Why does it feel like there are no more distinct sub-cultures ?

Why does it feel like there are no more distinct sub-cultures ?
Everyone watches the exact same films and series even anime became mainstream.

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Maybe because you're a normalfag and you don't belong here?

roachie was always a poor mans hisoka

Freedom is dead, punk is dead, expression is dead and even straight edge is dead. If you arent listening to mimble rap and wearing the same clothes youre out.

Video didnt kill the radio store, the negros tendency to comply did

Yeah, kid. Totally...

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Because you live in a bubble?

Because you are a normie and associate with normies

I blame social media , connecting people was a mistake, killed all the creativity that people had.

Yes. And it’s all boring as shit. I’m starting to shut out popular culture entirely.

>mumble rap
Why is this shit so loathsome?

>even anime became mainstream.
Anime was always mainstream

She cute

This. They showed anime on tv stations all over the world since astro boy

Globalization and social medias?

There are still subcultures, you just have to leave the internet to find them.

This. Social media was the beginning of the end.


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I went to school for marketing and worked in the industry.

I've been trying tell people for years that there is a huge push from major marketing companies to "centralize" marketing demographics into one big golden group that is easy to appeal to over a vast amount of people.

Market trends tend to show individual marketing demographics to actually be splintering more and more into small groups of enthusiasts but properly appealing to them is quite hard and expensive as there wouldn't be a lot of marketing data already known, as well as not too profitable considering the groups are small and quite particular.
The big answer to this that most marketing firms decided on is quashing all these little groups into an as easy as possible large marketing group with little individual culture that will pick up whatever garbage they shovel out.

I believe it would be better to have many small marketing firms for separate groups for both the job and cultural market instead of a few megafirms that essentially control and dictate social trends now. But then those in power wouldn't be as rich.

Whenever you see politically or racially charged commercials, it's just because a lot of high end marketing companies are corrupt and trying to make a profit. Not so much a great united conspiracy, but more of an attempt to appeal to as many people as possible without regard for societal effects at large.

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Better than hisoka

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*deepthroats sasuke and cums the biggest load in his tiny little mouth*
Your technique sucks, you lack hate little brother...
Kisame, we're leaving.

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Are incel a subculture

This is why popular media is dying and losing its popularity. The marketing firms will dig their own grave.


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They wished

>zoomers think that everyone was a goth or a wigger in the 90s because they watched to much old MTV

>better than hisoka

well yeah, Meruem was. Roachi was worse than both of them though

Corny, predictable, gay, and for furries. Hisoka > Chrollo >>>>> ant Cell

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You dont realize it right now, but you're in a subculture right here.

It was

I wasn't aware that people with three digit IQ still browsed this gay board

>Hisoka - entire motivation is just sexual gratification and no real purpose other than he likes going around killing for thrills
>Chrollo - autist who doesn't understand his own his own mind with a total lack of remorse

ant cell would 1v2 both of them in the time it would take for a piss break before getting back to his game of chinese checkers

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Because you're the fucking mainstream normalfag, you just refuse to admit it. I engage in a bunch of niche subcultures no problem.

online subcultures aren't the same thing as real life subcultures

delet this

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>have the same worldview
>listen to the same music
>only friends with each other
>hated by boomers
>used as a scarecrow by media
I think yes

As dorky as they are, aren't alt right and antifa fags real life subcultures in a way? Reddit users autism extends beyond the internet

What movies did they make ?
I mena genuine large scale movements , not some vhs collector forum.

Two things, first the internet went mainstream. Suddenly everyone could share things and more obscure ideas became popularized. The second, was the push to add mainstream ideas to smaller genres. Super hero films had always been around but they weren't anything like today. Star Wars and Marvel and Transformers should all be very different but if you watch them back to back they all feel like they were written by the same guy. Basically, studios realized that they could take niche ideas and fill them up with mainstream production and create a project that gets the best of both worlds: iconography that makes people feel compelled to watch more and watered down stories that make everyone feel comfortable.

a large issue with this is the internationalization of our industries. Capitalism makes a lot of sense on a small scale because it allows one man to make shoes and another to make toys and another to work in TV for the south and another to make TV for the cities and so on.

But the world became so connected that one man can now make shoes not just for his town, but the next town over. Soon it's the whole country. Now its the whole world.

