Which was best?

Which was best?

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Both had their winners:

Live and Kicking Vs SM:TV Live

CBBC, no contest

CBBC hands down. I mean Dick & Dom on a Saturday morning live was the bollocks no way it would be allowed now. Also Smart shits all over Art Attack.

Based Channel 4 letting them have the weekdays and then conquering on weekends
>wake up early Saturday and Sunday to catch all the cartoons from Dic, Nelvada, etc.
>go back to sleep and be woken up later by parents bringing up a fried breakfast, just in time for Football Italia

I ask everytime we have a thread like this but none can answer

Around the year 2000 on BBC theyshowed an old cartoon about a kid and some dogs. I think they were trying to find the boys parents or maybe the dogs parents

Anyone know what it was?

CiTV had Digimon so of course it wins

CBBC was good for weekdays, CITV for weekends and mornings. Toonattik meant that freview kids could watch all the american and french-canadian shit. CBBC had good originals like Sarah Jane and Dick and Dom.

Toonattik was the shit, by the time I switched to CBBC most of the good programmes had gone


i have a vague recollection of it

CITV had anime and weird ghetto cartoons like Butt Ugly Martians. No contest. CBBC was for Williams.

How did he escape operation yewtree?

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Some gyppos carried him away on the back of a lorry again.

CBBC had better "drama"
>Demon Headmaster
>Ghost Hunter
>Queens Nose
CITV was better for cartoons and daft shit like My Parents are Aliens

CITV did have grizzly tales, but apart from that it was better overall.

>Home grown quality shows and TV presenters

>Imported garbage and incessant adverts

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This was the coolest thing ever to me at the time
The idea of a spaceship with all those powers like flying and invisibility
and also the concept of it being from aliens and then used by humans, recording and effecting human history, and then getting lost underground for hundreds of years
Its functions were damaged because it was hit by the first rocket to the moon, cool stuff (althought im not sure that makes sense in the story)

Most of the stuff about the 2 kids and the 1 kids parent problems was really boring though

moar milkers

>haven't seen that advert for something like 25 years
>instantly remembered the tune seeing the video name

God dammit

>>Queens Nose
I remember liking that at the time
But i dont remember anything a bout it

Tried to watch it on youtube and just thought it was boring

I remember liking bernards watch, but i just like the idea of stopping time, im sure that sucks aswell if i were to watch it now

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CITV had Knightmare which was incredible

>that buzz when you saw a team finish it


CBBC. CITV had some decent shows but ultimately it had more bad shows than CBBC did.

CBBC was far better. For every good show CITV had it was bogged down with incessant adverts. Wasn't it channel 4 that used to have Pokemon? With Ant, Dec and Cat Dealy? That was the only thing worth watching, everything else was dogshit. Couldn't beat getting in from school and watching Arthur on CBBC. Plus many of the hosts have gone on to do other things and don't look utterly dead inside, unlike Catchphrase Stephen who looks as dead inside now as he did 23 years ago.

holy shit that advert was on for ever. Speaking if which...


CITV had Toonattic, which was 95% garbage but they showed Avatar, which was better than anything ever made by CBBC.

I totally forgot the bottom guy even existed, holy shit.


How did WTC7 collapse when it wasn't hit by a plane?


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>But i dont remember anything a bout it
Maybe this will jog your memory

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>He hung himself right next to Paddington station after his wife died of a drug overdose
Jesus Christ Mark Speight
Also who the fuck is that guy on the bottom? I don’t remember him at all.

Dick and Dom was fucking kino so it's gotta be CBBC
>that one episode where they played the Baby Race game and one of the racers took their first steps live on TV

>that disappointment when you're home from school because you're sick and you see the working lunch intro for the first time and think it's going to be a cool programme

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Wasn't there rumours about this guy in the wake of Savile or am I thinking of someone else?

very nice

Zoomer hours

holy shit that just reminded of this, i cant believe this was real.

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>watching c4 school programs in the faint hope of some sex education

I know your feel

Or there being kids shows but its all baby stuff or educational stuff (i kinda liked some of the educational stuff)

what the FUCK

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There was a kid at our school who got on Finders Keepers and thought he was some kind of celebrity

OH fuck wow I know that exact feel

imdb.com/title/tt0283786/ ?
It's in this list en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_BBC_children's_television_programmes#Animation and sounds like it.

I shit you not, I work as a decorator and a month ago we had to do some apartment in London, and it was a little girls room. And she had 6 of these little dolls that you filled up with water and they pissed or something. Like, I was moving them into another room and I picked one up and it started pissing and the doll was laughing.

As a non anglo I'm always amazed by how not childish at all some british shows aimed at a younger audience can be. Completely different approach than the american one, and honestly when I was a kid I loved it much more.

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Which one had the cutest presenter?

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>tfw you'd autistically sing the advert's jingle along to Barret's theme when you played FFVII

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Anyone remember this little cunt?

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remember laughing at this with my sister for a long time

Why is it only us Brits who have these nostalgia threads?

Thankyou for looking
I looked for ages once and this is probably it

Citv faggots can't compete.

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Not sure, it probably says something about our culture though because our parents are exactly the same.
Something-brexit joke

most of these shows are shit though

I hated pretty much all live action stuff and just wanted cartoons
gameshows are boring
and the stories in the live actions stuff was always shit and much worse than animated shows (with some exceptions of course)

Is is not quite sad how the we fondly look over our childhood in retrospective not for the friends or experiences unique to that time of our lifes but to the advertising and commodities sold to us, the catchy hypnotic jingle designed to make us buy and consume are what we remember and fawn over?
Did anyones school have fancy dress day where you had to bring in a can of food for a charity but you could dress as any character you wanted? I used to love dressing as Frankenstein's monster or a pirate

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>our parents are exactly the same
yeah, my dad has a ton of tv show boxsets from when he was a kid

Anyone look back on high school and think
"putting all that stress onto a kid isn't natural or good"
Still have nightmares about getting coursework in on time

I remember desperately wanting my school to be on 50/50, fuuck.

>she's an abnormal girl, in an ordinary world

>Did anyones school have fancy dress day where you had to bring in a can of food for a charity but you could dress as any character you wanted? I used to love dressing as Frankenstein's monster or a pirate
yeah, though I always bought a costume at the last minute so it was always something really shitty from ASDA or something like that

Anyone else download the Bamzooki robot-maker and blow up their parents computers?

Remember cats eyes
or the show about the dragon and the kings court that does maths
or the mexican chip monks

I remember


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Jim Jam Ya Ha

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In my last year I had so much coursework I barely had any time to revise. I don't know how the kids with social lives and part time jobs managed to do it desu

For me it's bellies gonna get ya.

The anxiety, my god.


holy shit I wanted to be on this program for so long. Always loved seeing the kids get absolutely destroyed by that gauntlet they had to save them from elimination.

The one time a kid actually made it through was hype though.

Boring middle class kids
Poor kids that probably lived in the middle of a city

Did this on cousin's computer
Was it notoriously awful?

CITV obv

Quite seriously, how did they get away with this?

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that programme alone shaped my taste in films/games growing up.

>Megamaths and El Nombre