Was she out of his league?
Was she out of his league?
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physically maybe, but she had many mental issues so not really
The opposite, Ross was too good for her.
It's just a coincidence you dumbfuck.
its a bit like Ted Mosby but worse
everyone calls them the losers but they are both tall, fairly handsome, smart and wealthy
ross is better than ted
> many mental issues
What the fuck are you babbling about?
Ross, while not necessarily loaded, still had money and a great career, so not really.
also Rachel and Monica are supposed to be Jews despite being played by gentiles
Nah, she was a childish and spoiled women. Emily was much better.
>Hollywood is full of Jews
Color me shocked and "who cares" pilled
She's basically a sociopath.
I hate this (((trick))) in movies and tv shows so much.
While he was portraited as being bit of a dunce, he is extremely good looking when compared to the most of the population
so is rachel, but for men it plays more.
so he is smart, tall, has good carrier
Why exactly would a waitress or saleswoman from bloomingdales be out of his league?
Implying money is better than pic related's prime firm body
Yeah sure Emily was better than pic related are you a faggot?
>ultimate red pill is watching this show as a kid and thinking when you grow up you can have a cool apartment with a solid group of friends. When in reality an apartment in the west village like that is easily 5k+ a month and I have no close friends.
Why would she be out of his league? Hint: pic related
He's out of her league.
We're reaching insane levels of incel cope over here
Is Big Apple product
Geography is official conspiracy theory
>Was she out of his league?
Oh Please he even pulled Chandlers mum.
she had a 7/10 face but a 10/10 body
and yeah, she's insanely fine
this show was really just about rachel being a piece of ass, i swear to god. i doubt I would have watched it nearly as much if she wasn't there
why did Ross became the best character AFTER the breakup bros?
Ross, Monica, and Rachel were all jewish in the show. And probably Phoebe
Because that expanded his character beyond just wanting to fuck Rachel
worst sitcom ever, if you watched this, you are a disgrace
Youd have to have watched it to know it was the worst
>realize that women actually side with her despite the fact that they were clearly on a break
i hate women
Yeah the character is an attractive woman in the west...?
They also fuck a different supermodel every week and it's a joke if they haven't had sex with a new woman for a month.
>The diversity propaganda club has a “no goys allowed” policy.
>watch friends in middle school thinking that maybe one day i too will have friends
>realize that i'm years older than the characters and i still have no friends
This is the most chick-normie sitcom ever and Jennifer Aniston has a horse face.
we're all friends here, big guy
Brown hands typed this
She's apparently out of everyone's league which is why she's in her 50s, unmarried, and childless
>jews make a tv show where an ugly fucking nerd gets to fuck one of the few 10/10s in america
yes she was way out of his fucking league, they arent even in the same fucking species. hes an ugly fucking kike
Phoebe was the typical Jewish stereotype of the white blonde European girl being dumb. They've been peddling the shiska meme since the 1930s.
>hot tempered
>going thing going for her was her looks
>nose job
All things considered, Ross was really out of her league.
Not Rachel only Monica
Ross is cool because he is a paleontologist, like me
why can't they spell, bros?
There's something I find fucking hilarious about the fact this picture makes a spectacle out of the fact Gould is jewish
Whiter than you, Pedro
>Once again we're left with the old standby situation of someone who appears Jewish but may or may not be, which means we get to choose (yay!).
wow so much science
At no point in the shows it was hinted that she might be a jew.
Ross was tall, rich, handsome, Rachel was a waitress
Why did Chandler look like a gigachad in season 1 and why did no one in the show recognize it?
>ross keeps getting looking better and better
season 2 monica mogs everyone
>Matthew Perry's seesawing weight caused by his drugs addiction
fetus blood
>each week
you're thinking of Seinfeld. But Jerry was a popular comedian so it was believable
Ross had under 10 girlfriends in 10 seasons
and one of them was Julie