But when you get that big you have to appeal to EVERYONE, and thus your shoes lose their culture. You no longer have shoes that are known for being worn in asia but nowhere else because there is one company who sells all the shoes to the entire world.

The same thing happened with movies. Whats worse is that it will balance out over time. Right now they are making things bland and generic because those things can appeal to any culture but over time the culture will adopt the bland and generic as its culture and the whole world will just be one big marvel movie.

culture thrives on not being connected, because otherwise its not culture its just the way the world is. Piercings belonged to particular cultures because it wasn't seen elsewhere. Now its seen everywhere so its not a cultural thing.

>large scale movements
HUH, you realize thats how we get to where we are today right? You think punk was still a subculture when it became mainstream?

There aren't very many long-running anime full of filler and padding anymore. One Piece is still its own subculture because of how fucking massive it is. If you look at Yas Forums and /vg/ though there are tons of them there. MMOfags (realistically XIVfags and Runescapefags since they're radically different and all others are dead), gachafags, autistic Doom purists, Soulsfags, TESfags, the list goes on.

Everyone watches Netflix these days, and Netflix has much more anime than TV stations ever showed. It's definitely much more mainstream now.

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enough weeaboos are grown up with their own kids now that they don't beat the anime out of them like how their own daddies beat them

I think that sub-cultures shouldn't be too small nor too big. They should always be trying to penetrate the mainstream but never quite become mainstream.

It's always been mainstream, just because the viewbase is everexpanding doesn't mean it wasn't popular years ago

because the distinct subcultures stay distinct subcultures by you not knowing about them

I contend that anime still isn't mainstream. Just because everyone and their brother is watching Boku no Hero Shitdemia Season 15 doesn't mean they watch and enjoy anime.
Same argument applies to Game of Thrones. All the people that watched it aren't suddenly fans of dark fantasy. I reckon most probably hate the genre its just that that particular show managed to tick a lot of boxes normies enjoy outside of the fantasy element.

Then the destruction of such sub-cultures are inherent in their existence.

you're retarded

Why do low IQ Americans love this edgy, homosexual emo boy show so much? That's a better question.

EUro time Yas Forums and Yas Forums never have a thread about this trash, only fat retarded Americans

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No, it wasn't. For most people anime was pokemon, sailoor moon, one piece, Miyazaki movies, and other extremely popular series that target wide audience. Much less people watched anything beyond those, unlike now, when you have late night anime like Konosuba showing in cinemas.

this, people who watch netflix anime are as much of anime fans as kids watching pokemon in the 90s

It does seem like that any subculture's life is a cycle, from a underground movement to a capitalist dead horse.
It reminded me of that meme about card games and how girls ruined them.

That is blatantly untrue. I am usually only here during euro hours and I always see them.

Because everything is available on the internet. Are you that fucking stupid?

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It's because/a/ stopped doing their job. If you went there you were outright disdained for being new and they forced you to become a part of the culture or to get the fuck out and never come back.
Now they are helpful and even hand out recommendations, something that would never have happened before.

note how its only popular card games that can be ruined, who is ruining the likes of netrunner? or even yu-gi-oh, a popular card game that is thoroughly not popular with women and the mainstream

There are 3 Naruto threads up on Yas Forums at any given time , seethe more moehitter.

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moepigs should just KNEEL

>not a series targeting wide audience

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Subcultures have been always nothing more than just a fashion preference. Also there are still subcultures, but these are different from 20 years ago.
Anime was always mainstream, it was just uncool to say it isn't.

These are all just fandoms for products. Maybe if you group them all up and call them corporate swine nerds.

>Anime was always mainstream, it was just uncool to say it isn't.
Yeah everyone and their mom secretly used to buy those fansub VHS tapes right?

I like to think of anime like porn, been mainstream and around forever but it's just way easier to access with more varieties nowadays, or was porn never mainstream either? I guess they do share the similarity of being more shunned / less acceptable in the past whereas both are way more out in the open nowadays

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>Dude everyone in the 90s and early 2000s was a goth/skater/rapper/juggalo homie... With at least one tattoo in High school of all things. And if you didn't prescribe to a subculture you'd be eaten alive, it was like prison man. That was until THAT dreaded year... 2007 *collective gasps and angry screams* it wiped out every single subculture and pop punk band at the same time

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What a time to be alive.

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What do you think a subculture is?

>people actually believe this