A fucking tiger is 2000 dollars

>a fucking tiger is 2000 dollars
of all the shit in this doc, that is what stuck with me the most

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Seems like a good deal if you ask me

I could buy like 4 tigers right now.

And start my own sex cult.

Who do I get in touch with?

Your mother

your psychiatrist

I have 40k
I could spend half on tigers, half on food, raise ten tigers and go take over NYC in half a year

There are breeds of domesticated cat and dog that cost more

Exactly. I'm not sure where OP got that number because I'm pretty sure Joe said $4k, but either way a (domesticated) Savannah cat costs more than that. Pic related

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4K for the cat but then you have to pay for all the food and vet treatments/shots and have a place big enough to raise the cat, unless you gonna gas it after it starts to get too big.

Who would do such a thing?

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Back when such things were less frowned upon I made a plan to buy several tigers and tape them fighting Mexicans I caught trying to cross the border, and people could pay to watch a live stream of these exhibitions for a few bitbux. Sadly it never came to fruition because of meddling lemon stealing whores, but maybe someday.

what if I have a tiger from kitten does become loyal to me and not eat me when its bigger

A house cat you've had since a kitten isn't loyal too you, it just knows it probably wouldn't win a fight so it plays it cool.

Good kitty

but they have been, Im not a cat abuser

A fully grown cat wouldn’t win in a fight either way, it doesn’t matter if you’ve had it since a kitten or not

Cats are dicks regardless

I have 80k how many tigers and whores could I buy with that?

t. can't even raise a cat

20 tigers vs. 200 crack whores deathmatch who would win?

Seriously, some cat and dog breeds are more expensive.

Crack whores unless the tigers show teamwork

It probably costs 4k a month to feed it

Doesn't matter. They don't form bonds the same way people or even dogs do.
Ask a first responder or funeral home worker about it. If you die in a house with your cat, that nigger starts eating your face before you get cold.
I like cats. I own one. But you can't make them change their nature.

cats will eat your face within hours of you dying in your house

You're not taking the crack into calculation user. The crack in the bloodstream would make the tigers tripping balls. Have you ever seen a tiger on crack, user..?

Circle of life bro. A good farmer gives cows and chickens a good life, and then eats them. If little dude is hungry and I clearly don't need my body anymore what's the hang up?

I just bought a dog for more than that. I'm a fucking idiot, I should have just bought a tiger.

so basically back then when America was America and not this washed up whore pathetic excuse of a country

based kitties

these girls have to be retarded to fuck doc antle like legitimately retarded

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>$400 a month to work 12 hour days and you have to suck an old guys cock
>but you get to pet tigers and get free implants
Good or bad deal?

Throw in some drugs and it's a good deal

40k is like a months rent in nyc

If you only have 40k you can't afford a tiger.

in the midwest there are old grain silos everywhere, many with trees growing in them. it would make an excellent monkey habitat i’m thinking about getting a chimp to put in my silo

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>shopping her in with a mic headset on her head

It's a shop? So this didn't happen? Seems strange. Why did they fake it?

I have read reports gathered from info from from first responders and funeral home directors, and cats usually wait a few days until they get hungry before they start nibbling on corpses’ faces, all depending on how well fed they were. If you die next to a hungry cat it’s not gonna wait long, but a full cat can go a little while before they become interested.

It’s dogs that sometimes start much sooner than that, but not even because they’re hungry or they want to eat the meat. Sometimes dogs start biting their dead owners’ faces off because they’re desperately trying to wake them up and they panic and overdo it because they’re scared. It’s really sad and usually also very messy.

yes that looks perfect for monkeys

Where do they get sunlight?

From holes in the roof , a lot of those old silos are pretty beat up

another questions how long is it since the crackwhores got crack? like if they are jonesing and they are told the tigers are holding the crack it could affect the outcome

The fuck are you reacting to? That seems pretty cheap to me for a fucking tiger.

>based retard answering its own question

>based retard not getting the joke

inb4 nerd rage

next time watch the documentary before commenting on it mate

Sorry, I didn't realize you were merely jesting at being developmentally disenfranchised


Look up words before you use them next time, kid

>based retard not getting the joke

inb4 nerd rage

next time read the thread before commenting on it mate

That fag needs braces.

No, it'll still kill and eat you if you piss it off or bleed in its presence or it thinks it can get away with it.

Does he have a medical issue with his teeth that require braces, or are you a mutt who would have straight white veneers over rotting roots?

A tiger can't be loyle to its capo

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>only Americans care about their teeth
Yea that sounds about right, mohammed.

His teeth just look gross.

Cat does not into loyalty. Its too stupid

>can't read, lies about what he might have read if he could

The American education system, people.

What stuck to me the most was that you can unleash total pandemonium in the US by breeding a shit ton of tigers and unleashing them on the general public. This is movie villain tier.

So you would put veneers over rotting teeth. No wonder you smell like shit and are constantly sick. Good thing the US healthcare system is known around the world for it's excellence

It is a lot fucking harder to pull that shit off now because of new laws put in place specifically because of that incident.

Who would win, a trillion tigers or the sun?