These reviews aged so badly, Lucas was right

These reviews aged so badly, Lucas was right

Fuck Rlm

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imagine jj abrams doing the prequels as written by george lucas

no, he wasn't. the prequels still fucking suck. the sequels change absolutely nothing about the prequels, zero. they are still fucking trash.

They were bad even before we had the blessing of hindsight. Not to mention the weird amount of lies and/or misunderstandings. That "You can't describe Qui-Gon!" faggotry was just absolutely pathetic rabble-rousing. The worst part is how many people fell for it.

shit, J.J. is a hack

Qui hon is a shit lazy character

>listening to "reviewers"
>listening to Yas Forums
if you fall under either category, you deserve your life of being eternally cucked

How can three reviews make people seethe so much?

at least the ships and stuff were cool, and still a better story than disney can write, but truthfully star wars isn't good

Lucas single handedly ruined Star Wars. Your nostalgia has blinded you.

Its literally one brain damaged mentally ill shitskin who makes these and zack snyder threads.

Listening to the Sith plinkett now. So dumb.

Mike pretends that obi wan should be suspicious that Palpatine knows what a Sith lord is. Why the fuck would the chancellor not know such basic information? Especially when dooku is one of the people heading the separatists

1. Enough time has passed that people who saw the prequels as kids (and for many it was their introduction to the franchise) are now adults with nostalgia about them. Unlike us older folks having nostalgia about the OT and feeling let down by all the bizarre prequel decisions.
2. Mike's suggestion of JJ Abrams coming true for the sequel trilogy, so people with broken reasoning abilities somehow blame him for it.

5>4>6>1>2>dogshit>3>any anime=every Star Wars movie after 3

Like Michael Bay directing Shakespere.

One thing i'm glad about the plinkett reviews was the material from the behind the scenes and special features stuff. I had never thought to take a look at that but there is some truly hilarious insight to be gleaned from it.
Never in a million years would Disney wars permit something like that to go out on a dvd.

I have nostalgia for both trilogies, because I pretty much saw them back to back. There's not a world of difference. The originals are tighter, but they're also less ambitious and interesting in some regards. ultimately all six have that Star Wars magic, and DisneyWars just feels like a Disney movie with Stormtroopers.

>saw the prequels as kids
That's not even a good excuse. The Phantom Menace was my first Star Wars at 5 and I found it boring. I remember hating Anakin and thinking how the people who made the movie had no idea how people my age acted.

How did they age badly? The movies are still exactly the same.

This. I was 6 months old and found the directing stodgy and cliche.

Internet criticism got smarter.

Did it tho? Are you sure you don't mean "louder"?

How is "George Lucas raped my childhood" on a constant loop for twenty years not loud?

Zoomers can't realize how hated they were at the time. People have been making fun of them since opening day

Same, I was 7 and found it all too bizarre. It didn't feel like star wars to me except the pew pew and lazer swords

Boomers who overrate the originals. What's your point?

imagine unironically legitimately caring about starshit lmao

>Mike pretends that
Why do all prequel fans have this crippling lack of self awareness? It's like you have to be an idiot just to enjoy these films. Can't wait until you people have to deal with the next generation worshipping Rian Johnson.

you seem to care enough to contribute to this thread when ignoring it was an option
>inb4 I was just shitposting

You just ignored the argument

Why are Boomers like this? Is it some kind of sunk cost fallacy? If they have to accept that they have been very petty for the last twenty years, they'll basically have to accept that they're bad people?

user, you seem to actually have good judgement. Wanna hang out and watch good movies together? No homo.
A little homo.

You're closer to the truth than you think. You only need to factor in the boomer ego. They lived in a world that, from their birth, was set up to cater to their every whim. Culture was upended to suit them, education standards demolished for their benefit. The notion that others might think that they're wrong, or *gasp* BAD is an affront worthy of destruction.
Why do you think that boomers have done all they could to fuck over their own children? Who disagrees with your ways more than your own children?


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Well, TLJ actually is the best part of the Disney trilogy, and Boomers Boomed over that one too.
It ain't good or anything, but it was the least worthy of the outrage it received from the same morons who lapped up TFA.

