We can all agree this was the best one right?
We can all agree this was the best one right?
"muggle clothes"
We can all agree you have a vagina, for one
at least you're not a tranny
Yeah. It’s got a polish to it that the others can’t match. Honourable mention for Philospher’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets because they’re very comfy.
I like Philosopher’s stone and Half Blood Prince the most
>he asked calmly
you are either a faggot or a bitch
everything great about HP in one tight well crafted package. A lot of the other movies are iffy
6 because its the only the one with good Gambon Dumbledore, it has gloom atmosphere and third act was legitimately good, even with cut material.
5 is the trash.
4 is a good book but the movie is a hot mess
*sips double IPA with grapefruit infusion*
Hey friendo, did you know that
*combs beard*
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
*takes long drag off juul*
was not originally called that?
*walks into bathroom stall and locks door behind him to urinate*
It’s actually called
*puts on seatbelt*
Harry Potter and the
*mails in taxes before april 15*
Philosopher’s Stone!
It's the most entertaining and visually the best, but I don't like how mundane they make everything feel, which admittedly is a large fault of the book itself. All the kids dressing like muggles is boring, this is the first movie that really starts to steer the series away from the comfy boarding school toward the stupid dark lord focus, and the time travel ending is extremely dumb and tedious, especially since it's never ever used again.
When I want to be a nostalgia fag I usually just watch 1 2 and 4, since those deal the most with the school.
PS is comfy kino but Chamber of Secrets is trash
Everyone hates it but I love the 7.1 one
what's wrong with 5 i like most of the developments in that one
The 1st one is the best for dealing with the school, all the shit with him going to class, quidditch, discovering the magical world, etc, is all great
very possibly; the first three movies have soul, then it became generic
What's wrong with locking the door
>Ron shuffled his feet uncomfortably as he stared at them, hands tangled in a worried knot
>"What the fuck you doin' Weasley?! You better not be looking away from them!",yelled Malfoy as he stroked his rock hard member as it protruded proudly from his wizarding robes.
>Ron glanced up sheepishly to see Harry vigorously pounding Hermione from behind on the Gryffindor commons table.
>Harry looked over his shoulder at his friend with a slight grin on his face.
>"C'mon Ron", Harry grunted in between his rapid thrusts, "no need to be coy. Take it all in."
>As he plowed deeper and deeper into Hermione's beet red pussy he looked over at Dumbledore, himself deeply entranced in the act taking place before him.
>"I much prefer this Chamber of Secrets to the other, professor!" Harry exclaimed.
>"FOCUS BOY!" Hissed Professor Snape, rubbing the tip of his precum glazed penis with his thumb.
>"You're just like your father. He could never take a proper inter-house fuck train seriously either."
>The look on Dumbledore's face lightened somewhat as Harry's thrusts became quicker.
>"You getting your vinegars, young mister Potter?" Dumbledore asked in his usual, calm tone
>Harry didn't have time to respond before he began to ejaculate wildly deep inside of Hermione's slick cunt.
>Falling over her back, he licked the sweat from her skin and gazed up at the clock.
>"Twenty-one minutes... looks like a new house record." Harry muttered out in gasping breaths.
>Snape's dick began to go limp.
>Dumbledore, slapping Harry on the back, exclaimed, "50 points for Gryffindor."
>Ronald looked back down at his feet, tears welling in his eyes.
>Malfoy looked over at Dumbledore and yelled, "He cheated! There must have been a spell or some such!"
>Tucking his willy back into his robe he stormed passed Snape and over to the common room door.
>"My father will hear of this", Malfoy whispered as he stormed out of the room.
