Outstanding questions for discussion:
1. How was Rehoboam able to know what Caleb said as a child? Is the supercomputer able to simulate the past?
2. Who is the host in Charlotte?
3. Who would win in a wrestling match between Charlotte and Dolores?
Outstanding questions for discussion:
1. How was Rehoboam able to know what Caleb said as a child? Is the supercomputer able to simulate the past?
2. Who is the host in Charlotte?
3. Who would win in a wrestling match between Charlotte and Dolores?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why is aaron paul's character such a beta orbiter?
1. Some camera, some device recorded it. As Dolores said the privacy laws were very weak on they just ignored them.
2. Teddy
3. Me
All in all I think Dolores is hot but I was kinda bored by her and Charlotte. This was the weakest episode of season3 so far.
He is borderline suicidal and wants a mommy.
>1. How was Rehoboam able to know what Caleb said as a child? Is the supercomputer able to simulate the past?
he's an android clearly, all his memories are fake
I changed my mind answer to 2. is the man in black as a "omg I didn't see that coming!!" moment for the audience.
The thing when charlotte attacks the dog owner wasn't very Teddy like.
1. when caleb was shot in the head, he was recreated, so his memories can be accessed later by dolores and her super hacking abilities. or memories digitized because he was special forces or some shit and at risk of getting killed
2. charlotte is in charlotte, but a copy made from her westworld data and additional programming by dolores. real charlotte is breaking through and causing the self harm like delos from s2
3. dolores since she has a height advantage
I like how they gave Dolores a 20cm heels to highlight how much Aaron is a manlet
At first I thought Clementine but she has no reason to be that loyal to Dolores and she had no reaction when she saw Maeve.
Maybe that uggo that blew up the Cradle?
Also the scottish bodyguard is clearly Teddy right?
>2. Who is the host in Charlotte?
I thought it was Angela. I didn't think it was a mystery, but I guess it is supposed to be.
Probably Clementine, not Angela. I think Angela is the Irish guy.
Any HQ snaps of the Dolores-Charlotte spooning scene?
to much mystery box bullshit will pick this back up when it fully ends
>they are gonna make the "it was all a simulation since the beginning" twist
I hate Johnatan Nolan
>how much Aaron is a manlet
He's only 5'8"? I was not ready for that.
Because ERW in leather is hot as fuck, major "Robin Wright in 2049" vibes.
>"Robin Wright in 2049"
literally only attractive to dykes though, at least Dolores is attractive on an aesthetic level
>see image
>feel sad
Why can't we go back to Westworld
teenager ERW was ugly as fuck, how has she manged to get hotter as she's aged? is it plastic surgery?
BTW how does Evan can pull off both dyke and girly modes so effortlessly? Is it because she's bi irl?
i have zero fucking idea what is going on with this show, like zero. I don't know what anyone is doing, if they're real or not, how Dolores got off the island, how she keeps making robots, what Jesse is in the show for, what is the big robobrain thing, why robots are so emotional and whiny , what this big data "system" is and how it controls people's lives , why is the guy from irreversible in the show, and don't get me started on the black dude with glasses
It simulates everything, the past and future events, in order to mirror reality as closely as possible
Charlotte is another Delores
There's no way Djawadi wasn't inspired by 2049:
>why robots are so emotional and whiny
Imagine being immediately filtered by season 1
and the wrestling match?
Blondie would beat brunette
*Somber music plays*
Would he be able to kill Dolores?
Dolores was inside a copy of Charlotte who left the island with other survivors at the end of S2, when she reached the mainland she created a copy of herself in that house which I think was antony hopkins' originally
Seriously. Sometimes they are effected by pain, sometimes they aren't. Sometimes they need to sleep, breathe, etc, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they have emotions, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they care about their pre-written fake pasts, sometimes they don't
they're supposed to be free of their host programming and acting on their own agency now. Your antivirus program doesn't get all emo and start cutting itself
How is the show holding up so far?
I diskliked season 2, but the scenes with William and the irish guy was kino
S3 is about as crappy as S2, except we now know the solution to all the main mysteries of the park. there's been nothing like the episode you mentioned or the one with the native american guy. those were the only two good episodes since S1
>not waiting until the show is over to get the full picture
I swear it's like you guys WANT to be retards
Your antivirus isn't a conscious individual who's been made to be as close to a human being as possible, physically and psychologically.
Jesse's arc will be as good as Akecheta's, have faith
So why do they have the superiority complex if they have all our flaws despite being unnecessary. Because they're slight harder to permanently kill?
Are we finally going to see Dolores' feet this season? I've waited nearly 2.5 seasons and there's been nothing, hell at this stage I would be grateful for a clean shot of Charlotte's soles...we were teased with them this episode but the shot never came. I'm starting to think there will be no feet at all
why do they give Dolores such unappealing hairstyles? she looks so unattractive this season
How big is Westworld and how do the trains get to a remote island somewhere in SEA?
the only thing s3 has over s2 is that they made the timeline much more simple in the sense that it's not intentionally confusing. S3 is pretty boring so far though, and it has been three episodes without the best character at this point (MIB). I don't have high hopes for the rest of the season, especially since i think it is only eight episodes this year I believe
>The thing when charlotte attacks the dog owner wasn't very Teddy like.
That was charlotte coming through, if you couldn't tell she was mad at a white male for doing something she wouldn't get mad at ANY other race doing.
She looks hotter this season than the rest of the show
Essencially. The hosts are not sociopathic always logical AI, they're more like "Humans 2.0", Ford intended them to be the next step in our evolution (hence the Neanderthal analogy). They're basically replicants with a CPU.
80% of the fun is shitposting about it and theoriizng as the episodes come out. More so during the first season then the others.
I think it's underwater
>what this big data "system" is and how it controls people's lives
Kike writers are afraid of their data being stolen... I WONDER WHAT KIND OF IMAGES AND VIDEOS THEY ARE HIDING???
what u mean Charlotte coming thru. Is it a robot or not
Man I...
I try to be reasonable but how is it LITERALLY every non ethnic actor that I see posted
Most of them are pretty sociopathic
t. wall fetishizer.
you know why
How many non-white pedos have you ever heard about?
because she is a handsome woman with her strong jaw, looks good in power suits and more clothes on. also had good eyes
see she's actually getting hotter as she ages, which is virtually unheard of for women. most women hit the wall in their 20s but she's the opposite. look up how ugly she was as a teenager
have you seen Precious? that shit is just a morning warm up in the hood. It just gets overshadowed by more sensationalist stuff that leaves a lot of bodies whereas whites do more low key shit or high crimes that require planning
>Not wanting mommy terminator Dolores to order you breakfast.
It's ok if you're gay, user.
Literally every white actor is a jew. Only nonjews are blacks and other minorities. That is so fucked up
Is the twist going to jessie is a robot or that jessie is actually his dead black gay lover and thier minds were swapped. Something like a zack and cloud situation.