At least TLJ has something original going for it, but the problem is that its originality doesn't mean that it's not fucking wretched. It just shits on the Star Wars universe in a different way than TFA does, though in a no-less-destructive way.

The worst thing that boomers ever did was facilitate an education system that failed so catastrophically that it led to delusional children like this user being given gold stars for participation. I'm amazed you can solve the captcha.

It had some borderline interesting ideas, but it was trying to shoehorn them into the soulless Disney universe. None of it really worked, but I guess I respect it more than I respect any of that other trash.

Hurp durp.
Just because there is another shit movie, doesn't make a previous shit movie any better.

>le participation trophies
This is all boomers ever say. Kid's know they're bullshit, retard. I remember getting my fifth place sticker on sports days, and feeling awful.

That example might be a reach, but it's better than the people who pretend that Palpatine's plan was soooo genius, and that he's such a complex, well written villain.

He's transparently evil, constantly reveals his evil intent before the Jedi, only gets lucky through extraordinary convenience, and it took a 7 season tv show and numerous books to actually explain what he was doing and how he did it.

Palpatine was always meant to be a pantomime villain, way ott, and in the style of the cheesy serials GL liked as a kid. Now zoomers want to act like he's Light Yagami or something.

And just because rotting manchildren made four hours of obnoxious nitpicking doesn't make the prequels bad

RLM is Reddit in human form. It's not a shock that neo-Yas Forums worships them.

wtf I love the prequels now

Yes. The thing that made them bad was their quality

I don't care what anybody says the prequels had so much fucking soul that I can't imagine anything better. Even the original trilogy is more shitty than the prequels.

>wu-oh! You made a typo, kiddo

No they didn't you contrarian retard.

Your apostrophe is not a typo. You are proof of exactly the shit that has been said about a failed education system. It's not your fault. You don't know how to use words, grammar, or punctuation correctly. You like movies for idiots. It's not your fault, I don't blame you. I really don't.

When you type fast, sometimes things come out wrong on reflex. You probably don't know that, since you henpeck at a snail's pace like a Boomer.

I don't care what anybody says the sequels had so much fucking soul that I can't imagine anything better. Even the original trilogy is more shitty than the sequels.

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Why DID the Trade Federation put their entire organization on the line for Sideous? Do the apologists have an answer?

>things come out wrong on reflex
This grammatically incorrect. Try typing slower.

Yes the plinkett videos were low quality

le boomboom

>Its literally one brain damaged mentally ill shitskin

Why does this describe so many people across so many different boards? Especially the shitskin part.

The prequels are still dogshit. The only thing that aged badly is him suggesting Abrams
But that was an offhanded comment on how the first Nu-Trek felt like a decent Star Wars movie more than Star Trek
Yes these reviews are overrated but the idea that the prequels are not dogshit is jumping too far to the other extreme.

Aw did the zoomer grow up and try to form his own nostalgic opinions?


I watched the prequels as a kid and loved them
But I was a stupid kid. Shit you liked as a kid can be bad.

1) Their reviews had a huge impact on Youtube critics. Almost everyone following them adopted RLMs smug condescending reviewer style where they pretend they know what they're talking about but in actuality they don't.

2) We have the pleasure of seeing many of RLMs suggestions actually get put to the test in the sequels, and the sequels were horrible trainwrecks, exposing RLM as the know nothing hacks they - and many other e-critics - actually are.

>the RLM created the sequels delusion
Don't stop

>The first bad penny dropped in San Francisco when a sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times. His elegant mother nodded with approval. Looking into the boy's eyes I thought I detected little star-shells of madness beginning to form and I guessed that one day they would explode.

Alec Guinness was right all along: Star Wars fandom breeds mental illness. These threads provide ample evidence for that.

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Then describe qui gon with the terms he originally presented in the review.

>We have the pleasure of seeing many of RLMs suggestions actually get put to the test in the sequels
Why do you keep posting this? What are you referring to?

sorry but nobody buys it prequelcuck

They actually aged like fine whine. The prequels are even worse.