By the end of the month, wouldn't the people at the top be too full and bored to eat like pigs?

By the end of the month, wouldn't the people at the top be too full and bored to eat like pigs?

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no because they might need that bulk to live through a turn down in the lower floors

I guess so. And the few minutes they have to eat is probably not even enough to get proprely full? Interesting movie, but the ending sucked.

>The message needs no bearer
Why not?

this entire idea should be implemented for death row inmates

Because the girl IS the message.

This annoyed me too, they basically just wanted the main character to die. Also, why doesn't everyone just use the platform to go up? At least show them dying if they tried, that asian lady rode it every day.

Somehow the asian lady got distracted or captured and raped every single time she tried, but nonetheless she continued to just sit politely and go downwards while her child starved.
Is this what asian mentality is like?

I think the child survived because the asian mother kept bringing meat to the child

>brings meat to child
>rides elevator back up to join the system again, leaving child behind

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what is an american

maybe the mother reached the top floor, they gassed her and the child, and she resets on the 1st and the child at the bottom

was anyone else expecting the child to be a rape baby? the admin bitch said the asian mom had been in there for 10 months so i just assumed she had been impregnated during one of her many rapes and had given birth inside the pit. of course, the baby would have been eaten long before.

i'm also disappointed they never showed anyone going to level 0. you would assume it wasn't an ordinary prison level, but what if it was and was also one of the worst because absolute perfection was expected and you never knew how long you'd be allowed to last? if nothing else you could be forced to do the prep work and never be allowed to eat

The old knife guy says that people at the top usually go insane and suicidal because they don't have to focus on food and what they're gonna eat. I guess if your last months have been alone having to kill your only cellmate to eat him and stay alive, then next month you're suddenly out of that survival mode you'd go insane alone with just the memories of eating/killing people. Not to mention being aware every bite you take is killing someone below. Sure half of everyone you saw on the levels acted like greedy cunts but people were also jumping off at the higher levels just unable to live with being a greedy cunt I guess

they showed level 0 dumb dumb its just the floor the kitchen staff set the table on

>people were also jumping off at the higher levels just unable to live with being a greedy cunt I guess
communist fantasies. nobody would be jumping off the top floors

wasted based dubs
reread what i wrote. i wanted to see a prisoner reach level 0 and for it to be a prison level, not an admin level with hired staff, ya ding-a-ling

the whole premise fell apart the minute they showed levels beyond 100. we already know anyone below level ~70 gets nothing to eat but we're supposed to accept that there are 333 levels in total and you are randomly assigned each month? you'd have a 1/5 chance of not being on a starvation level each month. everyone would die.


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maybe the pit isn't full all the time and there's a fuckton of levels below 200 that are empty

Quit nitpicking. The whole platform/prison is just a vehicle for the movie's sociopolitical commentary. It doesn't need to make perfect sense.

By how the old man talks about his time in the hole, I think the algorithm for who gets sent where changes based on the number of participants.
The filmmakers presented the floors below 250 as entirely empty with nothing but corpses, but chose to do so with rather fresh looking ones rather than rotten, which does fly in the face of my theory.

that's a retarded take, the commentary would have worked equally well with 100 total floors without breaking the logic of it

I talked to my shrink in Bong about this today on a phone chat , an said If I go kill Toy MPs , I would save Humanity she said No and Last time I was sectiioned 6 months , an do you want that ?? thats quite threatening lady .. Back off ok , Cos I KNOW EVERY DETAIL ABOUT YOU ! an those times you had to leave the House , Cos Your shitty Bad behaviour OK .. so lets revisit me Bitch , and STOP the Uppity Attitude ok .. she Hung up

but the director wanted to make the muh 666 reference by having 333 floors with 2 people each
pretty lame and in your face too

enough food is prepared for all the prisoners. if they made more food it would just be a waste. they could feed each prisoner his favorite meal each day, but i have a feeling that would just result in more deaths.

the movie is an attack against trickle-down economics, which it foolishly thinks free market capitalists believe is a real thing that justifies their "predatory"/"greedy" behavior

its an attack on capitalism as a whole, not trickle-down economics. its saying there's enough for everyone if we only take what we need

333 just made me think of "As Above, So Below" where it represents the gateway to Hell. I like your idea, too. "Hell is other people" or whatever

>they could feed each prisoner his favorite meal each day

>you get 8 tiny fucking snails everyday
>some other dude gets a giant cake

This, brainlets think the movie is about captialism while it's really about finding god.

Rich people do seem to kill themselves more often than poorer. Higher depression/suicidal rates in developed countries. Nobody is killing themselves in refugee camps and you might as well be a faggot in Haiti of you consider it.

based schizo

>everyone would die
I think that was implied, when the director was asked whether anyone actually makes it out of the place he dodged the question

I think it's more a critique on human nature than capitalism itself
the key thing that doesn't really feel appropriate if it's a critique of capitalism is the fact that the people on top and on the bottom are constantly switched out, and prisoner's gorge when they're on top because they've been fucked by being at the bottom before, so they basically end up with a grudge against the rest of the prisoners and do what they do as a kind of vengeance
in actual capitalism wealth is inherited and people constantly swapping classes doesn't exist

You think so, but that's not true. Nobody talks about suicide in Africa, that's all, so it looks like it doesn't exist.

