It had no right to be as good as it was

It had no right to be as good as it was

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It was terrible.

im got really sad when i saw 2

my only complain is that the other cool robots were defeated too fast

This, other than that the movie is great

This, and i liked the idea of the monsters being actual monsters better instead of that clone shit

It did not try to be anything else.
>I went into it expecting giant monsters fighting giant robots
>I got exactly what i wanted.
This. needed more scenes involving the other robots.

>Black man takes over Jaeger program
>in the span of 2 minutes gets 5 people killed and 2 Jaegers completely destroyed
>black man takes control of Jaeger himself
>in the span of 5 minutes kills himself and murders a white man

>Pacific 2
>Black man in control of Jaeger loses his entire squad and almost loses the entire Earth

Are black people incompetent in the Pacific Rim universe?

The first movie was good. It had actual vision and was a weeb director’s love letter to kaiju movies and mecha anime.

The second was a soulless cash grab headed by John “Franchise Killer” Boyega.

First one is kaiju kino

Second one sucked.

fight me

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I'm still angry at that dumb fucking chimp for completely torpedoing this franchise in one movie.

they are in real life too

You should be

Fuck them for doing it without Charlie Hunnam. With him it would have been kino


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I doubt the sequel would have worked even with Hunnam returning. del Toro was no longer involved and it had too much China money riding on it.

The entire movie is kino

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The writing was pretty terrible, but fuck me I don't think I'll ever see such amazing giant robot CG pornography ever again on the big screen. The lights, the rain, the night sky and neon buildings, the thundering weight of each step that jostled the plating and hydraulics of the machines as they walked.

And then they got rid of the only good aspect (everything above) in the sequel. The mecha went from these Earth-quaking behemoths to dancing ballerinas with no mass behind them, and the change to perpetual daytime made the CG stand out like a sore thumb.

Attached: pacific-rim-official-trailer-1-h.jpg (1918x1078, 182.94K)


This image sums up exactly how soulless the sequel was compared to the original. A complete lack of effort in creating the most important and interesting part of the jaegers.

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Nah but 2 was terrible

>The writing was pretty terrible
I doing think anyone walking into it expected a story. the trailers did a pretty good job telling you what the focus was.
>The lights, the rain, the night sky and neon buildings, the thundering weight of each step that jostled the plating and hydraulics of the machines as they walked.

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the director had no understanding why the first one was made.
>no robot jox call backs
>no johnny dangerously reference
>on the nose gundam references
>failure to understand mecha
>failure to understand monster movies
>failure to understand anything related to 80s and 90s anime.
>failure to understand physics.

Fuck it was gooood. One of the few movies i watched three times in the theater.

Atmosphere and giant robots vs giant monster were served deliciously. Script was passable enough, certainly not the worst out there. Characters are also likable.
Also, unironically, Idris Elba.

>When the theme song kicks in

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>let’s deliberately cause unnecessary damage to the city by pulling buildings down with magnetic force field

This, the biggest flaw by far. five will get you ten, this guy browses 4channel

That annoyed me a lot, it's like they didn't even brush over the basic ass lore of why Jaegers were even made - to wrestle the Kaiju out of cities so their toxic blood didn't make the place inhospitable.

>China and Russia get rekt
>US, Straya and Japan have to save the day in the home stretch
What did del Taco mean by this

saw 2 was still great, the rest of them were just gimmicky

Yeah and it was still shit.

please stop posting

>del Toro was no longer involved
del toro wrote a script for part 2 and has stated publicly that it is "very different" from what ended up in theaters

>Black man takes over Jaeger program
>ends the kaiju threat once and for all, even if it meant death for him
fuck off back to Yas Forums or r/incels

The movie blows it's load with the Hong Kong sequence. The actual finale is very underwhelming in comparison.

I fucking hate it when movies do that.

>hellboy trilogy finished never
>cucked out of pacific rim
>mountains of madness adaptation never
>crimson peak box office death by advertising
>got an Oscar and had no new project since

Del Tora had a hard life.

Why did Del Taco abandon Pacific Rim? The first movie received decently positive reviews despite its flaws, he was talking everything from a comic series to a cartoon show to video games. He spoke of the first movie so passionately, like it was a long-time dream of his to make it, and he just left it to rot.

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Russia got rekt like totall badasses though, being tag teamed.

That Leatheback jump out of the water was probably the most badass and visually impressive moment of the movie. Pure kino.

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sucking jew cock isn't for everyone

He got distracted by other projects

They took it away from him. The movie didnt earn a gorillion zillion bajillion dollars therefore it was a failure.

The water in this movie was like a character on its own. The crashing ocean waves enhanced the fights and overall atmosphere

Translated: He starts up new projects before he's finished and ends up knee-deep in dozens of half finished ideas.

legendary was sold to china and the money people told him he had to wait. so he said fuck that and went to make The shape of water instead.

Lots of it was boring.

so fucking hot

>black man doesn't let the two white guys in the best Jaeger to fight with the other 2 Jaegers
>ends up letting them die
>Black man takes control of Jaeger and thinks killing himself and murdering a white guy next to him is a good idea

>pacific 2
>black guy loses his entire squad and only survives a suicide mission because an asian chick saves him
Sounds pretty incompetent to me

>cute Japanese waifu
>dies like a pathetic bitch in the sequel

Yeah about that, where was even the MC from the first one in 2?

this. would love to see more cherno alpha in action

The sequel sucked so much holy shit

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What are the chances we can get a good TV show based on this?

>even though we know exactly where the kaiju are heading and apparently have enough time to rebuild our destroyed jaegers, let's not call Japan and warn them, leaving citizens to flee in the streets as we pull buildings down on them

how bad is the 2nd one really?

I hope this gets a sequel

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You can see they took major bullet points from him and just kind of threw it together with their own with no thought whatsoever. Kaiju/jaeger hybrids and Newt being corrupted by the kaiju hivemind were both ideas that he had talked about.

So you know how the first movie, while weak on plot, had really amazing choice of scenery, lighting and mecha designs? Throw all of that in the trash, keep the terrible plot. Say hello to Pacific Rim: Uprising.

The worst part is it earned more money in China than the first movie if memory serves me right.

It was to please the China audience
>kill Japanese heroine from first movie
>kill Tokyo
>nuke Mount Fuji
To add insult to injury the Tokyo battle scenes were filmed in Korea

It's because he's always in limbo. He can't just sit around waiting for the green light forever and they always seem to wait until he's committed to something before they finally give a project the go ahead.

Did anybody else watch it on acid? For some reason me and my brother thought it would be a good idea. Then years later I saw anons talking about it in a thread who had also taken acid before watching.

Drugs are for degen faggots btw

i havent seen it. is this actually good?

no I didn't. because drugs are for degenerates.

>the plating and hydraulics of the machines as they walked.
my nigga

actually i just watched about 30 seconds of a clip on jewtube.
damn. people are dying left and right. random destruction. might have to give it a watch.

Seethe harder darkie

why? did he get kicked out or something?