Hunger Games Series

2020s... we are forgotten...

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lmao love how whenever I make this thread about these shitty movies being forgotten nobody ever replies.

I liked it, but Prim dying was shit

No they're awful, zoomer

I’d still plow J Lawrence


They're not, though.
Plus they had a few good waifus

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for me, it's Primrose Everdeen

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She's alright, but far from best girl in HG

>nobody ever replies
k e k

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should i watch these?


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>2020s... we are forgotten...
As soon as the new book is released in May expect them to release a new movie based on it within a year or two.

Pretty sure it's confirmed for a movie. Excited for some Prez Snow kino.

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Indeed, that crazy winner is the best

Catching fire was kino the rest sucked

Good taste

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What do people think of the worldbuilding in this? People like to poke holes in how the wizarding world works.

>not making a movie about Finnik

Wouldn't that be an instant success? Chad, falls in love with some broken girl, taught by a grandma, saves people

Then the whole deal where people know where his future is going to go

No not this one, the other one, the one actually screaming at the sky and losing her shit during the last game

Trying to draw a physical map with the location of each district is worse than trying to make sense of the JK timeline.

Can't forget that asshole

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>Pretty sure it's confirmed for a movie.
Yeah, Collins no doubt pre-sold all movie rights to any future books she wrote/will write.

As long as the book is okay and the studio follows the new book(s) as well as they followed the hunger games, they'll make tons of money.

>What do people think of the worldbuilding in this?
The setting of the story is what's most interesting to me. Hopefully the new book(s) expand on it.

>>not making a movie about Finnik
Finnick story would be absolute kino. He was the best character in the movies/books.

There's not a whole lot lore-wise save for what the books/movies show, but it's pretty solid. We'll be seeing Panem before Snow in the new book, that should be interesting.

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I was reading some yt comments about the hg books and if there is a winner I'd like to watch it is definitely Haymitch

fucking kek
tells a lot

>that "Thank YOU" after Johanna strips in the elevator
Haymitch was a real nigga


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>blocks your path

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Imagine unironically watching BBC

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>hunger games thread
>no one is starting a hg simulator game, the only thing Yas Forums gives a shit about with this franchise

>the only thing Yas Forums gives a shit about with this franchise
>Yas Forums is one person

Yas Forums may not be one person, but it is a consensus. A majority of the site agrees that Hunger Games Simulator threads are kino.

>open this thread to make fun of this YA drivel
>ardent fanboys come out of nowhere salivating over it

It's good though

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>Tfw you will never be chased by a huntress with a bow and arrow looking to take your balls as trophies.
Why live bros.
And if I remember correctly I find it funny that arrows were instant kills, I don't think they are right?

>best character
That's not how you spell Primrose

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Speaking of YA dystopian movies...
>decide to split movie in two parts
>part one flops
>damage control and turn part two into a tv show
>main star walks out
>gets cancelled

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I read Divergent awhile ago, I remember the story being kinda shit

This thread confirms 4ch is mainly made up of zoomers

>liking a movie makes you a zoomer

if they go straight through your eye or something, yeah.

what went wrong?

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FACT: If it weren't for the poorfags getting uppity, Prim wouldn't have died

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Peeta was a bitch and was the woman in the relationship. Gale didn't deserve to get fucked over.
Finnick is best character because tridents are bad ass.

>Gale didn't deserve to get fucked over
He deserved a lot more than just getting fucked over. That bastard got Prim killed.

Yeah but all the things that justify him for being fucked over only happened in the last movie so Katniss can have a legit reason to cut ties with him which is pretty cheap imo. Before then he was just a dude trying to do the right thing and was being toyed with constantly by Katniss.

as it turned out, Jennifer Lawrence had exactly two and a half years of public goodwill in her, and it took much longer for the entire series to be produced. nobody wants to watch a movie about the poor people rising up and destroying their oppressors when the main character is played by a notoriously elitist ultra-wealthy hollywood cunt.

I never even watched Mockingjay part 1. The worst half of the worst book. It sounds like a terrible time.

It was a badly written series of books. What do you expect?

It's the only YA series that's sort of tolerable and even that is because it rips off a far superior product instead of trying to come up with some retarded bullshit. JLaw was absolute poision for the movies though, she had charisma and acting prowess in the negative.

Ah, those were some good 18 year old boners I got. Lots of titties in the book.

Why wouldn't every district have career tributes?

I know 4channel doesn’t like her but do normies really hate her too?

They're more or less the same thing now

>she had charisma in the negative
That actually fits the character. Katniss was supposed to be pretty awkward and callous.

the word has slowly gotten out, and if you haven't noticed every belief that's "mainstream" on Yas Forums will eventually trickle down to popular culture. this place is the glacial meme ice pack that eventually flows down into our culture's water table of nonsense.

>Yas Forums is a consensus
no it isn't

No they’re not.

>the word has slowly gotten out
How so? I don’t read much about her at all. I have noticed her career has slowed down a lot though.