why is she so perfect?
Why is she so perfect?
dunno lol
She’s the only funny person on SNL currently
She's also not genetically modified ;)
the only reason to watch SNL
she has a man body but it makes me want to fuck her even more knowing how ashamed she would be of her huge body while I destroy her dripping wet pussy
her as tulsi was pretty hot
SNL current year women are the worst in shows history. her and McKinnon cant do one sketch without shoving some MEN ARE TOXIC EVERYTHING IS PROBLEMATIC theme into all their skits
Was SNL ever funny? Even back when they had actual funny cast members the sketches themselves sucked.
Haven’t seen one of those skits in a while
The Trump ones excluded
You are a child. You don't know what you're talking about.
>why is she so perfect?
Because you're attracted to horses?
I actually find her extremely attractive. I work in HR and she looks exactly like my boss so when I fap to Cecily I imagine its my boss
Cecily makes my dick diamonds
imagine being such a weak powerless man that you let women crying affect you in any way
just cut your head off, you're not meant to reproduce you weak beta fuck lmfao
Go ahead, post some funny skits from the golden years.
It's that pregnacy glow.
>Not watching it for Melissa Villaseñor.
I know she's claimed, but I don't care. Too bad she's not appearing a lot. on the show.
>unattractive teeth
>fridge body
>spic features
>fat but with small tits and flat ass
>bulging stomach/always looks pregnant
>rest angrySJWchick face
>shrill voice
my wife looks like a much sexier melissa villasenior so I don't need to wonder or fantasize about her, cecily on the other hand is different.
She looks like she would be into ballbusting
go be mad at the world in your quarantined board Yas Forums
go to bed
the fat bitch is the only funny one in the cast right now. the hot ones are all massively unfunny, especially that blonde hilary bitch who overacts in every sketch
So you like SNL? You think it's good, and doesn't try to pander with social issues?
the mexican one is the worst, that fucking voice and her SJW politics, fucking yuck d00d
imagine being such a weak powerless man that you let women crying affect you in any way
just cut your head off, you're not meant to reproduce you weak beta fuck lmfao
So do the tv shows you like. What's the difference?
That's what I thought.
"men are the problem, michael che! kill them all! i hate white people, im one of the good ones!"
any Heidi fags here?
this shit isnt fucking funny. i used to to think Kristen Wiig was annoying back in the day but i long for those days with how annoying I find Strong and McKinnon
She looks hot in this outfit
She makes my dick hard so don't care lol
her and vanessa bayer and heidi gardner are in a three way tie for most infuriating looking horse teeth ive ever seen. does SNL only hire women with annoying look teeth now or something?
She got cancelled by Lorne after old tweets making fun of black people showed up
Who are you talking to? I asked a question which you were too insecure to answer. Is SNL a good show that doesn't pander to social issues?
the only insecure person here is you.
If she got cancelled, how did she do "WHITE MAN BAD"?
her voice
She has nice TITS. I wanna ASSFUCK her TITS.
Shes hot as fuck. She looks like one of my hot cousins. I'd love to fuck her
oh my god yes
It happened right after she did white male rage
mmmmm dat middleaged spanish teacher senorita body.
Hmm.... Can't help but notice you're not answering the question and attempting to shift attention away from yourself. What did this tranny mean by this?
Same. Its a pity she has no leaks
you're talking to different people you dumb fuck, but like I said just kill yourself.
say what you will about how shit SNL is right now, the women have been pretty solid the last few years. except leslie.
that's exactly what a cousinfucker would say.
Another time you dodge the question. Admit it, SNL is not a good show and it panders to social issues instead of being funny. No matter how hard you continue to lie and shift attention, you can't deny this. Sorry to trigger you, tranny
Literally don't give a fuck as long as I get to cum
she got away with it cuz shes a spic. the white guy they hired over the summer was the one they fired and got his career cancelled because if you a straight white man you cant get away with nuthin, its not fair! fuck women and jews chinks!
Does she still have hairy forearms?
What about she?
So.. white male rage caused her to get essentially doxxed off the show. Oh the ironing.
bro your a faggot and i honestly think you should commit suicide, why do you think i'm even reading what you're writing or want to talk to you in any way. I just see my posts get replied to and reply to let you know you're a faggot who should suicide ASAP.
which white guy?
hiring based shane the bull gillis was the first time i had hope for SNL being funny again but nope SJWs had to ruin everytime. now the days of them ever hiring anyone funny again is hopefully and itll just be wokescould faggots who've never said anything even mildly offensive and only punch up, thanks a lot bird poet fag seth simons
Shane Gillis, he's got a great podcast
nice try plebbit
>1. Chloe
>2. Cecily
>3. Melissa
>4. Heidi
>5. Ego
>6. Kate
>7. Aidy
>Slamming the slam pig
Ah yes, a man if culture...
The best looking actress on SNL is a Jewess.
Not a fan of her manly eyebrows
They remind you of Natalie, am I rite?!