Why didn’t Harry try to bang her after defeating Voldemort? Andy why didn’t he try to bang Hermione for that matter? Possibly the biggest plot hole of these flicks.
Why didn’t Harry try to bang her after defeating Voldemort? Andy why didn’t he try to bang Hermione for that matter...
Because he's not coomer scum, also my name's not Andy
Cause Harry is a huge beta
Harry loves firecrotch
Cuz Harry doesn't race mix
>why didn’t he try to bang Hermione for that matter
Better question, why didnt she try to bang him?
But she’s not even cute.
Cuz her boyfriend was kill
Ginny is such a simp.
The fan girl who got to fuck her crush.
Why did she ditch Viktor Chad for that beta Ron?
He tapped that nerdy twat every night for months while Ron left. Ron got Harry's sloppy seconds.
Because the book was written by a white woman.
>Harry turns into a middle aged has-been who peaked in high school
>doesn't take advantage of his celebrity status to fuck teenagers and become a coomer
most unrealistic part of this franchise
She was the only Asian there, probably sick and tired of people fetishizing her for being Asian. Same thing happened to the only black girl at my high school.
Harry could have told Cho that he was thinking of her while fighting Voldemort and that’s what got him through it or some bullshit. She would have spread those legs faster than you could say ‘batsoup’.
The most famous wizard ever grows up to marry a groupie and be a magical cop.
I ask myself this everyday. The amount of chicks in highschool who were open for a smashing.
For me? It's Romilda Vane
so he's basically his dad
>peaked in hs
>became a fucking loser that got 1 shot immediately
Snape was right about Potters
You were the Harry Potter of your hs?
Isn't book Ginny a turbo Stacy?
I was thinking about it and the more I think about it the more it seems like Harry wanted to fuck Ron but he wasn't gay. In the books him and Ron always had the closest relationship, Hermione was there but she kind of felt like the third wheel who the two of them hung out with because they felt bad for her. Harry didn't seem to be in love with Ginny, he was in love with the Weasley's and wanted to marry into the clan in whatever way he could. Seeing as the rest were boys his only option was this boring slag.
Makes sense. So do you think he almost exclusively fucks her in the ass then?
>Harry why did you make me cut my hair short? Also why are you buying me so many trousers?
She’s the ugliest girl on The Witcher.
Why didn’t Harry ever date a chocolate hunny?
Some guys will hook up with the first girl that shows them unlimited devotion.
That’s supposed to be SJW Hermione right?
This. If it had been written by a man, Harry would've ended up with Luna.
in the books Ginny is a12/10 bombshell popular girl and Harry was an accidental Chad
movie has bad casting
>hermione was supposed to be the homely bookworm and ginny the femchad
>we get the complete inverse
Ron should have ended up with some skag eurotraah Chav
Race mixing is far worse
Yeah, but they never show it. She disappears after the second and doesn't really show up again in the sixth, just in time to be Harry's girlfriend. She does absolutely nothing after that and never develops even a hint of a personality.
she was?
give it 'ere, malfoy
All I remember from the books is Ginny being too nervous or embarrassed to speak to Harry or even be near him for extended lengths of time.
me too. she was a literal who so far as I could remember
Couldve had all the teenage wizzard pussy in the world....
You know why Harry ends up with Ginny? Because it’s what teen girls were writing in their fanfic slash at the time.
JK gave up and just went full fan service.
You never miss a thread do you
basically Yas Forums
Hum nigga I've never peaked
Everyone wanted to see him with Hermione, and it was the most logical thing
>Why didn’t Harry try to bang her after defeating Voldemort?
She was jealous and insecure about Harry's friendship with Hermione.
She was also best friends with a government snitch and she took the snitch's side in the fallout.
>all these simps/coomers/incels in this thread
the eugenics program was a success
you peaked until maybe elementary school when you got into anime. It was all downhill from then
Jokes on you I peaked in elementary school.
>She was jealous and insecure about Harry's friendship with Hermione.
>implying she wouldn’t take Harry’s wand if he really tried
>She was also best friends with a government snitch and she took the snitch's side in the fallout.
He still could have banged her. I’m not saying he should have married her.
When the movie came out in East Asia they thought she was ugly
They should’ve picked someone cuter tbqh.
Hermione is a proud BLACK woman you bigot.
She's also a huge whore and a used good roastie, who lost her virginity in Year 3
He literally got love potioned by that harlot.
underrated post
bitch please
>peaked in hs
I'm pretty sure that the majority of Yas Forums hated high school, but that might just be me projecting.
Yeah, I think most of Yas Forums were always nerds and losers.
I haven't watched a single Harry Potter movie
We all know who the real best girl was.
Yeah because she actually looks asian and isn't some plastic surgery bogpilled elf bitch
The first 2 of them are actually great childhood fantasy kinos. 3 is ok, and the others are pretty shit, so you're not missing much. Books are much better, but probably not worth reading if you didn't grow up with it.
mine neither
Should've gotten himself some tigers