I am forgotten
I am forgotten
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
And I knooooow
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
it was pretty kino desu
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
Everything was awful, and with sloppy attention to detail.
What were you expecting? It was a movie spinoff of an old series that already ended. There wasn’t ever going to be discussion about it forever. That doesn’t mean it was shit, it was just a spin-off of a finished series
>attention to detail
>with fat middle aged meth damon
they didn't even try.
It was necessary. Breaking bad had loose ends and unexplored/unfinished characters, so there was a definitive way the sequel went without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
this is the dumbest fucking thread I've ever been in
this is the smartest fucking thread I've ever been in
That's bc you posted in it
YO XBOX, POST It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced. TO SLASH TV SLASH
That's bc you posted in it
Dubs and this thread gets stickied
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
I think people were expecting it to be some grand continuation where we learn the fates of everybody and were letdown it just being about Jesse. Honestly I liked it, it was pretty cozy. Only big complaint was fat Todd.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
That doesnt mean it was shit. The quality of it was shit. Acting subpar as hell. Nobody expected it to be as good as regular breaking bad but it was pretty terrible.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
I just want a Skinny Pete and Badger show of them playing vidya and talking about TV shows like a meth head version of Mystery Science Theater.
That would be unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
If this was unnecessary does that make BCS unnecessary too
No, because of interesting new characters and storylines. Not to mention Saul was a better character than Jesse so that adds interest.
it was kino and I don't care that it was unnecessary, I liked it
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
Obvious b8 is obvious.
You are unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
I liked it
Fuck off nip faggot.
That is unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Sneed didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a Feed to go without feeling forced.
Wast this movie necessary?
is the joke that all of those sequels are unnecessary?
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't any loose or ends unexplored/characters have unfinished for, so wasn't a go sequel to anywhere there without feeling forced.
fuck off vlad
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't any loose or ends unexplored/characters have unfinished for, so wasn't a go sequel to anywhere there without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't any loose or ends unexplored/characters have unfinished for, so wasn't a go sequel to anywhere there without feeling forced.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
Yo It wuz unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't gots any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so dere wasn't anywhere fo' uh sequel ta go without feeling forced peep this shit
Iwt was unnecessawy. Bweaking bad didn't have any woose ends ow unexpwowed/unfinished chawactews, so thewe wasn't anywhewe fow a sequew tuwu gow without feewing fowced
It was unnecessary, Anonerino! Breaking Bad doodley-didn't have any loose ends or unexplorinoed/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling ding-dong diddly forced.
Pretty sure Reddit loves everything BrBa-related more than life itself.
It was unnecessary. Breaking Bad didn't have any loose ends or unexplored/unfinished characters, so there wasn't anywhere for a sequel to go without feeling forced.
all me btw
It was necessary
>"most based person on this board" guy hasn't shown up yet
Well hi ;) sooooo yeaaaaaah. Im from reddit *shrugs* guess your (wrong your LOL) wondering (wandering?..lol) why im (so serious...? ok ok ill stop!) here. Well....i guess i kinda just like, like to post.....? *sigh* let me start from the beginning (of time? LOL JKS last one i swear) im a redditor ok? Reddit is just what i do ok i dont have the energy to finish this
This post was unnecessary. This thread didn't have any interesting/unique ideas, so there wasn't any reason for a mass reply without it feeling forced.