>"The figures are worrying. In Kenya, this is already a real crisis," he says. Citing a report from the Kenyan Ministry of Health, Chomba says that four people die from suicide every day in the eastern African country.

>According to the World Health Organization (WHO), however, Kenya is not the only African country struggling with high rates of suicide. In Nigeria or Ivory Coast, the figures are even higher than in most European countries, the US or China, with more than 15 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants per year.

>Chomba fears that the official figures in Kenya are only the tip of the iceberg; he believes there is no reliable data on the country's suicide rate.

>"In Kenya, mental health is not considered a priority, and there is little access to trained workers," he says, pointing out that there are only 100 psychiatrists for a population of around 45 million, and even fewer psychologists.

>communist fantasy
did these faggots even watch the movie? jesus anf muhammad resorted to violence to enforce it. if anything its anticommunist.

>jesus anf muhammad resorted to violence to enforce it.
Kinda like Stalin and Mao, huh?

The director straight up said it was meant to be a sociopolitical commentary about people not doing “what must be done”

What a trash movie, typical spanish low iq communist garbage, nothing about this analogy was revealing.

Oh yeah, because no one ever has used force to enforce communism.

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Africa is becoming more first world. They'll probably get it together by the end of the century. And that doesn't take away from high suicidal rates among those with the most money and resources to avoid depression. Or just the fact that the richest people do the weirdest insane shit if they aren't suicidal.

Well that's what happens when you are french.

he was spanish though and still asked for the fucking snails
pretentious cunt

Doesn't seem a very interesting movie, if you have watched it, read the wiki synopsys and tell me, what value am I missing from not watching it? Does it has some smart dialogues? Great Cinematography? Music? Visuals?

Force is used to enforce capitalism as well. I don't get the point against communism that it's bad because it requires force. Shit America is the largest only able to succeed in their extreme form of capitalism because of their extreme military force that protects it and their police force acting in capitalist interests.

Not even a commiefag I just don't get why anyone acts like commies are the only thing that requires force. Basically every economic and government model requires physical enforcement.

What’s with this classist sentiment you hold onto? You know we’re all human, right?

Communism requires to fundamentally alter the way humans have adapted to work, money, goods, they are an incentive to work and a useful tool to practice exchange at a rate that doesn't have to be though on the spot.

What movie?

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All the docs I've seen on death row make it look comfy as fuck, especially for the guys that will probably be locked up anyways. Would be nice to knock some of the comfort out of it.

Just more of the commie bullshit the woke taste-makers at Netflix have decided to subject us to.

exactly my point, nimrods. they fucked up people's shit to enforce the communism. the movie wasn't pretending like that was a good thing. it kills the two guys doing it and nothing is changed in the end anyway.


>150ish levels of people having to eat their roommate or luck out with a suicide jumper

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>not eating glass to survive like a fucking champ

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Just saw it, waste of time, don't bother.

Do you have typos or something? Is English your second language? Just cause your reply makes no sense.

It's still better than this half-baked waste of a decent concept

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>Interesting movie, but the ending sucked.
And the fact that it was a CAPITALISM BAD, COMMUNISM GOOD theme really sucked too.

Seriously they act like the people who were starved last month eating more than they need while they're on an upper level are evil and they equate successful people out in the real world saving or spending their hard earned cash instead of giving it away as gibs to the poor is bad.

Mentally ill writers.
But it was worth a watch while bored.

>Africa is becoming more first world.
Africa is being sold the trappings of the first world in exchange for their vast material wealth, just like under colonialism, because that's their lot in life. They'll exist in this exact same state indefinitely provided some other, more powerful entity wants what they have. If no one wants what they're selling, or they run out of things to sell they'll slide right back into their pre-colonial state like they did between the lapse in colonial rulers between when Europe gave up it's holding and before China started to extract their vast resources.

I’m not sure it was pushing this message. It was an ideal that quickly became replaced by a bloody reality.

yea they had to literally kill people to enforce the rules, how is it saying communism good

Communist, anti-Christian propaganda.
It's basically saying Jesus being sent to Earth, his life, death and resurrection doesn't matter.
The watered down, humanitarian brainlet message of "be nice to each other" is all that matters.

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Literally starved/killed the middle class in order to feed the poor.

The tradcath larpers are by far the saddest people here

Only safe way is to wake up early and kill your roommate

there is still enough food on the table, though

And those poor got fed for a single day, after which things would return to normal as there is nobody to force people to ration.
You can argue that the filmmakers wanted to push a communist message by making the enforcers the protagonists, but the movie itself disagrees, as they die a bloody, pointless death, having achieved nothing in changing the hole itself, and their 'message' goes unheard within the constraints of the movie.