
Who was this movie made for

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Hollywood elite money laundering scheme

Straight people. Part brainwashing, part gloating about how many goals the gay agenda has achieved.

this is the only logical answer. given the number of people working on it it is impossible to think that everyone was 100% on board with the look.

But Cats is one of the gayest musicals ever

probably a peter jackson situation, where people who own the vfx company get control of production

>Pet play
>Mass hypnosis/mind control
>Casual nudity
>Genital rubbing/injury

How can a mainstream movie released for families around Christmas have so many fetishes?

Any other fetishes I left out?

It was Tom Hooper's idea

The fetishists didnt even like it.

I don’t even think Hooper was trying to appeal to them

Money laundering scheme by some executive who also wanted a high budget anthro/furry fetish film to jerk off to
Fuck I'm jealous, all I want a some exec to do the same thing with a female lead Nutty Professor remake so I can get top quality breast expansion, butt expansion, and weight gain scenes

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yeah i'm not so sure

Lonely females.

Do they even enjoy Cats (the musical)?

>some executive who also wanted a high budget anthro/furry fetish film to jerk off to
I'm guessing he got screwed when he saw the constant uncanny valley of it all.


You are a strange man.

Nah bro the anthros look like shit like most live action ones. Im a turbo furfag and I was even more disgusted by this movie than some normalfags I know. Probably because I know how much better can they look. I didnt even watch the full trailer. a few webms here were enough

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Where do I get a loiciens like that mate.

This has never been disputed user.

well it was made for you
now eat it

Please don't post webms of this shit

i can't handle it

> breast expansion, butt expansion, and weight gain scenes
Fuck you, now I want this too

Fuck off. No one asked for this shit. I'm there cause drawn anthros make my pp hard. CATS makes me want to throw up

>dancing cockroaches
They genuinely thought this was marketing material

Civvie11 viewers


>mind control
Do explain


People on LSD

So do you ever look at a cat in real life and fantasize about fucking it?

What the absolute fuck

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Taylor has everyone drugged with catnip which forces everyone to dance to her big number

Tom Hooper did not know what catnip was before shooting that scene

Never post again you retarded faggot.

This was a musical for decades, retard

No I only fap to drawings

>watching 2 hours worth of this garbage
Has anybody been confirmed to have actually sat through this entire thing in one sitting? It doesn't seem possible.

I couldn't even make it through the camrip all the way through

The filmmakers.
I can think of no other explanation for the existence of this film, the filmmakers must just be completely surrounded by filthy rich luvvie sycophants to the extent they became convinced that people would want this.
They were planning to push for OSCARS.
It's the Gal Gadot's Imagine of film.

I regret asking, I can't fap to this


They probably weren't, but they don't get a say. Several different vfx studios worked on this, you think they all get creative control? They get a brief and a paycheck.

Me too, I can't fap to mind control unless the eyes are messed up

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I did with some friends. Went on opening weekend and there were like 4 other people in the thing. We got drunk and cheered on the garbage.

Tbh, some of the songs are good, but it's fucking bizarre seeing humanoid cats sing.

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What, the article or the link style?

just screencap it bro

Please don't post that image again

hey this furry oc doesn't have nearly enough clashing colors in its design
what gives?

I enjoyed it. I thought it was a significant improvement over the Broadway production in every metric -- specifically in terms of character motivation and plot.

simplicity is better

Have you been on tumblr too much?

I'm glad hypnohub isn't flooded by Kaashit 24/7 anymore but still come the fuck on

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I'm just used to worse

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wheres the vore scene

I knew who he was before Doug's The Wall review, unfortunately

fat australian eat bug

>Tom Hooper's Cats commentary deepens the mystery
>Though Hooper does not directly address the film’s reception on the audio track, some of his insights defend - or defer – widely reviled choices
>“This gag,” says Hooper, “is kind of my own tongue-in-cheek way of referencing that I’m using digital fur as clothing because Rebel actually unzips her digital fur to reveal it as clothing. But then the joke is that underneath she has more real fur, which of course is not real fur.”
>“Women playing cockroaches – whose only unusual trait is that they have an extra pair of arms, in homage to the cockroach number of limbs.”

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>Hooper, 47, has not yet announced his next project, but his commentary does give some insight into his current activities. “I must admit I’ve actually tried bowing down to a cat and saying ‘Oh cat’ just in the slight hope that it might unleash the cat to talk to me,” he says. “It hasn’t yet worked, but I will continue trying.”
Absolute madman

this cgi was millions of dollars, it cant possibly be a money laundering scheme unless they were unironically retarded. Hollywood money laundering schemes are like every other adam sandler film, paul blart, madea, etc

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>Who was this movie made for
Theatre nonces and the mainstream crowd that can easily be influenced by them.
If people proclaimed it as a masterpiece and the cgi wasn't shit, it would have done extremely well at the box office because it hit the right notes promotionally.

is this an onion article? no man could possibly be this based

The CGI budget was where they layered the laundered money big brain

>next project
good luck with that Tom

>If people proclaimed it as a masterpiece
But it's Cats

>Women playing cockroaches – whose only unusual trait is that they have an extra pair of arms, in homage to the cockroach number of limbs.
What the fuck did he mean by this

women are insects