3 is my favorite even though I realize it's shortcomings, like the time travel oriented plot (which never really gets brought up again in the entire series) and nothing really feeling like it has any weight on Harry's journey long-term (most of the plot points are really self-contained; sure, it introduces some backstory to Harry and his parents via Remus and the sqwod being introduced, but not much else). there's so many great scenes in this film that actually feel quite heavy/serious though, like the Boggart scene, Whomping Willow dive, Harry's last stand, and Buckbeak's execution. Buckbeak and dementors are based af too, which dementors also get BTFO by the best spell in the lore, Expecto Patronum
>(which never really gets brought up again in the entire series)
Wasn't there a room in the minister full of them?
fuck, you might be right. this thread has actually convinced me to binge the series again during this quarantine
ye for sure
There was a cabinet full of them that gets smashed in the battle at the ministry and gets stuck in a time loop of breaking and then fixing itself, basically just to write out the timeturners and then the cursed child happened
>What's wrong with locking the door
Cuaron’s scene transitions took the series to a new level. He made Hogwarts feel like a real place rather than a series of disconnected hallways and classrooms.
Especially the ending shot of 3
No, it ruined the comfy aesthetic of the first movies
That's the one true opinion of Yas Forums.
Best end credits song
I think it was assumed to let each director bring their own style to the movies, which led to a patchwork unfortunately but also allowed us to see different takes. Retrospectively, it would have been better to let one man lead the thing.
The real problem is that the necessity of having some sort of actual overarching story killed it. HP is at its peak when fully immersed in the mysterious and wondrous nature of Hogwarts and the Wizarding World. As Harry grew up and had to face the "real" world, much of the magic was lost - what made the earlier books so enjoyable was the incredible contrast between Muggles and magic and the bizarre little details like the array of wacky ghosts and the weird wizard food. The later ones forego most of that for secret societies, flashy battles, and a pervasive doom and gloom that was omnipresent in later YA fiction like The Hunger Games. Without that sense of wonder, the reader has no choice but to see the underlying failure in the setting, a lack of internal consistency or steady rules of any sort. Not a problem for a series focused on exploring a magical world, but absolutely ruining for one that's trying to present some grand overarching conflict because it makes real stakes impossible to have.
That man being Cuaron
Then again, maybe it wouldn't have worked for 7-8 movies but I have faith in him
well, duh
What's wrong with double IPA with grapefruit infusion
no this one is
But what you're describing is the process of the Harry's character's progression with the passage from the youth to a more adult and less enchanting world to a more gloomy one symbolized with the death of Cedric and the transition from a showy world with the cup, the quidditch tournament, the foreing wizard to a serious speech with Dumbledore
>that poster
Harry potter and the half-blue filter.
Fuck i hate that desaturated blue phase films went through.
I don't see how it's not DHP2. It's the only one that wasn't squeezing nine months into three hours.
Literally kino
>Cuaron’s scene transitions
Any examples of this? I don't remember these at all or how they were better.
but it has a comfy aesthetic of its own, unlike the next flicks
>"You getting your vinegars, young mister Potter?"
gets me every time
That was some serious 200iq move from Hermione there
I've never stopped thinking Harry was a retard for being all "noooo don't kill him that would be mean whoops looks like tens of thousands of people died because I said that."
>>"You're just like your father. He could never take a proper inter-house fuck train seriously either."
I cant think of any scene transitions per se but he does some really interesting and cool camera movements through mirrors and stuff
In general I just think the entire movie is more kino than the other ones which feel more popcorn art-y if that makes sense, even if it isn't everyone's favourite
Harry Potter was never good.
and it also has the best soundtrack, literally gives me chills
fuck im gonna rewatch it tomorrow
Shreaking shack theme was pretty creepy
What can I say besides based, user?
>no quidditch championship, the best part of the books
Is half blood prince worth watching? I just skipped the movie because I absolutely despised the book. It just felt like Rowling was trying way too hard to be edgy and “mature” as well as introducing a bunch of stupid shit like Liquid Luck which is just as bad as the time turners when it comes to plot holes like “why didn’t they just use X” and Liquid Luck never got written out either
I remember watching the one with the chamber of secrets with some other kids. When they pulled out the sword of griffindor it was some incredibly cheap plastic sword. We all looked at each other and never watched any of the movies after that lmao.
Wow that's a pretty trippy effect.
Yeah there's another (not fully as impressive one) where the camera moves through the clock face above the courtyard, I think it's the beginning of the scene where Harry isn't allowed to go to Hogsmeade but I can't find a clip of it (you can see the clock at the end of this video though youtube.com
But the movie is full of really beautiful and cool cinematography like that which is definitely part of why it's my favourite