed very hard for it, for some reason.
Her and Steve's actor.
They should have done a "True Detective" thing and told a different story with a new cast and setting every season. That way even if S2 and S3 still sucked, they taint S1.
How many times does someone have to bash their head into a brick wall in order to think season 2 was better than season 3?
This is the objectively correct take. It was overrated from the start.
It unironically was. It expanded on 1 and developed the characters further, whereas season 3 was just nothing but spectacle and all of the characterization from the previous two seasons was discarded in favor of more quips.
The only reason anybody on Yas Forums pretends to prefer S3 is just pure contrarianism. Because this is Yas Forums.
Will 4th season be worth it or will it be an even more retarded?
well, that was a small fragment of information I didnt want to know
But why?
desu, Wolfhead was raised catholic iirc
Because she's a brainlet that only has a career because of nepotism and big boobies
>s2 negatives
Multi ethnic gang of misfits episode
Save Barb (Makes Jonathan and Nancy pointless)
>s3 negatives
Product placement every 4 seconds
First 4 episodes are pointless relationship drama (again)
Introduce even more characters that have no purpose like Old lady, evil mayor, dickhead misogynist news crew
Never Ending Story
Half the cast have no reason to exist, and are reduced to one stock trait
Billy goes from Mr charisma to silent retard, gets redeamd by dead mom ala Batman v Superman
"Hoppers dead, oh wait no he's not"
if the show were an anthology series, we wouldn't have the good Millie moments from s2 and 3
Meh. I could fuck her from behind. Does she have a bleached asshole?
Stranger Things without Millie just wouldn't be worth it.
Based and bleached pilled