Will it be kino?

Will it be kino?

Attached: Leafyishere.jpg (340x340, 16.79K)

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I'm sick of seeing this bitch spammed. I don't care if iDubzz lets her strip on the internet

ngl he lookin kinda cute there

Then stop posting about it you fucking brainlet.

he's half european half asian but he looks like a spic

This. I'd fuck then cuddle

In 10 years zoomers will look back to this idubbz shitfest and call it nostalgia

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Someone post the LeafyXiDubbz hentai

For you :)

It has the capacity to be if he just makes it a oneshot, makes this one and never comes back. He will be remembered fondly, a Christ-like figure reborn from the ashes only to disappear as quickly as he came. Needless to say, I'm looking forward to it xD

>world economy is collapsing
>zoomers main interest right now is some dumb fucking e-celeb drama


Attached: Cs4EMEEWgAECB5c.jpg (675x1200, 126.06K)

> but he looks like a spic

Most hapas look like lighter skinned mexicans

Attached: hapafamily.jpg (1024x682, 122.32K)


Suck a fat cock and take a shower incel. Your generation was fucked from the start, you just can't handle how based and cool we are. Its been a few years and we've already contributed more to culture than you have in three decades.

Attached: leafy.jpg (482x728, 32.21K)

>Half east asians are beautif-

Attached: 1c5y1c2hemn11.jpg (1266x652, 117.46K)

Lookin like Nic Cage there

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Why is Leafy so kino bros?

That's because his forehead is angled slightly forward and you can't see how recessed his chin is

holy shit poor kids, having a dad with yellow fever will ruin your life

What do you propose I do to singlehandedly fix the economy from the comfort of my home that the government says I’m not even allowed to leave?

>Adjust hair to proper place
>give face mask as all fembois need
Welcome to coolsville usa

>lalalala i can't hear you
>here, this e-celeb drama will take my mind off things
>haha dumb boomers i showed them

Plotwist: Leafy has only been gone to go undercover and ruin idubbbz from the inside

t. r/asianmasculinity poster

You could start by not wasting your time with stupid bullshit like posting in e-celeb drama threads and informing yourself about what's going on around the world

I hope they all die first along with boomers.

pretty much

pic related is 1/4th asian childern (1/4th japanese) and the dad and mom are both famous, the mom being some hapa model yet the kids looks like they have downs JFl @ yellowfever fags

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looks like nick cave here

Shut up, boomer.

These are the parents too so it's not just
>muh Elliot's dad was a jew, t-that's why he was an incel!
>b-but my asian waifu is japanese...I'll have chad k-kids!

Attached: jamesbailey.jpg (400x300, 19.64K)

>watch the news and things will magically get better
Is this what boomers seriously believe?

>Leafy is ugl–

Attached: 1.gif (360x384, 1.02M)

I'm not op, you fucking brainlet calling others a brainlet

what's with the constant e-celeb zoomer spam these weeks? what happened?

Attached: leafy2.jpg (800x600, 55.26K)

Like I have any money or prospects anyways.

It's funny how even here you can see him trying to jut his chin a bit.

I know your little boomer pea brain can't process how culturally significant this is, but do us all a favor and quiet down while we get the popcorn ready for some youtube kino.

>burps after just finishing a monster energy drink
>throws self on the bed and grabs a stray cheetopuff and tosses it into his mouth
>dusts off the crumbs on his sleeveless coke shirt
>”So user what game we playing today?”

didn't this fag kill a bunch of roasties then got shot to death by cops?

>I know your little boomer pea brain can't process how culturally significant this is, but do us all a favor and quiet down while we get the popcorn ready for some youtube kino.

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Not yet.

yeees very good, goyim. stay at home. do nothing. let the government take care of the rest.

Elliot barely killed one girl iirc
He was to retarded to follow his own plan

Who bottoms?


This is not what he said at all. You can't be this stupid.

Nice shop

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How does posting about Jews on 4 cham change anything?

How old is he? Legit cant tell is he 17 or 40

Leafy ofc, same for the XKeemstar

Ah when youtube was the wild west and you didn't have to censor bad words or they would steal your money

hold the phone, i recognize that gay blowjob. is this the same person?

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absolute state of actual children on this site who unironically watch vloggers

he's like 24 now. he was 20 back when he was famous back in 2016.

Mid 20s

The 2016 youtube drama already feels like nostalgia

Explains the awful breast implants that only a tranny would have

This generation is full of faggots, trannies and simps, what do you expect

idk whats going on in this thread

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Dude needs to gain some weight

>duhhhh i dont care about it
>dats y i keep posting about it and wasting time in threads for it
peak brainlet

>that pic
fuck that's honestly sad

>Dude needs to gain some weight

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Yes and it will be his ultimate comeback to YouTube.

For anyone wondering, here's what he looks like now

Attached: 26afbdc69ed58ac7d10ff994a10fe6ee.jpg (500x737, 101.12K)

story? fill me in what's happening with leafy


This. 2016 was the best year for me (on the internet).

He dreams he were as based as ronnie

I hope he gets to top in the sequel, he’s earned it.