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don't talk shit about my boy ben


>"gloomy euro time traveling twin peaks!!! must watch!!!"

>just a bunch of sad euros having affairs

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>Neglected housewife starts lesbian affair

Using the same sound effect 50 times an episode gets pretty obnoxious m8

>Shitflix Shitriginal Shitries
is that way

Netflix production. It's surprising enough that it wasn't with a black guy. I'm not even American, and that shit stands out.

the sound design for this show is fantastic

as if id ever watch a show with subtitles

i dont even recall a specific instance of that sound and i've watched the show twice

>suspense_noise.mp3 while nothing is happening

Thank god there's other people who can't stand this shit.
I get that it's supposed to be spooky and unnerving, but BWOOOM or screeching violins in every fucking scene doesn't really help.

overrated overhyped

>muh timetravel
>muh sad characters
>muh woo do you remember that I'M SO DAD!?
>muh rain
>muh dramatic music
fuck this shitshow, why nobody in this show have an umbrella? fucking retarded

t. american brainlet

Next time watch without being on your phone 90% of the time, zoomer

do you have any actual criticism or are you incapable of thinking beyond retarded meme buzzwords?

>ready for my redemption arc atze?

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>Everyone is white
Truly another dimension

wow what a shit thread
Anyways, I hope we get more Ulrichkino in S3

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Is it actually worth a watch, lads? I've heard good things.

yes, don't listen to the retards itt who just marathoned stranger things

Netflix should be banned

june 27th, diggas.
get hyped.

It's pretty good, but it takes a while to actually get really interesting and compelling. If you have any curiosity about Germany/German culture and love batshit time travel stories, I'd recommend it for sure

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yes, it takes a while to really get going but they absolutely nail the gloomy atmosphere

Egonchads WW@

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they really did my boy dirty
ulrich had it worse tho

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You have really high standarts for this site, bro

been on this board probably longer than you've been alive. what's one instance where the sound effect is used in excess or frivolously?

The season 2 episode with adult Michael was the best in the whole series, and made me tear up

I thought they only used it in the first episode.

This episode was pure kino. The scene between Jonas and whatever her name is by the lake was beautiful.

there was a pic explaining how Jonas and Martha never actually kiss for the first time
really fucked my brain

>Literal cuck

Thought the intro song was OC for the show until I rewatched Breaking Bad

but he's banging best girl

The first season is really slow, but you'll understand why while watching season 2.
Honestly, go for it. Dark is one of the 3 shows I watch and I'm picky as fuck.

The other two being BCS and Barry?


>not watching everything with subtitles or captions

The 100 (last season was shit) and L'amica geniale.

god damn it that's funny

>criptically appears behind you as a bum
>"le time can't be le changed.... or can it?"
repeat for 1000x times: the show.

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and somehow it's still better than most shit on tv

not really, it's just as bad. you only like it because it's in german so it's "exotic" to you.


is Martha the ONLY female character that isn't a complete piece of shit? What the fuck is wrong with women?

Katherina is also in Babylon Berlin, and is an even bigger cunt, but it's a smaller part

is it in english?

no, use subs faggot

i prefer subs myself but the person i want to watch it with doesn't like them

Martha turns into a huge bitch without the slightest provocation. Throws a hissyfit to her mom, jonas, and that other boy she was dating for next to no reason.
>ur my mom!!!! But u dont act like it. Grrrrr
>also not thinking claudia is a huge bitch.

Why is she so perfect? I wish she had more screentime

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>child is angry that their parent has been completely ignoring her and her brother, and, in fact, just disappearing for days at a time
>angry at jonas for accusing her of being a whore
big think retard

L'amica Geniale is kino. Can't wait for next season, it's my favourite of the books.

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do americans really?

I know someone with a mentally challenged family member, it can be hard. Be strong.

bitchy little deaf lizzy a cute

i love this show and i cant figure out why! theres not much to it but i cant stop watching. first 2 eps of new season are fantastic already

grown up elizabeth is a bitch though

Yeah, I torrented the second season when it dropped a month or so ago. Don't know if you've read the books but they follow them very closely. Fuck Nino

try sign languaging that to her face and see what happens

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im watching on hbo. they have only shown 2 eps of s2. ep 3 tonight i think

Cool, it's already aired on italian tv and was uploaded to HBO Nordic at the same time. Seems weird you have to wait for it in America then.

oh wild. after watching the little my true brilliant friend doc they made after season one i found it fascinating to see they have been speaking in a different italian dialect than their normal ones. also appreciate how much work they put into constructing the entire little town out of nothing