He's been in self-quarantine for years, sir. Somehow he knew

>He's been in self-quarantine for years, sir. Somehow he knew.
>My God.

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>my god... this guy is a pro!

>no girlfriend, no social media, no cell phone activity we can find, this guys a ghost sir

This makes me sad to see how normies react to the quarantine, especially in my country where it's a forced quarantine. I was almost convinced most people weren't going out that much outside of work. It's the first time I feel like a true loser since the first year of high school.


>i feel like a loser because i don't have a mental collapse the first week i can't indulge my narcissism and hedonist tendencies

I knew someone was going to reply this but for some reason, I now really feel like I missed something, just like when I was a failed normie as a teenager. Those people, as narcissistic as they are, must enjoy their lives better than I enjoy mine to regret staying at home that much.

They don't enjoy their lives. They're just hylics. They literally can't function properly without social interaction, because their brains can't function independently. They operate on consensus.

Actually quite funny.

I hope this NPC thing is more than a meme because it's the only cope we have left.

It's not a meme. Educated men have known about it for thousands of years, and once you realize it then the world will start to make so much more sense.

The only difference to before is that now I go grocery shopping every two weeks instead of every week. And I gotta say, not having to deal with the trip every week is actually an improvement.

>He keeps talking to himself and... practicing facial expressions?
>It must be some sort of code!
>Good Lord, get the director on the line

I just don't get how people can't keep themselves entertained from home
>video games
>indoor hobbies like drawing/painting
Seems like so many people can't function without going out and getting drunk with friends, which is sad

top keke


>Seems like so many people can't function without going out and getting drunk with friends, which is sad
I still wonder how they can find the time to go out that often in normal circumstances, I mean two weeks of staying at home shouldn't make a difference. It's more than possible that they're exaggerating the whole thing just to get attention on social medias.

They probably are. Though a lot of older people do nothing in their spare time but watch tv, which can get mind numbing with all the commercials and having to abide by what's currently on. I've switched to streaming/torrenting and I'm never going back to regularly watching cable

We've been on lockdown for one for one goddamn day and my normalfaggot dad went insane by noon. This shit can't end soon enough, I just want to be left alone again.

You're a loser who doesn't deserve freedom

People keep flying all over the fucking place and keep spreading it. Don't expect it to be over until June

It is because he is stuck inside with you

I don't deserve freedom because I don't require social interaction to function properly? Because I'm perfectly happy sitting at home and enjoying my hobbies or learning new things? Kill yourself, hylic.

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I'm stucked with my schizo mother who was used to do shopping every day. She already thinks people are coming in the apartment at night, it's a matter of days before she murders me in my sleep.

yup, it's pretty sad when self isolation is everyday normal life

I have access to all this stuff and would normally feel like i dont have time to pursue it, but now that I have endless free time it all feels hollow and i dont find myself enjoying it that much


yeah its made me realize how far ive gone honestly
im a completely different creature at this point

>Normies found solace from workplace to forget their past and relationship issues
>Forced to be with their gf and face their troublesome past in tight space

>2 of my former friends with drug habits found balance from work and school
>Now they are forced to stay home

I really feel bad for them.

Self-improvement as it's seen by most people is impossible for us. There's no coming back.

>mom has CNN playing on the tv 24/7 so she can "stay informed" about the virus

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Same I’m perfectly healthy but I get as tired as an old diabetic if I leave my house for more than just 1 hour. I feel like the people on 600lb life. I really need to change this yr

H-haha y-yeah I knew all along
I bet you normies feel real dumb now don't you

We share the same retarded family, bro.

I don't even know if I could stand being back at my shit physical labor job because all I've done is sleep and watch TV. I was a NEET for 8 years until I started working so this has made me realize how easy it is to just give up again. I really hope I get the stimulus check because this shit is fuckin me up.

>Get him on the line, see what he can teach us about social distancing and voluntary isolation
>He's mankind's last hope...God help us all

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>grandma is literally retarded and keeps it on the news constantly

Im kind of neutral on it. I try to keep most people away just not to deal with their shit, and I dont drink. Thots are freaking out and calling me cause i have a lake house near a city. Yeah i fucked them long time ago.

Its weird. Cutting out most social bullshit over time got me out of a cycle of depression.

All ive been doing is work. Security Contractor for homeland

320 hours last month. Fucking boomers

if my mother gives me one more tip about "social distancing" I'm throwing her through a fucking wall.

>father regularly tells my little sister to do her own research and that she can't trust the media


Why are we on this website? We're not better than them

>No photos at all online sir
>Check the cam footage of nearby areas
>Sir.... he hasn't left his house in a decade
>My God

same but my grandpa between blasting full volume jeopardy and cancerous reality tv shows with his door wide open

I'm talking as a friendless KHV 23 years old college student. I already know that male normies like you react with more common sense than the college thots I read on Twitter but still, it hurts a bit reading them.

I really want to know how many they think this will kill because this shit has to be worse than h1n1. I literally didn't know a single person infected with that shit and so far I don't know anyone with this shit but it sounds worse than h1n1 because of how this is affecting the retards of the world hoarding everything and affecting the economy.

>not watching Jeopardy with your grandpa

Diversity in perspective
There are critical thinkers here not found on popular normie forums. Also being able to relate with non-normoids who dont operate in an automated fashion

I'm not sure if you're an Amerifat like me but based Dr. Fauci said in the U.S. it will be over 100,000

>still not enough to destroy New York or San Francisco
Damn it

Ha ha

>I... don’t know, sir. It almost seems like he practicing for an interview

This is what the program looks like at all times, at least with the panel on the right.

Numbers on deaths and the stock market at all times, like it's tracking a fucking video game score. The media is willing an apocalypse into existence.

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Is he... kissing his mirror?

>his big tiddy mom doesn't give him a handy every night before bed
Sucks to be you!

Fox News, too.

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What this fuck else am I supposed to read

>seeing people ready to kill themselves after two weeks of living like I have my entire life

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We live in an ivory tower. It's a blessing and a curse.

Not that user but I bet if his grandpa is anything like my grandma he literally doesn't change the channel and watches the same shit constantly then bitches because they don't know how to do anything online because they immediately forget how to do something after you show them. My grandma literally only keeps cable so she can talk on the phone which is currently on the fritz because AT&T is terrible and has literally no good channels because she has the cheapest package at 160 a month. On top of this my grandmother has a shitty burner phone that's 35 a month and all she does is sit at home so she can browse Facebook like a retard never talking to anyone since she doesn't know how to type on her phone literally making herself sadder seeing all these people living their fake ass lives in self masturbatory hubris while talking to each other once in a blue moon. I love my grandma but she literally drives me fuckin insane with her self pity

Have american medias always been that bad?