NOOO we got too cocky, black bros.
NOOO we got too cocky, black bros
his kid looks so weird even apart from him not looking black at all I bet he's gonna be one of those conventionally unattractive therefore attractive models
imagine getting cucked by adam
It's pretty based that Pusha T shamed him into raising his kid
>mother was a former porn star
god dammit white bros
the blacks are printing replacement whites
His mom or his baby's mom?
>acts as if he wouldnt nut in a porn star
That's one ugly kid.
There i said it.
>fuck a pornstar
>offspring is a mix of all the different semen
it's like pottery
He needs to stop mouth breathing desu. Could easily turn into an aryan Chad if he practices proper tongue posture
>still peddling this myth
at what point does a human just not have a race?
lil black bois too busy on twitter cryin we we out der fuckin dey kweenz
Didn't do any hardcore though
t.coomer that looked up all her stuff
The guy who made this has some serious problem
Remember to background check everyone you meet. There are so called "white" mutts that people confuse as white. You can tell they are mixed by the shape of their nose and lips. That is the surest indicator of a mixed race entity.
he cute
Nobody actually cares in real life, you fucking aspie.
He looks like the rejected 7th member of YMCA that got rejected for being too gay.
jew got cheated on
>why did you expose how pathetic I am? you have problems dude
She never actually took dick, she just did softcore nudes.
It’s because Drake is a mulatto and his baby is a Quadroon
yikes imaging actually being a seething jealous of a celebrity, like you broken is your head lol
He's only half black and the mother is not black at all
The child is only 25% black
Cam girl not porn star
That's Baby Chuck.
She looks like she fucks white guys
>that cellulitis
Do losers really?
Knowing Drake I thought the mom would be in preschool
Jews love black cock.
It's over for hebrew boys
Did Drake impregnate his mom?? Based!
>The child is only 25% black
That's called a quadroon.
while it was based of pusha t it wasnt completely secret that he had a child
djakademiks made a video about it like 7 months before the beef he just didnt know who the mother was
hell drake literally rapped about it on the album he dropped before this shit happened
imagine mean mugging in a picture with your mom
imagine being on degrassi and pretending to be a tough guy
What is wrong with you people?
His gf fucked a white dude, no way this kidis his lmao
When all these mixed race babies turn adult from all the race mixing thats pushed, I can't wait for the Left to eat itself
>White is the new black
Thanks for the healthy chuckle user
>blonde hair and blue eyes
explain this Yas Forums
Can he say the n word?
That's kinda disgusting
t. Ireland
>Naming your little mutt goblin Adonis
Only like three of those girls are black
Jews Love Black Cock
He's more white than you
Why do black people give their kids white names that are attributed to heroes and gods? It makes me laugh every time.
>using buzzwords like mutt and goblin because you’re trying to control who people reproduce with and failing just like you fall at everything else
he wanted to give his son the name of a greek god because he has a girls name
Drake is a mutt African and Jew, he's not black and his kid isn't white. Mutts.
>black people
He’s half white. It’s just as valid to say “he’s white” as it is to say “he’s black.” This is called logic.
Make it gray scale and not a single person would pick white.
Real Aryans are Blavck, humanitys efforts have so far just amounted to trying to rebuild broken pieces
>*Sniff* y-youre a FAILURE, you're just a big MEANY poo poo head!
Don't you have some bananas to pick or dogs to fuck Pueblo?
drake is mixed and the mother is white, so it's understandable that he'd look like that. granted, he is blonde, but drake's mother is blonde. sometimes a gene skips a generation. supposedly, he took three (!) dna tests. lol. it's definitely his.
So does Drake though, he looks like a gay potato who loves young boys
That's right, Logic is biracial, did you know that?